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Reporting stolen vehicles and tow legislation qld

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Can someone sell a vehicle then have someone report it stolen? Car was sold unregistered with clear title.
Receipt of sale shown to Qld police but they still towed it. Is the tow justifiable and when do they have to give the car back to the owner?
Posted by Jackofharrassment, Sunday, 18 November 2018 10:01:03 PM
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You need a lawyer.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 November 2018 8:47:20 AM
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Welcome hope we see more of you
Yes in NSW at least a stolen car still belongs to the one it was stolen from, and police have to power to take it
Sorry if it was you, but lets think if it was your car and it was stolen
Consider legal action against the person who sold it to you
Posted by Belly, Monday, 19 November 2018 11:36:04 AM
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Did you get any insurance on the car?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 19 November 2018 12:07:39 PM
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Foxy not sure but trying to insure it should have found it was stolen
Posted by Belly, Monday, 19 November 2018 4:32:19 PM
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Dear Belly,

Well in that case - he should get some legal
advice to see what his options are.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 19 November 2018 5:51:47 PM
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If a car is stolen, it still belongs to the original owner. If the thief sells the stolen car, it can be confiscated and returned to the original owner.

The buyer of the car has legal recourse against the thief, but in most cases loses his money.

You can phone the police and find out whether a car is stolen before buying it.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 19 November 2018 7:22:56 PM
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OLO Legal Advice Services are $200 hour payable to the site owner Graham who drops in when he's bored. If the seller or agent represented that the title was clear then you should be able to keep it and whack the cop under his ear.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 19 November 2018 7:48:50 PM
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So.. turns out the vehicle isn’t listed as stolen with Qld transport.
So in effect.. police shouldn’t be able to touch the vehicle or return it to
Me as there is no justifiable excuse why they towed it or are
Even holding it ?
Posted by Jackofharrassment, Tuesday, 20 November 2018 1:50:38 AM
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Yes agree Foxy, my thoughts come from the days I had two jobs, one tow truck driving , that took me in to stolen cars and stuff
But in the end he seems to have posted in pain and not come back
Unfortunately for him the first owner owns the car, thousands have suffered by buying a stolen one
Every step from rego transfer to insurance would have uncovered its true owner
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 20 November 2018 4:54:05 AM
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The car was unreg with clear title. The Qld site says"‘Clear title’ means something that is free from unpaid debt. If a person has a car loan, the company that lent them the money has an ‘interest’ in the car. The car does not have ‘clear title’, because the person does not fully own it. If you buy a car without clear title, and the previous owner defaults on their debt, the lender may repossess your car to recover their costs. Never purchase a vehicle that does not have clear title."

Did you check the PPSR to confirm clear title?
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 20 November 2018 5:47:49 AM
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There is obviously something missing in the story or question.
If the car had clear title it still can be reported stolen and the police can tow it.
It has nothing to do with clear title, it was reported 'stolen'.
If once the true owner can prove clear unencumbered ownership (clear title?), the police should begin the process of releasing the car back to the owner, unless the car had outstanding warrants or similar.
It seems strange they would go through all that if there was nothing to justify towing it in the first place.
I know it doesn't take much for cops to jump to conclusions first, then check the story out after.
Just seems as though we're not getting the FULL story.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 20 November 2018 8:06:05 AM
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Well if not reported stolen you may well be right police should not have taken it
However there may well be some thing we are not being told
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 20 November 2018 12:01:38 PM
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Which police station ? What vehicle? What date towed?
OLO is on the case , police are on the run , we always get our man .
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 20 November 2018 1:36:01 PM
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Hi Jackofharassment,

I don't know, I suppose it depends if you lie and call one thing something else, like this:

Call it 'Sacrifice' and they get to go free.
Everything's in today's society is upside down or back to front.
Looks like 'Murder' and 'Conspiracy to Murder' to me, but what do I know?

Maybe you could argue that the Police themselves stole your car?
- It makes about as much sense as anything, these days...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 21 November 2018 3:09:32 PM
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"Police sources also said the mother had been released from custody and it was understood she had been placed in the mental health system in Queensland."

