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Climate change stories.
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Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 15 December 2018 10:01:57 AM
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CM, WOW, thanks for that.
I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while after reading your response. Much appreciated, I only hope I can retain or even understand some of what you have said. I applaud your linguistic and humanities skills, you far outreach me. Again thank you, always look forward to your comments. I think you are what I am not, but would like to be. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 15 December 2018 10:57:07 AM
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And even another.
"Climate change causes time travel? Humans turning clock back 50 million years". The Pliocene is coming to get you. They are even trying to frighten the children that the Dinosaurs could come back. Surely our warmists should be starting to realise there can't be this much smoke, with out a fire producing it. All this useless garbage coming out academia in an attempt to support the UN sponsored scam. I wonder if they realise they have just knocked their tipping points rhetoric, necessary for global warming to happen, into the dust. The world was between 3.5 & 6 degrees hotter, but did not go into some runaway fireball. Come on kiddies, apply some common sense, think a little, & join the realists. Global warming is a con, or it wouldn't require so much bulldust to try to keep it going. Never been to a protest in my life, but I might just order a yellow vest for when a worthwhile one reaches here. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 15 December 2018 12:25:35 PM
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The link below tells us that - there's lots of confusion around climate change, so read on to clear up myth from fact: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 15 December 2018 5:02:15 PM
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Hasbeen, the link in question tells us 'there is lot's of confusion around Climate Change.
The first clear fact, is by it's own admission of confusion. If something is obvious, there is NO confusion. Then the whole thing is riddled with could be, might be, it's possible, and so on. Where are the firm factual assertions that cannot be challenged and thereby eliminating any doubts or confusion? It's just another of many attempts to find justification for keeping the CC movement alive. This article carries no weight compared to one that both philip and I coincidentally mentioned, regarding the recent discovery of a nuclear heat source beneath the North Pole, explaining finally the reason for the warming of water from the region, and not anthropogenic after all. So with the benefit of time we are slowly debunking the CC myths. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 15 December 2018 5:47:24 PM
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The given link is one from an International Network, the most experienced independent conservation organisation. It has millions of supporters active in over 100 countries. It's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to find solutions to the challenges confronting us. It works with governments. industry, and local communities to allow humans to live in harmony with nature. The link also provides other sources of information that you can follow up to check on the authenticity of their claims. Just thought you as an intelligent man - would like to know. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 15 December 2018 6:02:20 PM
But good things never happen by themselves.
Altrav- I hope this explains the view point of the original comment a little better.