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Introducing Friendly Jordies
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Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 22 November 2019 2:43:02 PM
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Rarely watch youtube but loved it steelredux, BUT fact got in the way
And idiot related to me by marriage has been arrested with his farmer mate Back burned! in one of NSW worst fires Burnt as much as the one they wanted protection from Police say they will get three years, we can only hope so. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 23 November 2019 4:41:23 PM
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What imbecile, socially inept mentality !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 November 2019 5:01:16 PM
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Dear belly,
Glad you enjoyed him. Here is another one on private health insurance. And he is currently being sued by Clive Palmer but then again who isn't. Dear individual, Well he must have got all his facts straight then for you to go after him personally. All good stuff. Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 23 November 2019 6:15:32 PM
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I enjoyed him, must watch more after I eat. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 23 November 2019 7:20:53 PM
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I can't disagree with this video. At least on most levels of its sentiment.
If these bushfires don't highlight the total abandonment of the population to user-pay, and budget vandalism, and it's appalling consequences, what else could? And as for the pontificating brain dead alcoholic, Barnaby Joyce, the Godfather of the politicians mafia base, country style; why isn't he behind bars? This thief of precious taxpayer dollars, responsible for multi million dollar payments into Cayman Island tax avoidance bank accounts of his back scratching mates and their relations, for no-water buy backs. He should be shot! Dan Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 23 November 2019 7:47:02 PM
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I'm almost reluctant to do this...bursting bubbles and all.
He gets some dodgy figures, manipulates them and then ridicules others for lying. 1. His figures show show 95589 ha of hazard reduction in 2017/18. The official RFS report says 147,626.35 ha. I didn't bother checking the rest of the numbers but I suspect a similar fudge. 2. He continually goes on about the supposed decline in burning under the Libs as compared to those wonderful (wipes tear from eye) Labs. He shows the figures from the time the Libs took over. I guess he didn't have the space to show the previous Lab figures. So for 2010-11 -- 116,000 ha for 2011-12 -- -- - c. 128,000 ha (last year of Lab) for 2012-13 -- -- 208,000 ha (first year of Libs) A two-and half times increase. There's even an ABC fact check to confirm that. I wonder why the wonder kid didn't manage to mention that. Enjoy him for his comedic stunts (such as they are), but let's hope the majority of the millennials are more honest than him. Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 24 November 2019 9:12:21 AM
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What a clown. It sure tells us a lot about you SR.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 24 November 2019 10:21:17 AM
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Loved it steelredux please forgive but I MUST ADRESS FIRES
IF A THING I SAY IS UNTRUE I AM WORTHLESS 1 Never been in a brigade that did not have a fire bug 2 Winter burns do not take place for two reasons [the greens are not one of them ] they get away burn houses down become firestorms in the current extreme dry 2nd those in charge COUNCILS refuse to give permission even when conditions are right AS A PROUD former union official, with a seat at the table, management workers union for both parks and forests both have seen fire fighters reduced by over half in the last ten years Those gone are the best they even got rid of plane jumpers who went overseas to help CASUAL LABOUR is used now untrained to? winter burn So let's leave the greens out of this and ask why yet again, a Royal Commision THAT WILL BE SET UP after this soon to be horrific summer will hand down recommendations that AGAIN will be ignored Posted by Belly, Sunday, 24 November 2019 3:18:16 PM
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Great stuff Steele.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 25 November 2019 8:19:02 AM
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Puerile stuff propagated by a puerile mind for other puerile minds to follow.