The man is placed in the police stolen car with healthy mental state of NSW , sacrificing his drinking mates who stole a police station and drove it to Port Morseby.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 21 November 2018 3:35:43 PM
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AC, I still go with my suggestion of outstanding; unpaid parking, speeding fines or fines in general, if the scumbags have succeeded in getting on the cops FU2 list they send them your cars rego, and hey presto your stuffed.
For example, in some states, if you don't pay a parking fine the bastards give your car rego# to the cops and you don't get your renewal for that year.
If your on top of your paperwork you will realise it and when you ring up to abuse them for not sending the renewal you are faced with this arrogant, holier than thou scumbag telling you that you are in breach and you can't renew your car rego until you pay the fine.
Just another angle.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 21 November 2018 3:47:38 PM
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"Hey scumbag where's my rego , I put 2000 Chinese in the CBA hot-deposit , you slime".
" You greasy rat dropping , that was fake Mickey Mouse , we do Crown Casino chips you drop kick"
"So what's your problem, dung face?"
" Morons like you don't pay fed tickets do yer , reject".
"I'll pay when you do my rego , or you're dead meat".
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 21 November 2018 4:28:49 PM
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AC your anger at the murder of that child is shared, too the failure to act on reports from at least two different people
That child should have been saved, if people did their job
BUT, can not get my head around two things, what it has to do with this thread
And how you ever came to the view any one will walk free because of? it is murder mate
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 21 November 2018 6:09:10 PM
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When I had my 3rd car stolen, the Police located it up against a tree within two hours . They got the culprits , both 17 & one was employed by a Council. When the Sergeant asked the female magistrate for compensation to be paid to me she apparently sid that they wouldn't have the means to pay so she gave them 12 months good behaviour.
Another Sergeant had his 4x4 smashed & his insurance refused to pay because he resided in an indigenous community.
I forgot to put my seatbelt on & was fined $125, an indigenous chap had no seatbelt either when they pulled him over. I asked him a few minutes later how much he got fined & he said "nothing, they just told me to wear a seatbelt".
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 21 November 2018 7:40:58 PM
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Individual, isn't that some kind of discrimination or bias, giving special treatment and privileges to the abo's over us.
As for not affording to pay, my arse, they get billions and part of that money goes to buying cars, amongst other things, so why then when a non-abo gets stuffed around by an abo, doesn't the govt dip into that huge piggy bank and the money allocated for the abo's to pay their debts, such as the car they stole and wrote-off.
The do-gooder lefties are always breaking my stones to give them proof of what I say, well over time, it surfaces by itself, and here's one such time.
The next time I get complaints about me saying that we're NOT equal, SHUT UP all you self righteous neuters, and start accepting the things I say, because slowly one by one I am vindicated, so unless you remain under that rock in fairy land you will be forced to accept my opinions.
The best bit is I won't be the author, so you will have no choice but to 'suck it up' and admit you were wrong.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 21 November 2018 8:23:42 PM
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Labor & Greens would disagree with you.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 22 November 2018 4:44:01 AM
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Hey Belly,
What does it have to do with this thread?
- Absolutely Nothing.

"And how you ever came to the view any one will walk free"
Why wasn't the mother charged if she had prior knowledge of the alleged crime?
Why are they calling it 'sacrifice' instead of murder?
Are they trying to say she is a victim too?

If she has mental health issues shouldn't that be part of her plea, not a free pass in the first instance?

...Dead babies washing up on bloody Gold Coast tourist beaches, what next...

Hey Jackofharrassment,
Sorry to hear about your car and welcome to the forum.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 22 November 2018 7:16:45 AM
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Jack has gone silent , his car was reported the day the victim was sacrificed , Philip S is going feral and psychotic and Armchair Critic is using police comments as trial judgements . O'Neill drives 40 Maseratis and Morrison sends the election over a cliff. China is dumping cheap narcotics in our water supply.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 22 November 2018 7:28:38 AM
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AC Have zero doubt I too think our law is stupid
Did I say that? mother stuff I think not
Look in thread after thread I have called for tougher action on terrorist
Called too for an end to PC murdering justice, it does that you know.
Sex offenders , at the worst level, should never walk the streets again.
Terrorists, those we know are unsafe, will not be defeated by us letting them, use our system against us
Federal prison, never to be released and put PC supporters in with them.
It is called self defense
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 22 November 2018 11:41:13 AM
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Belly and AC
Are you saying this murder can be dealt with the day after it happened ? Like getting a parking ticket , paid immediately?
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 22 November 2018 12:02:11 PM
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NNN no but why wait for years?
AC we have taken the thread far from its wanted direction
Have you considered a thread?
I have refrained from trying to get one that both confronts PC and reminds us, the Islamic faith *tells it followers* it is ok, even wanted, to lie to us
ScoMoc has just spoken about terrorism and news is a package has been found in Adelaide the recent Islamic leadership complaints about his words tells me those leaders are in the wrong country
PC again blinds us we must not let it interfere with our country's security
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 22 November 2018 2:18:53 PM
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Sorry for going “silent” as you said I did.

