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The Forum > General Discussion > How Conservative are the Australian Conservatives?

How Conservative are the Australian Conservatives?

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The problem with Paul's loony fringe greens party is that they consider Abbott an extremist. That Abbott won a general election in a landslide shows that certainly at one point he was far closer to the center than the greens or even labor.

The reality is that the liberals and labor are center right and center left parties. The extremists are the greens on the left and One nation on the right.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 28 January 2019 11:48:22 AM
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What gets me with outfits at the extreme of the political sides that we are not even asked if we want to keep them. The ATO should make it possible for us to choose where portions of our tax dollars should go.
I'd gladly pay an extra few dollars towards community services but I'm totally against being forced to support political parties AND provide for their Superannuations.
The Australian Conservatives at least make more sincere promises than all the others combined.
Before I make up my mind to vote for them though I want to hear of their policies towards doing something about the Govt sanctioned criminality of Centrelink.
Posted by individual, Monday, 28 January 2019 12:25:53 PM
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Shadow, you can't talk, look at the lunatic fringe of the Liberal Party, they have pushed the self destruct button well and truly. If Abbott was so popular why did his own party give him the Big A. Why did they dump Turnballs? A question they seem to be at a loss to answer.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 28 January 2019 3:48:20 PM
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why did his own party give him the Big A
Well, at least they're doing what needs to done. When will the Greens do the same with Di Natale & Hanson-Young ? Or when will Labor do it with Bourke & Blabbersack ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 28 January 2019 5:15:34 PM
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Indy, you must feel extremely flattered that so many crazies from your side of politics are vying for your vote. You have a plethora of lunatics to choose from, not only the regular nutter, The Lovely Pauline, you now have Corny Banana, as well as the perennial fruit cake The Mad Katter and Crazy Clive is in there mooching as well.

Not only will you be happy with all this attention. the Labor Party will be also. Why the Labor Party? As the Coalitions vote fragments, on a two party preferred basis not all the lost votes will return to the Coalition parties through preferences, some will slide to the Labor side. In a very close contest this will spell disaster for the government. Something SM could never understand, but he is a complete novice who has no idea when it comes to politics and voting anyway.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 28 January 2019 9:35:24 PM
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no idea when it comes to politics and voting anyway.
So, we're down to who can con the voters more ? Nothing to do with policies & economy ?
That's why I went away from Labor, no integrity !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 29 January 2019 8:14:24 AM
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