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Change Australian culture?

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"Hi Ginx, I can understand how you would expect to be misunderstood. Is English your ‘second language’? I suspect that your main tongue is Gibberish. As for ‘I won't bother to try any further with a rational discussion’, you haven’t done so in the past so how will we know the difference? Poor Wee Misunderstood Ginx!" (Quote:Jasper)

You can understand gibberish? Well done! No surprises there.,...JSPer,,...has anybody mentioned to you that when you don your fetching white ensemble, you,,..have to cut out some holes for the eyes?

Clearly you've sustained some brain damage from blundering around colliding with trees whilst seeking your two strong bits of wood.
Posted by Ginx, Monday, 20 August 2007 12:39:57 PM
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James Purser said: "The above are ABS figures for the whole country."

Those figures are meaningless as they do not show long-term demographic trends. For example, the last census revealed a significant decline in the number of Italian, Greek and German-born Australians - major source countries of post-war migrants. The UK may still be the most common birthplace for foreign-born Australians, but I suspect British-born Australians are in decline as a proportion of the population as immigration from Europe has been reduced to a mere trickle over the last decade or two.

There is an arithmetical certitude about some aspects of demography. For example, Australia's current native-born population cannot have more young adults of childbearing age in 2020 than it has teenagers, children and infants today. A below-replacement birth rate means that no long-term population growth can occur without immigration. And with our population predicted to hit nearly 30 million by 2050, we can expect immigration - lots of immigration - in the coming decades.

The decline of Australia's founding majority, both in proportional and absolute terms, combined with mass immigration from the Third World will result in a major cultural change here in Australia. Simply put, the Australia we know and love as our own will disappear under the weight of unrelenting mass immigration. Such an unabating deluge of people could best be described as a new wave of colonisation.

Such a transformation will delight the multiculturalists. On the other hand, those who prefer Western civilisation have a real reason to be concerned. There's not a single category of enlightened governance in which the West broadly speaking isn't superior to the rest of the world. Democracy, religious freedom, social mobility, and tolerance, the guarantee of rights and liberties in law, prosperity — you name it, and we beat them hands down (though in family unity and social solidarity, they have the edge on us). Moreover, in terms of science, innovation, commerce, philosophy, religion, art, literature, the West still leads the world.

But ultimately, it's a numbers game, and the demographics don't look good for Western civilization, Australia included.
Posted by Dresdener, Thursday, 23 August 2007 4:13:16 AM
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Pericles, I never advocated that we should become less civilised. I would much rather live in a civilised world. When a people is confronted by an alien menace, it’s no use to turn the other cheek and be civilised about it. If an invasion force landed on our shores, would you be ‘civilised’ and stroll down to explain how they weren’t being nice and that, if they didn’t mind, would they please go away? The only answer is to fight fire with fire. Then, once we are safe, we can be civilised.
BTW, what ideas do you recommend that we ‘live with’? That part was difficult to follow. Perhaps if you wrote more clearly, even I could grasp your concepts. None of the inmates understood either.

Hi Ginx, I have learnt Gibberish by necessity; otherwise how could I keep up our riveting correspondence? Poor wee gibbering Ginx.
Posted by JSP1488, Saturday, 25 August 2007 11:10:52 AM
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How right you are!

Today I was driving through the bush and listening to some old Slim music. Then I switched on the radio and it was playing- I still Call Australia home.
I kept driving thinking of the old days with the billy on the camp fire and some of the old timers who fought for our country and wondered what they would say now.

Suddenly I realised their were tears in my eyes and I felt very sad.
I pulled over and watched a few birds larking about in a tree near by and some stock grazing.
Sitting there I thought about the shopping center I had been in hours earlier and the people mostly speaking in another langauge with lots weraing their head gear.
I came to this conclushion- I DONT LIKE IT.

I dont like it and I find the head gear offensive and actually scarey.
There was this funny little kid at the center and she was screaming terrified of these women.

I dont my country changed and I reckon we ALL have a right to SAY SO
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 25 August 2007 6:28:47 PM
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PALEIF: "Suddenly I realised their were tears in my eyes and I felt very sad."

I've noticed how sad the xenophobes in this forum seem to be.

"I dont like it and I find the head gear offensive and actually scarey."

Yes, xenophobia means fear of foreigners, so I suppose that's at the bottom of it. What a miserable life you must have.

Our society and culture have changed irrevocably from the supposedly halcyon days of the British Empire and the White Australia Policy. Most of us recognise that our nation is the richer for it - culturally, socially and materially.

On the other hand, there are some people who doom themselves to sad, embittered and fearful lives by clinging desperately to an imagined homogeneous past. In my opinion, it is they who don't belong in contemporary Australia.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 25 August 2007 8:02:02 PM
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When I was about 10 years old and on a boat there was this (adult) negro and we just ended up talking. He asked me how come I talked to him and others where shunning him. I recall to make known that the colour of his skin did not worry me. Now this was many decades ago in Europe, not Australia. I grew up where racism was part of life, but I refused to participate in it. People used to warn about the blacks, the yellow, the communist and whatever. It never worried me.
My wife tells me there are to many coloured people in Australia and she feels uncomfortable about it (she is herself from middle Europe) but it never worried me.
My wife doesn’t like to go to certain churches because of the coloured people being there in droves, I do not practice religion but accompany her anyhow but the coloured people never worried me.
But what does worry me is when the Federal Government is spending a lot of money on coloured people in killing them , such as in Iraq, as those people never worried me and why then should my tax money be spend on killing them!
While the Federal government will say it has to be done to get rid of the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and TERRORIST and to make us all safer, I think that I rather prefer how I always had it, let the coloured people be around me and I never feared them and it was a lot cheaper then having our tax dollars spend to fight illusive enemies.
If just we saw others not for the colour of their skin but for being a fellow human beings, then we might all be a lot safer and avoid wasting out taxation monies!
The irony is that more then likely those you trust may harm you and those you distrust me actually turn out to be trustworthy after all. Hence look at all people with a disregard of their colour of skin!
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Sunday, 26 August 2007 3:46:13 AM
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