Here’s the lowdown
Brought the car unregistered, did my ppsr check to ensure it wasn’t stolen or written off or had any interests in the vehicle. Had nothing at all regarding both of the 3. Went to transport got it registered and had been driving around for a month before I was pulled up and the car unlawfully towed. My car is still with police, at Harvey’s towing but police tell me it’s not impounded.
So why is it sitting with harveys towing?
Car is still not listed as stolen through tmr.
No charges laid, because there are none to lay, and officers still won’t release my vehicle. The car was apparently reported as stolen after I registered it. Bizarre and definitely unlawful.
Posted by Jackofharrassment, Monday, 26 November 2018 10:25:19 AM
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OK what police station . This is a job for cyber cops co-op .
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 26 November 2018 10:29:03 AM
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Nick, I get your trivialising so much, but this is serious stuff.
We have an entity with enormous powers, sanctioned by the govt, engaging in wrong doing.
I used to have an open line, practically, to all the ombudsmen, try and find one today.
The bastards have eliminated any and all forms of scrutiny and accountability, to the point they are pretty much autonomous and self ruling. (dictators)
The public is held in contempt, and therefore it is no wonder the police and the judiciary all the way up to the govt, have gone from hero to ZERO, in a very short time.
If you JoH, if you still have the police ombudsman in your state,I have found them to be of some use.
Their response time and outcomes were acceptable to me, so give them a try.
Also, you might be aware that the towing company is charging storage by the day, I would enquire and clarify that point with them, and insist that the cops had released the car some days/weeks ago, and that you were not liable for the storage fees after that date.
I would approach this with a humble and somewhat 'underdog' attitude, because if you start yelling at these guys too early in the conversation, they just 'clam up' and find any excuse to charge you more.
And what is filthy disgusting, just like them, the law is on their side.
Anyway, keep it in mind, and I suggest the softly-softly approach till they force otherwise.
Don't forget the cops are complicit in this 'con', so steady as you go.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 26 November 2018 10:58:32 AM
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We've got ALTRAV in the team now, one of our best at the game. Just the suburb of the cop shop and it's go go go.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 26 November 2018 2:19:05 PM
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It's $200 to OLO , @ Graham Young the Right Opinion. or..

Ask an Ombudsman Online Now | An Ombudsman Answers in Mins.‎‎

Confirm your appointment with a Solicitor
Deposit to secure your Expert: AU$5

Balance processed after chat resumes: AU$98.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 27 November 2018 9:50:08 AM
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The storage fees and their wrongful towing will sit with Qld police as they had no legal justification to tow my vehicle at all. Without seeing any proof of any paperwork. No tow authority paperwork, no nothing! Not to mention no stolen vehicle listing. Harvey’s towing is as corrupt as the entity it works for as they have illegally and with no justification either, held my property from me.
Mind u this all happened after somebody stole my previous vehicle after police gave them full permission to take my vehicle on a deposit payment of $100, over the phone. Took me 4 days for them to report it stolen. Their other wrong doing. That vehicle came back damaged, was a stolen vehicle through transport and those people that stole t never had my car impounded. Where’s the justice and fairness in the law? If it’s good for one it’s good for the rest right? Apparently not!
Posted by Jackofharrassment, Friday, 30 November 2018 11:54:43 AM
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I had a semi full of bananas which only stopped to take a pic of the Harbour and ferries and the cops started yelling about the frig motor was blocking the soprano. Wasn't near the stupid stage was I , facing the water and what about the trains I said . Anyway these guys in suits and dressy women came out bought a few bananas and then got a ticket for unlicensed street stall . No profit , kids sprayed graffiti and what will that cost I ask you.
Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 30 November 2018 7:41:43 PM
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While Jack reports back with the suburb , how about "We know you've got his car , what are you going to do?"

Its firm and polite with a hint of violence, should work .
Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 2 December 2018 4:33:52 PM
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