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The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens call on Coalition and Labor to back bill to abolish religious schools firing gay students

The Greens call on Coalition and Labor to back bill to abolish religious schools firing gay students

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After reading all (or most) of the comments, one thing stands out, this topic has been taken over by the extreme left.
There are some centre rights putting up a gallant fight but unfortunately the left has kidnapped this one.
I don't get this agenda of being nice rather than being honest and being truthfull.
I don't care that I am tarred with the brush of all that is bad.
Being honest, that means honest to yourself first, then you are the better person.
If you speak to appease others and make yourself feel good then you are being dishonest.
Because you are lying.
You must first get permission from yourself before you engage with another.
This is not happening here.
I read but there are so many flaws and contradictions, some comments are even emotionally driven.
I don't care for this latest round of rubbish.
It is everyones right to discriminate, even if what they believe in and say is considered so by someone else.
We are ALL different, we believe in whatever we believe in, sure most beliefs are pure fantasy, and that includes religion, but if that is one's belief....?
I hate, chili, alcohol (all of them), sports (all of them) crash helmets, and the list goes on.
These were man made laws, and as far as I know, religious law overrules man made laws.
For example.
A Singh can get an exemption from wearing a crash helmet when riding a motorcycle.
This is just one example, of exemptions to common law and God's law.
God's law 'shall prevail'.
In fact these words and sentiment are in our constitution.
It goes something like;'If a state makes a law which conflicts with the Commonwealth law, the latter shall prevail'.
So it would seem obvious to me, and I know all the queers and their followers will have their knickers in knot over this 'fact', but it merely shows how the original SSM thing was just another petulant childs demand and should have been 'smacked down' from the start.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 20 October 2018 6:41:54 PM
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My husband has just come into my study and confirmed -
that Dr Kerryn Phelps has won the seat of Wentworth.
She was told that if she won "it would be a miracle."
Well, it looks like not only is history being made
but that - miracles do happen!

I predicted her win quite some time ago.

I also wrote earlier that a recent nationwide Fairfax
Ispos poll found that 74% of Australians oppose laws
allowing religious schools to discriminate against
students or teachers on the grounds of sexuality, gender
identity or relationship status.

Our government needs to start listening to the electorate.
The Wentworth win is proof of that.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 20 October 2018 7:42:10 PM
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Good to see a person who represents gender diversity getting elected to federal parliament, from all places, a "safe" conservative electorate like Wentworth. And Malcolm will be smiling as well.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 20 October 2018 9:24:45 PM
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Foxy, this is not a miracle, it's a disgrace.
It shows how much people make decisions based on emotion and not on merit.
Who was this divine messenger that appeared, one night, in your head, and gave you this epiphany?
We'll just let that one through to the keeper, as it has no material fact or value in this topic.
At best she got the 'sympathy' vote.
Again, idiots voting emotionally, instead of logic, merit and material facts.
I have already given the answer to the question on this topic.
Laws are man-made.
Religious laws are of a higher authority, therefore it is not in question that ;
Religion MUST always 'prevail'.
Now this IS an indisputable fact.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 20 October 2018 10:12:10 PM
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Dear Foxy,

I congratulate Kerryn Phelps for her victory: any MP who is not affiliated with the two major dinosaurs is welcome and the more destabilised parliament and government, the merrier!

«a recent nationwide Fairfax Ispos poll found that 74% of Australians oppose laws allowing religious schools to discriminate against students or teachers on the grounds of sexuality»

Polls can be very misleading and superficial. Most people do not read the questions carefully and the evidence for it is that they did not read the plebiscite question carefully - had they so done, they would have seen that it was logically impossible to answer 'Yes'.

Like yourself, I also oppose discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.
Like yourself, I also oppose special laws that allow religious schools to do things that others are not allowed.


Well my observations are subtle, I take great care to DISCRIMINATE between similar-but-not-same cases and give them justice when due. Sadly most people have no time for such deep considerations and instead follow the mob in sweeping generalisations.

For example, I earlier explained the difference between sexuality and sexual orientation ( I find discrimination based on sexuality to be proper, as opposed to discrimination that is based on sexual orientation, which is not.

While I do not support special favourable laws targeting religious schools, I strongly oppose laws that prohibit discrimination to begin within the private space.

Yes, unlike ALTRAV, I DISCRIMINATE between public and private space and consider it OK to make laws regarding behaviour in public spaces, but not in one's private space. The above poll failed to differentiate between these cases. When it comes to deciding whether private schools are in private-space or public-space, I consider the receipt of public money an important criterion.

Finally, I support the inclusion of homosexuals, but oppose the inclusion of gays.

«I love nothing more than reasoned, intelligent discussions.»

Yes, they are greatly missed. Now that Wentworth is over, perhaps we can begin!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 20 October 2018 10:16:30 PM
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Certainly, religion WILL prevail.

But patience is a virtue.

There is much yet to be done, but we must also remember that in terms of religious freedom, Australia has it better than most other countries.

God's people were tested many times and will be tested time and again, including by ignorant man-made laws, until all our impurities are removed by God's grace. Amen.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 20 October 2018 10:25:36 PM
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