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Failure of the Gun Laws

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You lack balance. Why would you whitewash Soros, especially given his record and support his interference in the domestic politics of Australia (and other Western democracies)? What about Soros' trained activists and his 'Open Society' - which you also did your damned best to whitewash and buff up at the same time?

Rebecca Peters
"Ms. Peters" is Rebecca Peters, a George Soros-funded, Australian anti-gun activist so extreme that she had to resign from the International Action Network on Small Arms so as not to discredit the U.N.-recognized organization -- which isn't easy to further discredit."
-The author also discusses fabrications by 'gun control'.

Something to think about,
"The hard truth is that violence is the product of cultural decay, not of access to arbitrarily defined “assault weapons” which represent less than 1% of U.S. gun murders. If a deranged individual is inclined to kill another person, they will find a way to do so.

According to FBI statistics[2012], 352 people were killed last year with rifles, 424 with shotguns, 1,836 with knives or cutting instruments, 623 with hammers or other blunt objects, 815 with personal weapons defined as hands, feet and fists, and 122 by strangulation. Sometimes the only realistic defense against such occurrences involves threatening to use, or actually using, a gun.

If we are to seriously address violence, let’s first recognize that disciplined moral values, not laws and government regulations, make for a civilized society. World history demonstrates that the more uncivilized societies become, the more they depend upon governments to regulate behavior. That’s been happening here, and just look at where it has gotten us!"
Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 12 July 2017 8:08:23 PM
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Issy, I have given you numerous examples of where gun freaks have either disregarded the law, or taken the law into their own hands with diabolical consequences. The licenced murderer Ian Turnbull, for one. NSW's number one gunnie Tony Azzi and the killing of protected wombats. Just to expand I will add the case of the Wyndham Handgun Club of Victoria whose officials and members were investigated for fabricating records and allowing unlicensed people to shoot at their club. the club was suspended for three years. Could this be another example of an illegal vigilante armed citizens militia operating under the guise of a gun club. Something that was previously supported on the forum by the rabid pro gun crazy poster onthebeach.

p/s diabolical it is, gun control is supported by many good Christians, who also believe in the Devil, diabolical has a second meaning of "disgracefully bad or unpleasant", and that certainly applies to gunnies!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 13 July 2017 5:05:29 AM
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There is nothing in life that is without risk. Risk averse parenting, over-protective parenting leads to children with Type 2 diabetes through being limited to home, TV and internet games. Or reaction that sees the pre-adolescent revolt to join a gang for highly risky behaviour.

Thousands of students were in the School Cadets, carrying WW2's most efficient assault rifle, the SMLE on public transport, bolt in and fully operational. No-one was surprised, there was no SOROS' 'gun control' to provoke hysteria. The most accurate, used for sniping as well, Bren machine gun were in numbers in the armouries on school grounds, along with mortars. Cadets shot blanks on camps and in weekend bivouacs and six weeks camps. Live firing on the rifle ranges, using SMLE and Bren, sometimes Owen and later the SLR (self-loading) and M60 machine gun (to be used in Vietnam) was several times annually.

School Cadets introduced many city boys to the outdoors, camping and some self discipline and self reliance.

Yet over all of those years and the many thousands of boys as Cadets, firing the very same live ammunition used in WW2 and Korea and all taking the assault rifle home before camps, bivouacs, before street parades and the like and there was never a serious accident. First aid even on bush camps only involved Cadets with minor injuries from falls and the occasional scrub tick.

Criminologists, excepting the few hired guns of Soros who somehow lose their professionalism and memory (billionaire Soros' sponsorship is convincing apparently), all state emphatically with the numbers to prove it, that firearms crime in Australia was always very low. Also that the small incidence was in decline well before Howard and continued after.

That is notwithstanding the gun violence, such as the drive-by shootings of imported criminal gangs and the toxic cultural and political predilection for violence of some migrants. Violence that has resulted in special police units devoted to them. Violence that is also linked with drug trafficking. The multicultural 'benefits' of that 'vibrant' and 'rich' diversity tail constantly wagging the immigration policy dog. (sic)
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 13 July 2017 9:02:15 AM
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A pitiful attempt, I would have expected at least a dozen examples, even if they had to be fabricated.

When was the last massacre in Australia?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 13 July 2017 9:55:15 AM
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The 'Little Boys Army' was big in my time, particularly in private boys schools. Yes, boy soldiers were allowed to take guns on buses, without ammunition, why was that leoj, why no ammunition?
Gun freaks today would like to see people riding on buses, with loaded guns, all in the name of so called self defense. Why is that leoj?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 13 July 2017 10:15:29 AM
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Just for your benefit, here's an example of one of those "non-lethal' air guns!
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 13 July 2017 11:13:42 AM
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