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The Forum > General Discussion > SSM and Bad Reporting

SSM and Bad Reporting

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Foxy you are blinkered. Same sex relationships already have civil equality contracts to De-facto relationships under the law. What did Magda say, she was disappointed she could not be married in the Catholic Church. SSM'ids are asking for Church weddings.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 28 October 2017 2:38:12 PM
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Dear Josephus,

No. That's not what Magda said. She clearly stated that
she was well aware that she could not be married in her
church. And what she was asking for was a civil
ceremony. Also de facto relationships do not have the same
legalities as marriages. You need to get your facts
straight. (no pun intended).
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 October 2017 3:17:47 PM
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The yes camp would love 'to be treated equally, in the eyes of the law'.
I'll bet it would, but unfortunately there are situations AND people out there who are not/cannot be treated equally in the eyes of the law. The YES mob are not equal, by their own definition. So we will treat them accordingly. Equal. Equal to what? They are not equal to mainstream humans or natures definition of homo-sapien.(pun intended). They justify themselves by saying they can't help being born queer. We know that's not true. Maybe some can't be helped but the majority can be re-aligned. It is this arrogance that angers me as apparently it's cool to be queer.I will be just as unforgiving and uncompromising as the YES mob in seeing that the YES mob get as hard a time as they have given us.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 28 October 2017 7:17:12 PM
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Foxy if you read carefully you would comprehend I never claimed Defacto couples are equal to married couples. Let's get that straight. But your claim that the LGBTQQ are not seeking Church weddings is not true, as they claim it is discrimination not to allow them Church weddings, and that means if denied they claim inequality. I have a friend on facebook who is a yes voter supporting the LGBTQQ claim to Christian Churches for equality.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 28 October 2017 8:04:34 PM
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As usually, this thread has veered way off the simple topic of bad reporting – my view that Magda Szubanski did not do any of the things that a report said she did.

However, I appreciate the posts of Josephus, Altrav, diver dan, Philip S and runner.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 October 2017 10:18:50 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Of course I cannot speak on behalf of your friend.
However I am merely going by what is reported in
most of the media and the gay and lesbian
organisations that do speak on behalf of their
members. All they are seeking is equality under
the law. BTW - most couples gay or straight tend to
have weddings by civil celebrants instead of in
churches - these days.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 October 2017 10:28:46 AM
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