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The Forum > General Discussion > Does religion breed hatred, bigotry, and violence?

Does religion breed hatred, bigotry, and violence?

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To Mr. Opinion.

What is religion? It'd be easier to just have a list of recognized religions. Depending on who you ask you'll get a different answer. Even experts and scholars will have different criteria and definition for what makes something a religion versus what is a group of philosophies or habits and behaviors. (For instance global warming is now coined as a religion by some. Does it fit the criteria? Depends on who you ask.)

Then there is some kind of concepts of "true religion" versus something else. Yuyustu has some philosophies on what is religion that has nothing to do with organizations as much as a means of leading people to God. I think in some conversations he's said that some beliefs that don't believe in any God still make a person go to God because of what's believed, taught, and lessons learned sort of thing.

So yeah. I'd say it'd just be easier to have a list of different religions to compare to then to debate what religion actually is. Personally I'd rather just stick to the specifics of which religion instead of generalizing all the religions together. That usage of the term has become a smokescreen to criticize all religions through complains from any religion.

To Armchair Critic.

Sad news. Glad they caught the guy before anyone else was stabbed. (Also glad it was a knife and not a gun). It'd be nice to know what religion he was muttering from. If it came from a sermon or a section in some religious writings, or if the guy was with no religion and just off his rocker. (Which he definitely was). If this was influenced by something preached in a mosque or a church, then those preachers should be notified. If they gave a similar message, make sure there's something in there to not kill due to that teaching. Specifically for the mentally unstable that might be listening in the crowd.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 6:33:20 AM
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Dear NNS,

To me my beliefs are personal. I have no wish to
convert anyone else. To me as I stated earlier
religion is internal. It does not matter what we
call it or how we frame it. It is a mystical
phenomenon. I feel like a seeker, a pilgrim.
The pilgrimage is a process by which we can change
what we think and transform who we are. Prayer is
the pilgrim's walking stick. I pray for the capacity
to see the good in people.

I shan't say any power - because as I stated earlier,
it is personal. I will just add that I have found
that praying helps. Through prayer we do find what
we can't find elsewhere: a peace that is not of this
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 11:15:10 AM
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cont'd ...

Ooooops. Excuse my typo.

I meant to say - "I shan't say any more -
because it is personal." I don't want
to sound as though I am preaching.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 11:28:08 AM
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Mr O,

You asked what is a religion?

Well firstly you need a spiritual leader, a messiah, a prophet, like Jesus, or Mohammad or Fred Flintstone, all equally valid. Then you need something to worship, a god, a deity, a giant pumpkin, whatever. Then you need a rule book to follow, scripture, the Bible, the Koran or if nothing else Marvel Comics will do the trick. Then most importantly you need followers, particular cashed up one if you can find them. No followers, no religion.

p/s A catchy name goes down well, and a couple of high profile celebs also tends to kick start the whole thing.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 12:21:19 PM
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I don't know why everyone wants to beat around the bush when asked What is religion? Everybody has been giving an answer without an answer. Let me have a go to see what sort of result I come up with:

Religion is a mode of thinking about and ordering the world outside of scientific, common sense and everyday actions and is typically defined by belief in the supernatural, which enables its adherents to control or direct outcomes to their advantage.

How does that sound? Now you have a go.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 2:55:55 PM
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As stated earlier - for some religion is a system
of communally shared beliefs and rituals that are
oriented toward some sacred, supernatural realm.

Whatever our religious beliefs may be, we usually
learn them from other people through socialisation into
a particular faith. (or through resocialisation, if we
convert to another). The religious convictions that
anyone holds are influenced by the historical and social
context in which that person happens to live.

Someone born in ancient Rome would probably have
believed that Jupiter is father of the gods; at any rate,
he or she would certainly not have been a Southern
Baptist or a Hindu.

Similarly, if your parents are Catholic, you probably
were or still are Catholic; if they are Mormon, you are
or were Mormon, and so it goes.

Of course we are not the passive prisoners of our
upbringing of course, but even people who decide to
convert from one religion to another must almost
inevitably select their new faith from the unique range of
options that their particular culture happens to offer at
a particular point in its history.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 3:20:02 PM
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