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Climate Emergency

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A new observation from Barnyard Joy, the guy who reckoned it was only Green voting folks who burned up in bushfires. Does the same fool believe if you live in a LNP controlled state like NSW, SA, you stand a good chance of having your house burned down in a bushfire. It would fit his logic.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 23 December 2019 10:24:16 PM
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Paul just been soundly abused, by a mate.
We met years ago in firefighting, he won an award for it.
We both are over 30 years servers
Yet he took to print DEMANDING we do not believe? ex firefighters
See they have no rights or understanding, to claim the climate? is changing!
My question? is your past service also the Australian award, evidence you too do not know what you are talking about?
Went down like a lead balloon
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 24 December 2019 12:46:48 PM
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Bottom of the barrel stuff Paul, and a very dirty barrel at that.
The idiot highlights his inability to even think, like a normal person.
Face it, like the thread about freedom of speech involving religion, he highlights some views are in support of dumb bigotry
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 24 December 2019 6:06:08 PM
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Of course bush fires only raged in times past in the Summer. The Climate has changed. Nonsense!

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald on November 29, 1968
Flashback, 1968: The Blue Mountains engulfed by fires
In the spring of 1968, after years of drought, New South Wales was a tinderbox. In September bushfires broke out, and over the next 68 days, 14 people were killed and more than a million hectares burned. On October 28, the lower Blue Mountains to the west of Sydney erupted in flames, plunging the area into a five-day state of emergency.

Fires not supposed to happen in Spring
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 26 December 2019 7:50:28 AM
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2019 has broken all sorts of records.

I'm sorry your flashbacks speak more loudly to you than scientific instruments, but that's your problem to deal with, not ours.

Disprove this!

In 1856 Eunice Foote discovered CO2 traps heat very effectively. John Tyndall confirmed it in 1859. The power of CO2 as a heat trapper can be tested in any decent physics lab on the planet. Trap some CO2, shine various wavelengths of energy through it, and see what "shadows" form on the other side. The shadows indicate what wavelengths didn't make it and were redirected by the gases.
Even simple thermal cameras can confirm it. Watch the candle at 90 seconds in! (1 minute) It's SUCH basic physics that even Mythbusters could set up a backyard test that demonstrated how CO2 traps heat. (3 minutes) CO2 traps heat. This is known. It's in physics textbooks over a century old. Warnings to the public started over 60 years ago, as this 1958 Bell Telephone Company "Science Hour" shows. (2 minutes).
Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 26 December 2019 9:31:28 AM
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Max Green, you only have one mantra. Yes CO2 creates shadow, I learned that in science year 7 in 1952. What is your point? There is a bigger range in Climate than effects of CO2.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 26 December 2019 10:13:56 AM
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