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The Forum > General Discussion > SSM and Bad Reporting

SSM and Bad Reporting

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True. And the script writers in the case of fake marriages are not homosexuals themselves, but actually dangerous social engineers intent on having everyone singing the same tune.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 October 2017 11:59:12 AM
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I watched "QandA" that evening and found that
Magda kept stressing the fact that we should all
practice civility in the same-sex marriage debate.
She even stated that she would not call anyone
a homophobe - who had a different point of view.

A shame that her civil behaviour is not shared
by some on this forum.

I find it appalling that
a person's very personal experiences are regarded
as being false. And her views are blamed on her
being an actress? I wonder what qualifications
does a person have to have to be taken seriously?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 October 2017 5:49:38 PM
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Foxy, what a load of crap. The YES camp have been 'all things bad'. I'm not going to waste my time in breaking it down. Their actions have been the complete opposite of civil. Their conduct, (all of them) is disgusting. While you've had your head buried in the sand, (I hope you had the other end well and truly protected), they have engaged in some of the most criminal acts. The YES camp will do ANYTHING to win their point. That's how desperate they are. Only someone who knows they are wrong would try so hard to push their point. The NO camp has nothing to prove, because we know we are right. As for her 'very personal experiences', she's full of it. If you choose to believe her and get sucked in by her, that's your loss. Her views are in no way related or blamed on her being an 'alleged' actor, the reference to acting is that she is able to put a point across much more strongly and convincingly than if she was not an actor.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 27 October 2017 10:24:56 PM
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I have to inform everyone of an email getting around, I received it as well. It's a pity I don't know how to put it in the Forum. This email will scare the daylights out of any NO backer. It's origins are from Massachusetts in the USA. It comes complete with quotes and references so the content is believable and genuine. Most of the info is extracted from the local media. It begins when the law was changed in the early 2000's and follows through the years as things start going progressively wrong. I strongly urge anyone to look it up. The references are SSM, Massachusetts, changes to schools, literature and books, pornography, etc, etc. Once you have read this you will be able to cut down any and ALL the YES camp who even try to open their mouth.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 27 October 2017 10:43:46 PM
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//The YES camp have been 'all things bad'. I'm not going to waste my time in breaking it down. Their actions have been the complete opposite of civil. Their conduct, (all of them) is disgusting.//

If Fr. Brennan is uncivil, what does that make you, ALTRAV?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 28 October 2017 5:56:24 AM
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Yes. People who bury their heads in the sand are asking to have their arses kicked.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 October 2017 7:58:14 AM
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