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Well done or Done well?

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"A burka-wearing Muslim who refused to stand for a judge 'because she only stands for Allah' has had her appeal dismissed.

Moutia Elzahed, the wife of jailed terrorist recruiter Hamdi Alqudsi, was ordered to pay NSW Police $250,000 in costs after she tried to sue the force for raiding her home.

She appealed that the decision but today had her case thrown out of court,..."
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 18 May 2018 5:01:44 PM
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She had her appeal dismissed several weeks ago. More interesting, is how they will punish the arrogant battleaxe?
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 19 May 2018 12:24:29 PM
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What do Moutia Elzahed & Hamdi Alqudsi do for a living ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 19 May 2018 1:04:01 PM
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"What do Moutia Elzahed & Hamdi Alqudsi do for a living ?"

A fair bet - nothing. Why work when stupid Westerners have worked to provide welfare. And did I here something about this creature being only one of the wives of a just one Muslim?
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 19 May 2018 4:52:49 PM
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This is an example of the problems we face in our multi-cultural agenda. I think this incident demonstrates the fact that if a migrant is not willing to conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of the land, they will always be a problem. I would normally not give a damn about religion or a persons religious beliefs, but this 'cult' has and continues to demonstrate its contempt for anyone who is not Muslim. They have made it clear over and over again. They want to be beholding to their faith, fine, that is not the issue for me. What is the issue here is that they have arrogantly told us of their demands and attitude. We have been expected to change our way of lives and how we conduct ourselves, all because we are offending one race. I don;t remember any such arrogant demands from ALL the other cultures and races before this. When I first heard about this I thought, so she is a true believer and lives true to her faith. Fair enough I thought. Giving it some thought I realised how wrong this was. They should have thought of this before they came here. What of real concern to me is that the 'system' has begun giving in to these arrogant demands. It therefore stands to reason that if we are to invite others to this country, they must be committed to our laws and rules, and not give in to these extremists.

to be cont......
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 19 May 2018 9:34:04 PM
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Before we allow this example of typical PC crap, let us expand the idea of changing things to suite one race. WE have nearly every race on earth here now. Why didn't they make outrageous and stupid demands such as removing the cross because they found it offensive. I lived in a Muslim based country for several years, and was more amused than anything else at what I learned about their 'religion'. They wail five times a day and the mosques are every where, as if you might run out of prayers and you need to get to mosque quickly or you will die. The wailing is punctuated by loud speakers in the towers, just in case you forgot to pray, (5 times a day). To be fair, the average Muslim is just a guy or a gal like us, yes, like us. Most of them are living in fear of not only peer pressure but the 'religious police'. Anyway I do believe we have invited one too many terrorists or at least non-conformists, and that is biting us on the but right now. Stop the intake of people who have sworn to kill us and at the very least demand we change our way of life to suite them. I'm sorry but their way of life is shite compared to ours so I think I'll stick with ours.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 19 May 2018 9:50:28 PM
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I condemn Moutia's support of terrorism in the strongest possible terms.
I despise her one-finger salute.
I approve the judge's decision.

However, I salute Moutia's refusal to stand for a judge.

Society has every right to demand that you do no harm.

Nobody, however, ever has a right to demand your active cooperation.
So long as you sit quietly and do no harm, your freedom of non-action is sacred.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 19 May 2018 11:17:23 PM
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Yuyutsu, I want to agree with you, but unfortunately so long as we have certain proto-cols, we have to comply. I no sooner wish to hold a judge or magistrate to any level higher than myself, but whether we like it or not that is the law of the land and that is the way it is done. If you think you are a free man in this country, huh, think again. As for this cult, I hate to say it but we must not knowingly allow even one person in if there is a chance they may bring harm to anyone here. The immigration policy here is a disgrace. Trying to follow this rubbish PC crap is killing people and the do-gooders refuse to see it. I don't get it. They have told the world they are going to kill the white 'infidels'. Now because we don't know who 'they' are, it would seem prudent to halt any 'muslim' immigration or entry into Australia. What fools the govt are. We have been warned again and again by these people and still we not only allow them in but we are prepared to change our way of life, (religion) to suite them. How absolutely insane. I would not let someone into my house if they had made it abundantly clear he was going to harm or even kill me and or my family. Let's see the do-gooders argue their way around this.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 19 May 2018 11:47:59 PM
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Aren't you a little snowflake. Did you even read the story?

The judge said; “no evidence she was acting on a genuine religious belief”. In other words she was just trying it on like many others before her. Nothing special.

Also from the article;

“Last December the Australian National Imams Council said Islamic defendants have no faith-based reason not to stand before a judge or uncover their faces while giving testimony. “

