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Is there life after death?
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Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 1 June 2018 10:51:58 AM
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Genesis 49:25 relates to blessings of the womb and breasts given to Jacob. While Jacob was in Edom he worshipped God as the name Aloah a female monotheistic God recognised as the God of Jacob in the Psalms. Also the God that Job in Ur worshipped, and his counsellors were polytheistic. Job in the Hebrew monotheistic culture is a full study in the names of God as he faces polytheism, and dualistic theology as the opening chapters of Job present. YHWH comes out in the closing chapters as God over all including things attributed to other gods.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 1 June 2018 11:50:05 AM
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Old Testament again. You speaking about a Venus figurine, a plump lady, she's a fertility symbol. Well before Moses. But they found small figurines in a house they excavated dating back to the time of the second temple. The Jews will make every excuse to qualify their religion, but prehistory does offer an more credible account. Most religions like the Hindu have multiple gods, like most ancient society. But they had a God Head, like we do, and we have our saints as minor divinities.
What they can't rationalize they make up. I feel sorry for them, and their families. To be so tied to religious dogma and lies, and believe it , not see it as a ancient text that was written in times when there was no morality and the Israelites not Jews as we know them today. It's a form of bigotry and nothing good or Christian can come from that. Posted by Bush bunny, Friday, 1 June 2018 1:40:04 PM
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Bush Bunny,
In my observations when someone says they feel sorry for someone, it's rarely ever meant. Therefore you don't need to feel sorry for anyone, unless there's something worth feeling sorry for. the Israelites in the past had God in their society and even with the struggle of idolatry, and many sins, God was there. He blessed them and corrected them. Today, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit anyone can find God too. It's a better life and worth seeking out before desciding that it is all a lie. But even if you do think I or anyone else is believing in a lie, I tell you there's no reason for your sympathy unless it's real. Most people find a strength and a community from going to church. If nothing else if you reject the truth of God in the world and think it is all a lie told to people, then you should feel sorry that the world doesn't have the support and community strength that can be maintained in church communities. Don't feel sorry for people because they have strength in God. Feel sympathy for people when there is a need for it. And when feeling sympathy be sure it's genuine that you can act on it. Otherwise it would be like a person who "feels sorry for" a homeless person, but does nothing to help. "Feels sorry for a pregnet teen, but offers no support except a hollow "you poor thing." Or even someone who "feels sorry for" a drug addict but instead of doing anything they let them get worse. Watching from the side line trying to live and let live until the addiction consumes them enough that you step away from them. In other words don't feel sorry for someone unless you really mean it. Don't even say it otherwise. It's only really meant though when there's a need for sympathy. The Christians I know to hold sympathy for aren't because of their beliefs. It's usually do to life circumstances that bring hardship and struggle. The same is true for most anyone else. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Saturday, 2 June 2018 6:31:36 AM
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If the Jews or Hebrews didn't believe in angels and demons. Tell me, what is the serpent in the Garden of Eden, telling Eve (always blame the women) to eat from the tree of knowledge? Then the three angels that went into Sodom and Gomorrah, to rescue Lot. Maybe they don't believe in them now considering Jews be they Orthodox, Conservative or Liberal, as they are intelligent people. But some Orthodox sects still believe in the six day creation, like some fundamentalist Christians.
Wasn't three survived being burnt by fire somewhere in the old testament. And Daniel in the Lion's den. Miraculous eh. NNS I feel sorry for you intellectually. I do. Anyone so taken in by the Holy Bible old and new, must have some suppression in their world view. Problem is that many who drop out turn to atheists. But I think they are missing the point too, God is not designing our future, or punishing us. Or favoring one religion over another. When I was in hospital with my son, there was a woman there with a obviously sick child, who told me in front of that child," what sins have we committed to get God to punish us and our children?" Bloody hell, how do you answer that. It looked like that child had leukemia, but most can be cured nowadays, and in the 1980s. If Christians take that ancient book so literally, to think that anything bad or natural disaster is God's revenge on humans. How does one explain maniacs and say Hitler who was anti-Christian and Jews,. Oh some will say the Jews deserved it. They Killed Christ. Forgetting it wasn't just Jews who were killed in concentration camps, anyway. People can obey the law, be compassionate, hands on, without going to Church every Saturday or Sunday. Or quoting the bible as justification for their thoughts on morality and how people should all live! But if there is life after death, you will still go there. You have not known God in my opinion, but I have yet I am a Deist at heart. Posted by Bush bunny, Saturday, 2 June 2018 5:16:03 PM
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Somehow, my security system tells me they have blocked the forum as it was carrying some type of nasty virus or whatever. Has anyone else had this.
Posted by Bush bunny, Monday, 4 June 2018 12:50:32 PM
I wonder where you got these interpretations - my source of information was (assuming you can read, otherwise use the google translation).
Yes, 'Shadayim' in hebrew means [woman's] breasts, so it's a tempting idea, but is it based on any serious research?