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The Forum > General Discussion > Craig Kelly Apologises MH17 Comments Russia

Craig Kelly Apologises MH17 Comments Russia

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Immigration is the biggest threat to the Australian way of life.

Beware of Extreme Left Ethno-Rationalism- Your family has been chosen for deletion!
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 27 July 2018 1:08:30 PM
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The Lowy Institute disagrees:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 July 2018 1:59:21 PM
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' Immigration is the biggest threat to the Australian way of life.'

no its not. The swamp that fills the unis and political elite brainwashing kids with marxism is far more dangerous. You turn out journalist like those on the abc who constantly denigrade the normal family, our rich British history while promoting barbaric cultures that match their own inward corruption. It is this mob who are dishonest and corrupt enough to pretend all cultures are equal, fathers are optional and that all religions are equal. No wonder they have adopted the gw religion in order to somehow show they have some sort of conscience. Meanwhile the average Aussie is oblivious.
Posted by runner, Friday, 27 July 2018 3:01:49 PM
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Dearest Foxy,

Yes, I think there's a grotesque alliance developing between the pro-Russian imperialism lobby and many strands of the extreme Right, not just here but in many countries. Of course, Russia has always been imperialist, perhaps more so during the Soviet days, as you could attest to. But this weird coming-together of Right-wing extremists and pro-Putin lobbyists, with their shared ideologies attacking migrants appals me.

Perhaps they're all wedded to the notion of the 'end of days', in their own cock-eyed ways - some Right-anarchists, (even (?!)Right-Gramscians), some extreme-Right Christians, some who believe that Russia and the US can divide up the world between them (again), some with even more crack-pot ideas.

Don't worry, we'll survive all of them :)


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 27 July 2018 3:02:39 PM
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The Socialist- Ethno-centric-rationalist policy is similar to Sophocles Oedipus. They kill the old and take their wife. It's a common theme in history. Freud studied this sickness in human nature. Jung tried to focus on healthy people in order to understand the parameters of healthy minds. Perhaps the same should be done with societies. Study healthy societies so we can see what works. Then our societies can be more resilient against those that seek to subvert them. Under the political structures rests "the power of the people"- whatever the socialist left say Australian's make the final decision on "what is to be the right". Many countries have been subverted by undemocratic forces within and outside- and they have become enslaved. Australian's will need to make choices- whether they choose to believe the media, the universities, the politicians, the businesses, the do gooders, the "lovers". Remember what people do and say is important. There are many twists and turns.

Certain university academics (Professors Kevin Dunn, Yin Paradies and Andrew Jakubowicz), artists (Peter Drew) and others (Mark Kenny) have promoted anti-racism (those that believe in white Australia are racist nazis- interestingly Nazi's were anti-communists) and extreme feminist positions (all men are rapists- Rose McGowen) on TV that attempt to attack what they say/ believe is an inherent evil in Australian people (tail wagging the dog). The state and commonwealth governments have been buying into this dialogue which indicates the power of the Socialist/ Globalist lobby within bureaucracy.

I believe that "the Australian people are not evil"
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 28 July 2018 7:18:15 AM
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I believe that on any issue there are various perspectives but those with power try to influence policy in preferred directions. There are fair and foul ways of doing this- but in cultural war- might is right- currently the Socialist (Communist) Justice Warriors have the power- but remember Socrates warning in The Republic. In our democracy "the people have a right to their view" and they have the right to discuss it with others but certain views have been labelled as "racist" there fore those that are "branded as racist" are attacked in public, they lose their jobs- Social Justice Warriors are religious extremists that are willing to die for their cause- they call this a philosophy of love- love and hate have always been close allies. The Art Of War teaches us that force must be met with overwhelming force- holding back only leads to defeat- to protect our identities, our genders, our families, our culture, our countries from "chaos" we must protect the "order".

We must manage our societies and correct against influences that corrupt ourselves, our families, our society.

The Socialists have a powerful army- they influence politics and universities- they have good finances- they have the support of the police and the military- but they don't have the interests of the people.

Many of the ideas of the socialists "feel good" but do they work "do they think good?"

Feel Good vs Think Good -

Heart and Mind -

Love and Law.

Globalist vs Localist.

Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 28 July 2018 7:19:25 AM
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