Of course from a lefty to a lefty it must be good, by definition. Hell some lefties still even think Obama was other than a catastrophe, & KRudd & Gillard were a gift to posterity. God help them. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 25 November 2019 9:01:13 AM
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Hasbeen thanks, every word confirms you are ill equipped to judge anyone
Love those rants every one of them Posted by Belly, Monday, 25 November 2019 10:39:21 AM
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That the chap was either lying or terribly ill-informed as regards his data is easily demonstrated. Yet because he's saying what they want to hear, being demonstrably wrong is just ignored. We see this so often in so many areas of contention that one wonders if they are living in an alternate reality. I'm not sure if its a good thing or not. One would hope and expect that, ultimately, those views based on the facts would prevail. But perhaps we are so far down the post-modern road that the opposite is the case Posted by mhaze, Monday, 25 November 2019 12:20:09 PM
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Dear mhaze,
You really are a slippery dick aren't you. Friendly Jordies lists 7 sources for his figures. You list zero. Your form in this regard is an absolute disgrace. Out of around 30 plus ten year periods over the ice record you picked the only one you could find to show a 'increase' in ice extent in the Arctic. Now you waltz in here with a bunch of unsubstantiated figures and proclaim his are crap. Absolute bulldust. Now how about you at least do the bare minimum and stump up with at least a single source, or is even that beyond you. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 25 November 2019 6:00:14 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,
How's it going old cock? Good? Puerile? Mate, the way you behave on this forum is the very epitome of puerile. Always attacking the messenger never the message. That is bloody kindergarten stuff and it always has been. How about tackling just one of his arguments. At least mhaze had a go albeit lambfistedly. Give it a crack for once. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 25 November 2019 6:07:28 PM
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Posted by individual, Monday, 25 November 2019 7:12:46 PM
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OH dear SR,
Still whining about being outed (or was 'outliered') on the Arctic issue. You need to chill out on the Arctic. individual, Yes I remember that article. It caused quite the ruckus at the time (2017). The scary part is that the 2019 version of these folk make the 2017 version seem almost sane. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 7:33:59 AM
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A RFS volunteer has been charged with lighting 7 fires in the Bega Valley. Barnyard Joy should be able to tell us if he voted National, like that farmer who also started a fire. Come on Barnyard give us one of your rants denigrating RFS volunteers and farmers for lighting fires.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 27 November 2019 12:24:20 PM
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Well what do you know, drug growers have been promoted to the ranks of farmers by our ratbag greens. I find it amusing that they are so anti tobacco, but prow damn near all the really dangerous drugs. Ratbags.
Come off the raw prawn SR. You can't expect anyone to sit through the cr#p you pushed to start the thread, so they can refute the so called "arguments". The few seconds I watched was on about a par, or a little below the green exploding heads video. Note to self, avoid what ever it is these people smoke. What is it with you people, that you can't use respectable arguments. Hang on, you get rolled every time you try that, as you have no argument, so resort to this childish stuff. Do try to grow up a little. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 27 November 2019 1:45:08 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,
You are a good laugh most of the time old cock but you have surpassed yourself on this occasion. When was the last time you backed up one of your arguments with facts? I would think not once over the last many years. The reason, you are just too bloody scared of getting shown up with a bare cupboard. You do so much self projecting your name should be in the dictionary as a classic example of the failure. Dear mhaze, Hardly whining old chap, just pointing out your previous form and letting its tale of routinely deceptively treating figures to speak for its self. And true to form you have done it again. You put "2011-12 -- -- - c. 128,000 ha (last year of Lab)" This is of course a financial year, 1st July 2011 to 31st of June 2012. But the Libs were elected in March 2011 so this wasn't the "last year of Lab" at all was it. Next you shamelessly did exactly what you accuse Friendly Jordies of and exclude the earlier 2009-10 year under Labour which saw 178,000 hectares treated. Slippery as a butcher's dick. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 27 November 2019 7:58:55 PM
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Hey SteeleRedux,
I don't think he's really much to my taste, sorry. I guess I found it hard to enjoy the mix of both his comedy and his attempts to lay out serious facts at the same time. I feel like comedy and serious don't really mix; - But it could very well be that I was distracted and a little put off by his leftist and Pro Greens demeanor. But I will say although I wasn't all that keen on him, I wasn't necessarily opposed to his research or attempt to lay out facts. I wish he had've just simply laid his facts out and not bothered with the comedy performance. Thanks for sharing the video. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 27 November 2019 8:38:49 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,
As I said at the start he will not be to everyone's taste and I'm pretty sure we are not the main demographic. I will say though I think comedy does definitely have a role in politics and has been a feature of the Australian variety for a very long time. I'm sure you remember Rubbery Figures. It was all politics. But here is the thing, this bloke is hardly a shill for the Green, nor is he incapable of firing up. Do yourself a favour and watch this for the full 6 and a bit minutes. It might give you a different perspective on the man. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 28 November 2019 12:02:19 PM
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YES politics has indeed steelredux, got a role to play in politics
Out PM in defending a Minister who has been a failure from day one, put himself on the list of not up to the job people Got to laugh He then quoted a radio station but called the a Detective Sergeant? Laugh but never try to tell us politics can never be funny Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 November 2019 5:35:28 AM
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RIP Clive James.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 29 November 2019 8:41:34 AM
He is a young comedian who is one of my favourite youtube subscriptions at the moment.
He gives a younger generation perspective on things like politics and pop culture which I find pretty entertaining but also uplifting because it is great to see that demographic seeing through the spin as he does.
Here is his take on the debate around the bushfires recently and in my opinion he hits the nail on the head.
His politics are to the left although he has little time for the ABC calling them out all the time.
He will not be everyone's taste but I am certainly enjoying his content at the moment and felt a plug would not go astray.