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The Forum > General Discussion > Australian politics there is a center

Australian politics there is a center

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Sweeping generalisations and rigid stereotyping does
not enhance your arguments. You see the world in very
rigid and stereotyped terms. Not every person thinks the
same, not everyone conforms to your views. You haven't
allowed for individual differences in people.

Some people can be very conservative on some subjects
and very liberal on others. Moderate thinkers also exist
in all persuasions. There is a center - whether it suits
your political agenda or not. It does exist.

You can't generalise on behalf of everybody.
Who elected you as the authority around here.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 April 2019 5:01:53 PM
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Armchair critic first I left school, unable to even read properly
Yes my spelling is no good, my spell check is having a nervous breakdown trying to work me out
Is that a measure of my worth? my understanding?
While I live I grow/learn my rule to live by
I have, after much hard work, gained top marks in many fields, including my hobby ham radio
You seem not to want to believe there is a center, because conservatives have rushed away from it
And are about to be thrown out of office because of it
Say what you like about me, save some bile for after the federal election, you will know then truth hurts.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 8 April 2019 6:50:34 PM
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Hey Foxy,
"You can't generalise on behalf of everybody."

Yes I can.
I can say or do whatever I want so long as it's an extension of my true beliefs;
And if the argue has merit, I won't be silenced and I don't care what anyone thinks.

- I'd think you regular forum posters would learn by now -
With me, the arguments must be won on merit.
I don't care what form of literary expression you use to articulate your arguments;

My new argument is that your statement is ridiculous and borderline delusional.

"Sweeping generalisations and rigid stereotyping does
not enhance your arguments. You see the world in very
rigid and stereotyped terms."

Actually they do, and it's you being unrealistic..
It's certainly valid to make generalisations when dealing with the factual realities of different groups.
In fact it would be ignorant and foolish not to.

I think you live in this fantasy world where you think people will set their own beliefs aside for the democratic process.

- Different groups are tribal in their own beliefs and you're trying to ignore these facts -

Do you think Muslims and Christians will rip out the pages of their sacred texts (regarding homosexuality) and say:
"Geez, obviously God was wrong on that one"?
- "He lead us down the garden path but lucky we're smarter and we know better now thanks to the democratic process";
"You can take off your burka's now everyone, thanks to democracy we all now know its stupid and repressive."

Do you people they will stop believing what they believe because you decided we're all going to live 'happy' under the one roof?

"You can't generalise on behalf of everybody."
Do you alternatively believe my statements above to be realistic 'generally' instead?

Do religions support homosexuality?
There's no bloody middle ground.
There's no compromise to be had.
They have completely opposing views on a topic.
To not recognise this is idiocy.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 2:17:37 AM
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Hey Belly,

I only said it to emphasise my argument better rather than any need to actually correct your spelling;
- I honestly don't care how you spell it, I knew what you meant -

It's a word for which the spelling in the UK English language differs from the spelling in the US English language.

Sometimes I even write it wrong myself as I have my computer language set to US and sometimes their spelling almost becomes acceptable or accidentally habitual.

"You seem not to want to believe there is a center, because conservatives have rushed away from it".

I tend to often look at the pro's and con's, the bigger picture, and the flaws of everything, don't ask me why.
If I can't make a good decision right away I'll let it bounce around my head for a while.
And I'm just making an opposing counter-argument here to level things out.
I know what's meant 'by the centre'; I thought I could argue the validity of its actual existence on a technical basis.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 2:53:04 AM
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AC you do know, you do know in taking me to task for my spelling YOU MISSPELLED several words
Huge grin
Not going to push my wheel barrow much more but once found [as a workplace trainer] those with the highest level of education, sometimes needed the most help
Your understanding of politics is shallow, if you can not see the center, if you can not see how Howard both owned it, and abandoned it, with workchoices
And that right now, the LNP continue to think they can abandon the very center about to remove them.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 7:22:03 AM
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Morning Belly,
Drats you got me, I do tend to make a few spelling mistakes here and there.
And yes I get what you mean in regards to Howard owning the centre then abondoning it regards to workchoices.

But say for example you have one group of people who and want socialism, and do whatever possible to undermine democracy to force socialism upon us, such as in 'Cloward and Piven' then you have a situation where their beliefs are not in line with those who believe in democracy.

Their beliefs are hostile to democracy.
They aren't trying to find the middle ground; there is no middle ground for them, only YOU the useful idiot voter (no offense) thinks there is.
In this scenario they're trying to collapse the existing system, but you think they're trying to find the middle ground.

They aren't working from the ideology of the 'centre'.
They are advancing their agenda slowly and incrementally by pushing the 'extremes'.

There is no centre, when middle ground or realistic compromises fail to exist.
- That's my argument -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 9:02:37 AM
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