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The Forum > General Discussion > Australian Muslims being UNITED is a worse than a Bomb

Australian Muslims being UNITED is a worse than a Bomb

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Boazy: "God DID declare that the Canaanites were to be 'utterly destroyed'.
I make no apology for the Almighty on that score.
2/ This specific place and time related command has NOTHING to do with use today or even the people of Israel AFTER that time."

Fascinating. As I understand Boazy's chief beef with Islam, it's because somewhere in the Q'uran Mohammed - claiming to be the prophet of God - ordered some enemies killed and their women enslaved. However, he's apparently fine about genocide when it's ordered by his own God... except the Old Testament God's the same god as the Q'uranic God isn't he?

Boazy claims that Christians are somehow more benign because Jesus was never recorded as advocating quite as extreme violence in Boazy's Holy Book. But hang on, isn't part of the Christian faith the belief that Jesus actually *is* God? If so, how is he let off the hook for his Old Testament atrocities?

Or is he a different God? Like one of Boazy's other heroes said, please explain?

I think Pericles is on the mark here, as usual. To those of us who aren't intellectually disabled by blind faith, that Old Testament crap is every bit as appalling as those verses from the Q'uran that Boazy loves to quote.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 13 August 2007 11:06:52 AM
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What are your views on a nation that drops one tonne bombs on heavily populated apartment building, imprisons and kills without trial, and committs international crimes?

Could you answer as a decent human being and not a dogmatic religous groupie?
Posted by sunisle, Monday, 13 August 2007 12:04:01 PM
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CJ Morgan, good luck in your attempt to get Boazy to understand that Jesus supposedly being one with the god of the old testament means that he was supposedly a part of those attrocities. I've spent more posts than I care to remember on that and the ducks feathers are still dry.

As for the original topic - I'm much more concerned about the current power exercised by fundy christains than the unlikely possibility that Australia's muslim population will unite under a common extremist banner.

If they were to unite in some manner it would most likely be the result of continued attacks by outside extremists and being forced to feel apart but what Australian would be party to creating that situation? (I didn't mention any names)

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 13 August 2007 1:06:00 PM
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Not content with mere character assassinations of fellow posters, the oh-so-tolerant CJ Morgan is now vilifying Christians in general. A remarkably intolerant outburst from somebody who sanctimoniously preaches 'tolerance'. Or is that simply tolerance of all things non-Western and non-Christian?

CJ Morgan and his ilk are a confused bunch. Such secular 'progressives' proclaim their adherence to the idea that all cultures, values and faiths are equal, but yet don't want to live in anything but an advanced, Christian-based Western society. They seem to want to have their cake and eat it too.
Posted by Dresdener, Monday, 13 August 2007 1:23:01 PM
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"Most Englishmen of the day
considered that a life of unrestrained licentiousness could be indulged in with
impunity, and with this frame of mind much of the nation threw off restraint and
plunged itself headlong into godless living."

Ah, and then came the Victorian era! Where women were told
to chew an apple, or lie back and think of England.
Where sex was seen as evil and dirty etc. Where people were
filled with weird hangups, all due to religious fanatics.

Get used to it kids, sex is normal and natural. From birds
and bees, to bonobos to people.

If you try to distort that with weird religious stuff, you
will fail. No wonder Islam is growing faster then Christianity.
As the Catholic Church has found out, if you try to interfere with
peoples sex lives as they have, they will simply leave your
church and go elsewhere.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 13 August 2007 3:10:35 PM
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The poor devils have enough to contend with now. If they attempt to change their faith or mock Allah they can be killed.
Posted by SILLE, Monday, 13 August 2007 6:29:18 PM
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