Go after the guilty party by all means, she seems like a thoroughly dis-likable person, but there is absolutely no cause to be slagging off about every Muslim.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 19 May 2018 11:52:04 PM
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SteeleRedux, why do you refuse to see what is so clearly in front of you? I do not want to 'slag off about every Muslim', but given that the Muslims themselves are against these murderers, we must be vigilant and unfortunately, it is they who have alienated themselves, not me. You must see that there is no other way. I have suggested previously, that the Muslim community know who these people are, but are too afraid to come forward. I get that. But to sit in silence and ignore the avalanche of deaths being brought upon westerners, is the same as if they had done the deed themselves or at least condoned it. I don't wish to stop anyone seeking a better life, and Muslims are no different, until they openly and continually say they want to kill us. Come on Steeley you have to have some thread of reason in at least understanding that what they (the terrorists, and therefore the Muslims) are doing is wrong and we cannot afford to be generous at the risk of getting attacked at any moment. It's not the lifestyle I expect from living in Australia. So, unfortunately just as we don't allow certain people in from a country with an outbreak of some life threatening disease, so it should be in this case, (comparing them to a life threatening disease is not nice but I could not think of another metaphor which best or more closely described my point). I tell you what. If you can vouch for the Muslims coming here with your life as insurance, I might re-think my stance. 'Might' I said. Until then I do not want to hear or read, another word about removing the cross or any other thing which is offending them. What are we saying to all the other races that are here who have simply migrated and got on with their lives without so much as a peep. What are you going to say to them? Try not standing when asked by a judge in their country and see how you go.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 20 May 2018 3:24:18 PM
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Don't waste your time with the Left bigots; they are allied with Islam. The Left has a common cause with the Muslims: they both have contempt for Western society. They share regressive social and political attitudes that have no purpose other than to destroy the current system and rebuild it in accordance with their own dictatorial visions. Discuss anything with the likes of Steeleredux? You might as well try it with a Muslim. Perhaps he is one.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 20 May 2018 4:59:12 PM
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ttbn, thanks for the heads-up. Steeley, I'm sorry you can't see my point or at least see me half way. I am curious as to why you hold such views even in the face of a life threatening situation. I am not familiar with your position on such things, so I have to go with ttbn's offering. I am not opposed to people in general, just those that want to harm people (or worse), for no good reason. If I did something bad to Mohammad or his family, I can expect some form of retribution. What I don't understand is, none of us 'infidels' were alive 1,300 years ago, so we could not have harmed anyone. So why are there people who I have never met and am likely not to ever, wanting to kill me? Now if one more person tells me, 'because it is the will of Allah', then I will give them a reason to kill me. What I find extremely hard to accept is that the Quran, if it really did say this in it's original context, then why? Why is it so important to do something that was conceived and relevant 1,300 years ago? Surely there are passages even in the Quran, just like the bible and so on, that are not relevant today. Or is it that these 'followers' are so jaded that they feel compelled to do these awful things without reason, just blind faith. Steeley, I hope you can give me something to go with so I can better understand this current social and political apparent impasse.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 20 May 2018 6:46:32 PM
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It's a bit like blaming modern Australians for what might by have been done to aborigines 200 or so years ago. The Australian Left apologists for Islam are the same people harping about apologies and recognition for self-aggrandizement and determination to wreck Western society.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 20 May 2018 10:52:59 PM
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ttbn, I have to agree with you. You cannot imagine the anger I still feel today over the 'sorry' BS. I don't feel sorry. I've never felt sorry. So what the hell are we saying sorry about and who the hell gave that mongrel PM permission to say we're sorry. I'm pretty sure that as PM, 'he' had a lot to appologise for, but not just to the abo's, but the rest of us as well. Oh, I'm sorry alright, for throwing billions at them. Sorry for the abuse we have to cop at every turn. Sorry for all the free handouts and housing. Sorry for taking kids out of a filthy, crappy, dangerous environment and giving them a better healthier educated, stable environment and life. Sorry this country is full of tree hugging, ignorant PC soft-cocks with NO idea of what's going on around them. I'm sorry the YES vote was somehow conjured up from what was actually a NO pre-vote, in reality.
And yes I'm also sorry that people are too gutless to speak freely for fear of peer pressure, over their own and their family's safety, security and lives. I hope these people are the victims of these attacks and we'll see how they feel afterwards. Well someone has to be it's been known for years. We are not safe whilst we have the likelihood of mass murderers living amongst us.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 21 May 2018 12:30:43 AM
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You little bloody snowflake.

Some shelia wraps herself up head to toe and gives a judge a bit of attitude and you are pissing in your pants.

Grow a spine why don't you.

They aren't all coming to get you mate, seriously, it's going to be okay.

Good grief.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 21 May 2018 12:38:40 AM
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SteeleRedux, and you know this because? I can make the statements I made because they are based on historical facts published and confirmed to be actual and real. So we know suicide bombers are actively engaging in their chosen path. To destroy the infidels. Scoff and mock all you want. My ire has to do with the double standards being practiced here. Whilst you may empathise with this woman, I choose not to. As I have said, why is it that ALL the other immigrants coming to Australia have settled quietly and gotten on with their lives. No talk of killing us or expecting us to change to suite them. But along come certain Muslims and all of a sudden we are getting all this grief. Steeley you are backing the wrong team if you deny what is clearly obvious and right in front of you. I don't know who these bad guys are? Do you? NO! So don't you patronise me for highlighting a very real and current danger. If you do know who the terrorists are I would appreciate you telling us so we can be prepared. For you to empathise with this woman and possibly even her husband, you must know more about them than you let on. Is ttbn right? Are you one of them?
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 21 May 2018 1:35:02 AM
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I agree with you on this issue. The number of miscreants I've seen in Court 'try it on' as you so quaintly put it, are legion in number. Criminals can only survive gaol by appearing or being tough, frightened by nothing or no one. In this case, she's just an absurd zealot thinking she can intimidate the Court by not giving respect. The stupidity of the whole thing, she's appealing to the court to have a sizeable monetary judgement overturned...go figure, they call me stupid?

On a footnote; she best be cautioned, that her behaviour in any future Court appearance, is not seen as being serious enough to have her sent to Silverwater. Those garments she wears will be removed from her (forcibly) within minutes of her arrival! The heavies there don't appreciate troublemakers.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 21 May 2018 12:54:00 PM
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Gee ALTRAV, it almost sounds like you don't approve of the aboriginal industry.

Hell it almost appears that you don't approve of the radical ratbag left, represented here by SR, & all the crying they do over the lack of sympathy for our highly rewarded downtrodden.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 21 May 2018 1:40:09 PM
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Just be thankful (and forever watchful) that the Islamic terrorists that we have had so far in Australia have been rank amateurs, if someone with some nouse has a go then watch out.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 21 May 2018 1:43:37 PM
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