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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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Issy, I can understand how you would want to minimize the actions of the murderous licenced gun freak Ian Turnbull. Describing it as a "A pitiful attempt". I gave a few random examples of the illegal, and willful actions of gun freaks to demonstrate to what lengths these people go to. These examples are only the tip of the iceberg; If you want to see more of the iceberg, and there is plenty to see, just take a look yourself.

To add;

"A series of deaths at shooting clubs and ranges where shooters have turned the guns on themselves or stolen guns and used them to kill others has led grieving families to ask for changes and anti-gun campaigners to call for a new crackdown on firearms."
"Gabby Molnar went to the Condell Park Firing Range in Sydney and signed up for a beginner's shooting session. When the supervisor wasn't watching, he turned the gun on himself."
This year there was a death at the St Marys Indoor Shooting Centre in Sydney. A gun freaks paradise operated by the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, an appendage of the ultra right US NRA.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 14 July 2017 6:39:26 AM
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Isolated incidents, you are ducking again if there are as many as you claim then let's see them.

When was the last massacre in Australia?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 14 July 2017 9:45:33 AM
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"Australian democracy swiss-cheesed by George Soros Open Societies Foundations"


Your demonstrate the emotional baggage, ignorance and consuming jealousy of the man who was too lazy and childishly oppositional to authority to ever reach adult maturity.

You are the odd man out, still the adolescent, in your jealous hatred of the many thousands of students, young men with pride in themselves and good citizens in the making who took up School Cadets. Now they are the doctors who treat you, the police who protect you (largely against your own foolish choices) and the thousands who supply services and facilities for you.

What was it, Paul1405, were you too scared or that and too bone lazy and lacking in self-discipline that you refused to get up in the morning, polish your own boots and get onto parade, or even study for your own benefit?

Then we are confronted with the mental immaturity, mental laziness and blaming of a fool who cannot do better than the amateur funnyman, conflating the actions of criminals and the odd determined self-harmer with the lawful behaviour and lives of many thousands of good citizens.

However it is the their utter contempt for the sovereign rights of Australians and the deceit that goes with it of the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens that is their most contemptible trait.

But honestly, what does it take for these Trotskyists, Anarchists and other loonies to come to realise that Soros, a currency speculating billionaire and his other billionaire mates might be interfering in the domestic politics of separate sovereign nations like Australia for their own selfish reasons?

Of course they would be interfering to destroy boundaries, and disrupt elected governments because the commercial, tax and environmental laws are not convenient to them and anyhow, they regard themselves as above and beyond the laws and regulations that government the behaviour of ordinary men.

More of the lunar far leftists', 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'? Where the far leftists regard the ordinary working citizen as their adversary, to be deceived, sledged and subjected to their totalitarianism.
Posted by leoj, Friday, 14 July 2017 9:51:44 AM
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Dear Paul,

Thanks for your information.

However my advice to you is - find another discussion.

You won't get anywhere with this one.
You're wasting your time here.

Have a nice day.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 14 July 2017 10:51:29 AM
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When was the last massacre in Australia? Recently.

Leoj, amateur funny man yourself; Doctors, you malign doctors on this very thread with a sarcastic joke about them, be it a rehashed job from the deceitful Senator Leyonhjelm, you made the unfunny claim that doctors think they are god. In doing that you choose to malign a great healer, and a great humanbeing, in Dr Victor Chang, who was killed, shot twice in the head, 4th July 1991, You are a disgrace!

Are you a military man, like that spiteful poster, onthebeach, who once claimed a so called military record, which involved playing at soldiering in some out of harms way university regiment? Properly dodging the draft, and the dangers of real gunfire and death, from the Vietnam War.

Thanks Foxy, true, but I give as good as I get. There is nothing the likes of leoj can post that would upset me in the slightest. The last thread Issy opened on this subject, didn't last long, I mentioned a shot policemen in Queensland, and the pair got all upset and took their marbles and went home.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 14 July 2017 11:28:42 AM
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In typical Greens' ambulance chasing fashion you mentioned the murdered Queensland policeman, by name, even before his funeral; we took "our marbles and went home" in simple disgust at the unfeeling nature of your post.
When was the last massacre in Australia? Don't you know?


Haven't you read up on Rebecca Peters yet?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 14 July 2017 11:45:32 AM
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