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The Forum > General Discussion > What ! No Global Warming ?

What ! No Global Warming ?

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National Senator, Matt Canavan recognises the common sense of Australians who support industries that develop wealth and create jobs. The north of his own state, Queensland, has had 10% unemployment for the last few years. At the peak of the economic downturn, Townsville's workforce was reduced by 33%. Yet, the climate catastrophists blocked Adani for years: a project that will provide jobs and add $10 billion to our export income
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 21 July 2019 2:19:11 PM
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Hey ttbn,

Tell us all about how the planet is not getting hotter even though the scientific community which is measuring temperatures around the planet is recording that the temperature of the planet is rising as well as saying that the temperature rise is being caused by anthropogenic activity. And this is the same scientific community that you, Hasbeen, mhaze, Loudmouth and individual keep telling us are lying about global warming.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 21 July 2019 2:45:19 PM
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There seems to be no doubt that the planet has warmed to a small extent
since the Maunder minimum, then some hundreds of years previously there
was the Middle Ages Warm period.
So it appears that the temperature has risen then fallen then risen
and fallen again and has now risen again.
I also read somewhere a suggestion that there was a warm period
in Roman times.
Could this be the natural cycle that the Finish and Kobe Unis are talking about ?
Obviously I do not know, but currently the Sunspot Cycle count is at a
very low level and is lower that previous cycles.
In what I read of the Turku/Kobe theory the effect of cosmic rays is
affected by the earths magnetic field which in turn is affected by the
outburst of plasma from sunspot activity.
Incidently the first sunspot of the new cycle has been noted because of the polarity reversal.

So maybe we are on the verge of another Maunder Minimum cycle.

If so we can forget all about CO2 !
Wouldn't THAT be a relief ?
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 21 July 2019 4:37:54 PM
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I asked Mr O "please explain where you got the notion that I think the planet hasn't warmed in our time."

The answer is about as close to an admission that he just made it up as we are likely to get.

What I find humorous is that people like O., Belly et al all have convinced themselves that they understand the issue without understanding anything.

Mr O for example seems to think that, just because there is warming, that proves the entire CAGW (Catastrophic Anthropological Global Warming) case is proven. Such beliefs only proves that they just don't understand at all.

1. If it can be proven that there has been warming over the past 170 years that doesn't prove that it was caused by man.

2. If it can be proven that some part was caused by man that doesn't prove that it was fully or even mainly caused by man.

3. If it could be proven that man caused most of the warming, that doesn't prove that the warming is dangerous. It might be beneficial.

4. If it could be proven that it is dangerous, that doesn't show that anything we do will make the slightest difference.

Its a very complex issue. Just assuming that, because its warming all else follows, indicates someone for whom the complexity is just too hard.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 22 July 2019 10:31:10 AM
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"I also read somewhere a suggestion that there was a warm period
in Roman times."

Yes there was a Roman Warm Period which was somewhat hotter than the present temperatures. There was also a Minoan Warm period around 1500BC which was warmer than now. And before that a Sumerian Warm Period around 2500 BC which was warmer than now. And before that a Egyptian Warm Period around 3500 BC which was warmer than now. And quite a few even hotter periods before that.

But don't tell the others. They're struggling to keep up as it is.

You might note that each of these periods of higher temperatures were accompanied by periods of expanding civilisation and well-being for peoples around the globe. Best to not mention that either - heads will explode.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 22 July 2019 10:43:58 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Stop throwing up red herrings to distract people from the fact that anthropogenic global warming is only related to the industrial period in which the world has been using fossil fuels to drive economic production and global consumption. Unless of course you actually believe that Romans and ancient Egyptians were driving around in cars and powering their houses with electricity. Is that what you believe mhaze?

The main fact is that the scientific community has been recording dramatic per annum increases in the mean temperature of Earth since the 1950s. This is the very same scientific community that is saying that these temperature rises are due to anthropogenic activity. And this is the very same scientific community that you, Hasbeen, Loudmouth, individual and others are saying have been lying to the public about global warming and its consequential climate changes.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 22 July 2019 11:09:44 AM
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