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Climate Emergency

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Max here is a truth
I am nearly dyslexic, left school, very very young to work.
Eldest sons of big bush very poor families did that, some still do.
I understand my punctuation and grammar is the problem
Have you seen that deliberate form of miss-spelling aimed at proving we can still make sense out of it?
Life has been my school, so long ago, 74 now, 13 on stating work, less than 16 on leaving home [but sending most of my wages home weekly]
I achieved a great deal, live even now live by this *while I live I grow*
Installed a grammar thing, it leads me too often into that goggle thing that would send us over a hill, if we let it.
Do not feel sorry for me, I have had many things published.
Try every day, to improve, yes my sentence construction is bad
And yes hard to read, not however for everyone, see your inability to put in the pauses, read it as you wish, is a minor form of? dyslexia too.
Now my opinions, weird strange, not yours, we MUST NEVER EVER CONSIDER writing only as others wish blandness is an illness
Never the less I find your reappearance welcome and your posts true
My regards but too sorry, some things are not possible, but you could if you wish, name a good grammar fix
Posted by Belly, Friday, 27 December 2019 2:56:08 PM
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if you've made it to 74 with dyslexia and other issues, then my bad. Write however you want!
Posted by Max Green, Friday, 27 December 2019 6:40:05 PM
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Carbon Dioxide and Ocean levels from scientific specialists.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 28 December 2019 11:04:24 AM
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I'm not reading a single post of yours until you respond to my answer to your last absurd claims! Otherwise, you're just being an absurd, rude internet troll.

2019 has broken all sorts of records.

I'm sorry your flashbacks speak more loudly to you than scientific instruments, but that's your problem to deal with, not ours.

Disprove this!

In 1856 Eunice Foote discovered CO2 traps heat very effectively. John Tyndall confirmed it in 1859. The power of CO2 as a heat trapper can be tested in any decent physics lab on the planet. Trap some CO2, shine various wavelengths of energy through it, and see what "shadows" form on the other side. The shadows indicate what wavelengths didn't make it and were redirected by the gases.
Even simple thermal cameras can confirm it. Watch the candle at 90 seconds in! (1 minute) It's SUCH basic physics that even Mythbusters could set up a backyard test that demonstrated how CO2 traps heat. (3 minutes) CO2 traps heat. This is known. It's in physics textbooks over a century old. Warnings to the public started over 60 years ago, as this 1958 Bell Telephone Company "Science Hour" shows. (2 minutes).
Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 28 December 2019 12:15:03 PM
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Max so you respond in anger to me, and not listen to the science on URLs I post. Obviously you are a reader of one opinion, and cannot balance reason.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 28 December 2019 5:04:29 PM
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Max, False that the oceans would rise by 150 feet. Get real current science. There has been a thermal ocean pool of the east coast of NZ as big as Australia. Wait till hat heat spreads through the ocean and we will have monsoon rain like you have not seen.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 28 December 2019 5:14:22 PM
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