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Is there life after death?

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Bush-bunny, The New KJ Bible based on original language never uses a word based on the Roman Catholic view of Hell. It talks about Sheol meaning the grave and Gehenna meaning the garbage heap or waste disposal. Lives lived in selfishness and immorality are wasted.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 27 March 2018 4:57:57 PM
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Josephus, I couldn't care a hoot. The 'new' King James bible? In the old testament, there is a hell of a lot of gruesome fates, Lot's wife, he slept with his daughters. Jezabel, in fact it is so against women, it is a paternalistic woman hating scroll. You have Sampson and Delilah, and Abraham casting out Ishmael when Ruth bore Issac. And going to sacrifice his son. The devil tempting Jesus. Moses throwing down the 10 commandments, no there were 600 for Orthodox Jews. It is a dire warning to his followers, never trust a woman, and woe betide thee if you transgress from the path to heaven. Oh Solomon and Bathsheba, another example. Or was it David and Bathsheba. Adulteress, what about him, he deliberately sent his loyal soldier to be killed. What that teaches youngsters I don't know, other than terrify them in transgressing from what their elders want them to do. No wonder Catholic priests, use children they don't see it as a sin, only sleeping with a woman is. You realize why the Muslims don't like the Jews and the Christians as to them Abraham had Ishmael not Issac.
Posted by Bush bunny, Tuesday, 27 March 2018 5:32:28 PM
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Opinionated2. You said:

[It is simply is because you believers are so corrupt that you will misrepresent anything for your own purposes. You are doing it here]

What are you complaining about? Speak clearly and with examples because I have not misrepresented anything you've said or said anything in a corrupt manner. You did give your experiences that should lead you to the conclusion that there is an afterlife. Not to any conclusions of what that afterlife is like, (unless that was part of your dreams too), but to there at least being an afterlife. It would be like a man catching his wife in the act of cheating on him and walking away saying even though he say it, he doesn't believe she did it. That is what your testimony sounds like. You've been given a witness from two people keeping their promises to notify you, after they passed on, yet you say is you don't believe in an after life because of how Christians would take it.

Are those not your words? Are you not showing that your preference of that you want to believe is worth more then the conclusions based on your unique experiences. That shows a drastic error to not want the truth but to shy away from truthful conclusions because of Christians.

Again are these not your words. Are they misrepresenting anything? If so show me where and how. Otherwise stop complaining that there is a truthful critism to your stances against Christianity.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Tuesday, 27 March 2018 5:53:30 PM
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OMG! NotNowNever do I really have to explain this to you again?

What is the size of your sample to rename my experience from "amazing" which I, the writer called it, to "unique"?

There are about 7.6 billion people currently on the planet. What percentage did you survey that gave you the arrogance to change my terminology about my experience to "unique"?

Are your English language skills and accuracy levels this poor in everything you discuss?

Do you know what unique means?

Again you are usual. I didn't say "I didn't believe that there was something after this life". What you religious refer to the afterlife.

I said I am unconvinced!

Do you know the difference between "unconvinced" and "don't believe"?

I choose my words very carefully because you believers run off half cocked and claim things I never said.

You do the same thing with the Bible...

The Bible is in black and white but when it suits you totally mislead people with your poor language and study skills.

That is your corruption changing anther person's words and replacing them with your own wrong words.

This is pretty simple stuff NNN.

So when Jesus says in his own words things you guys totally misconstrue or even change the words or the meaning to suit your unthinking indoctrinations.

Jesus said Mark 10:18 And he said unto him, WHY CALLEST THOU ME GOOD, THERE IS NONE GOOD BUT ONE, THAT IS, GOD.

He is rebuking the person for putting him on God's level!

So how did the man made Trinity come about - Men like you got it all wrong!

All the believers in the Trinity have corrupted the words!

Jesus said

Mark 7:7-9 Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.

For you ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition.”

Then he said, “You skilfully sidestep God’s law in order to hold on to your own tradition.

Get it?
Posted by Opinionated2, Wednesday, 28 March 2018 1:30:44 AM
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Bush bunny, The OT is a history of ancient Israel and it discloses the morally bad as well as the good. It is their ancient history. Write a history of modern National leaders; not so pure eh? In Modern Israel they see G-d giving them the victory in the 6 day war and they destroyed their enemies does that make them totally gruesome? They have contributed greatly to medicine and agriculture and say G-d inspired their medical and agricultural teams. Does that make their claims invalid. False: Ruth a Gentile never gave birth to Isaac as you claim; Isaac's mother was Sarah. Abraham never sacrificed his son, that was the point of his conversion from polytheism of sacrifice of humans to the polytheistic [Elohim plural] culture in which he grew up. His father was a maker of statue gods. It was YHWH [Monotheistic God of Israel] who revealed to him to sacrifice a lamb, as YHWH abhorred human sacrifice. Human sacrifice was still carried out by Germanic tribes in the 6th century AD. Jesus was tempted by the leader of the Jewish Zealots held out in the desert against the Roman occupation. Devil is a Roman word used in place of Satan an anglicised term for Hebrew satanas meaning an opponent. Again misinformed! Jesus was not about Israeli Nationalism as the Zealots, but about demonstrating unconditional love for all mankind. If you understood the scriptures you would know David was charged as an adulterer and murderer. Similar to many current leaders and stars today, who accept it their right of privilege. We learn moral justice from this story that adultery and murder is sin. You seem to think David's behaviour is accepted as normal by Christians to be taught to children as acceptable. It rather demonstrates your bigotry rather than proper research and understanding of Biblical text.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 28 March 2018 8:59:47 AM
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Nice waffle there Josephus but let me correct the record regarding what you stated.

The argument that Elohim (Gods) is the change from polytheism to monotheism is a theory and hotly contested in scholarly circles. You state it is fact and then laughingly use the Abraham/Isaac story as your evidence. The Mormons, I think from memory, also hold that theory true but they get their information from Planet Kolob...lmao Are you in touch with Kolob also?..lmao

Abraham was a religious zealot who in a fit of murderous insanity thought that God told him to kill his son Isaac. Thankfully when he got to actually doing it his rational brain clicked in and he lost his nerve.

So what does an insane religious zealot do when they are so nutty as to do such a thing? That's right they claim God stayed their hand. And you believe this rubbish!

The problem is that their is another story about child sacrifice to God that you failed to mention. In this God forgot to stay the hand of the father and the child was sacrificed...Funny how you didn't mention that one!...lmao

I'll show it all in my next post.

Judges 11:30-39 And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands,

Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD's, and I WILL OFFER IT UP FOR A BURNT OFFERING.

Lo and behold what was the first thing to greet him after the victory?

His daughter... Perhaps God only stays the hand of mental dimwits that want to kill a boy like Abraham...

Once again the Bible proves you wrong Josephus...

I love the Bible..It's like a rock around the neck of believers sucking them in so I can show where it spits them out...lmao

Keep up the good work! lmao
Posted by Opinionated2, Wednesday, 28 March 2018 12:12:49 PM
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