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Climate Emergency

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Hi Josephus,

Even simple thermal cameras can confirm that CO2 traps heat!
Watch the candle at 90 seconds in! (1 minute)

It's SUCH basic physics that even Mythbusters could set up a backyard test that demonstrated how CO2 traps heat. (3 minutes) CO2 traps heat.

Disprove this and you'll win today.
Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 19 December 2019 6:49:26 PM
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Josephus yes you got those right EXTREMES are behind the draught, the firers, the deaths yesterday
And even if it hurts the *all-time records*
Set yesterday the day before and tomorrow in my state and my country.
You will learn to fear the ever-increasing extremes.
They entrench this truth
Man-made climate change is real, and we are probably too late to stall it
Posted by Belly, Friday, 20 December 2019 6:22:30 AM
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Dear Josephus,

Coal gave us the industrial revolution, which had a lot of dark moments but really helped kick start some of the good things about the modern world as well. But you can have too much of a good thing. Without water, you will die. But if you drink too much you'll get water poisoning. It's a thing, look it up. If we drop you in the middle of the Pacific ocean without a raft, you will drown.

Sometimes even small increases are bad. A glass or 2 of wine might be fine, but get over 500 parts-per-million alcohol in your blood, and you're over the limit pal. That's 0.05%! We're currently trying to stop our world hitting 0.05% CO2 in the atmosphere. We're currently passing 0.04%, and it's not fine!
Posted by Max Green, Friday, 20 December 2019 6:07:25 PM
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Great, now it really looks like the Siberian permafrost has kicked into a new level of melting, releasing billions of tons of methane.

But we've got to take Josephus' "Highly scientific, data driven, worldwide observations" (not!) that where he lives has always been cold. ;-) The REAL science based on real data gathered from across the real world says it's warming. Fast. And that this is bad. As we can see in Australia right now.
Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 21 December 2019 7:47:20 AM
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The whole theme is impacting on my real life, see I am a warmist
Who knew?
And my facebook feed includes my social clubs and ex-union members, mates including coal miners
And boy it is getting hot, even nasty
Victims of the fake news factory, some demand I no longer hold my views
Some very very bright ham radio mates have got so out of control I one of two remaining foundation members, am going to leave the club
[And my donations over 30 years more than doubles the current club balance]
WHY, what drives us to fight over this, to post pure hate about that award-winning young woman?
To think about it, as HASBEEN said say the BOM is a fraud part of a hoax!
In time, these fires this drought have recruited thousands more believers, we will not see this much blind hate
we will see even this government, forced into action
The wounds, however, will take a long time to heal.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 21 December 2019 10:21:42 AM
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Meanwhile the clock is ticking.

MHAZE would immediately say the whole clock thing is fictitious, and that they can't possibly put such a fine limit on it, and that there is a range.

I agree that there's a range, but not that this makes the VERY IDEA of a carbon clock fictitious. The RANGE also includes things like whether we "save extra" on our carbon budget debt by carbon sequestration schemes etc.

Does putting little extra on your mortgage each month lower the final interest bill? OF COURSE! Do you know whether or not you might have to extend your mortgage due to some family emergency or small extension to the house in 20 years? Of course not! But does having a budget and saving a little extra on the side make sense? Of course!

We KNOW the physics of CO2 works from tests in the lab. (Whatever old Josephus might say.) We're PRETTY SURE doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere will be very bad. (NASA and the IPCC say there's only a TINY chance it wouldn't, like reverse Russian Roulette where all 5 chambers are loaded and only 1 empty.)

So why on earth wouldn't we just nationalise energy and roll out the nukes? France did it! (And note Josephus that didn't create a one world government.)
Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 21 December 2019 11:09:42 AM
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