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The Forum > General Discussion > A leader looking out for the people.

A leader looking out for the people.

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Philip s do you own a mirror
take the time to look at you threads/posts
SOUTH AUSTRALIA,S steel works was saved by workers taking wage cuts
The BRITISH OWNER of Indian DECENT has not flooded it with 457 visa holders
blind bigotry on display here
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 3 January 2019 12:48:55 PM
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Next door, in Germany, Frau Merkel is now saying openly that countries have to be prepared to relinquish their sovereignty!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 3 January 2019 12:56:25 PM
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Dear Philip S,

Well you did provide a link this time instead of cutting and pasting the story without attributing it.

But what a link. My god, Neon Nettle? A fake/junk news site running conspiracy nonsense? No wonder you can't pull your arguments together when you are feeding yourself a diet of this kind of crap.

He is a story about Obama covering up 'Hillary's child trafficking crimes';

And here is one doing deep analysis of a photo supposedly dressed as some kind of satan;

And I thought Armchair Critic had it bad.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 3 January 2019 1:16:06 PM
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Belly What a load of rubbish you post, what idiot is going to go back and look over hundreds of post to find something that I don't even know what you want me to find.

Quote "blind bigotry on display here" Why are you changing the subject from your accusation to me to something else.

I will gladly discuss your accusations after you admit you were wrong.

You are an idiot, who is just to stupid to admit he made a mistake and will not admit it.

Get it through your head the article you asked people to go and must see was gone, you even admitted that.

Even the patience of Mother Teresa would be tested if she had to deal with you.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 3 January 2019 1:22:42 PM
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SteeleRedux What are you dribbling about.

** To you everything that it is not in agreement with what you think is fake, if it comes from a site then it is a fake/junk news site according to you. **

Congratulations you have provided two links that are 6 month old to fake news that in no way proves that every article published on those sites is fake news.

Two fake articles 6 months old if that is all you can come up with as opposed to the hundreds of newer articles I call that an epic fail.

Definition of a TROLL, some who claims a site is a fake/junk news site but can only come up with Two fake articles 6 months old.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 3 January 2019 1:42:59 PM
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Philip s wrong? I can build a case for you slagging me off then retracting your words in an effort to do it again
Wrong SR reveling your reading list proves you are what you appear to be
a badly informed ranter
Phil over estimating your own ability's and under estimating your opponents is? folly
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 3 January 2019 4:30:12 PM
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