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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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It was a 'brave book' according to a reviewer who gave an explanation and others have followed suit.

'Brave' out of coincidence or whatever in your case, who cares? I took it as an instance of your often claimed, but not so often understood or believed, jocularity. Your famous quirky (murky?) wit and humour. Although I am a trusting soul.

But anyone who would post this,

Foxy, Friday, 14 July 2017 11:57:53 AM reply to a serious question from another poster, would have to be tipsy, dipsy and joking. Or else s/he might stand accused of ignorance and contempt shown to another poster and trying to derail the thread.

Ducks, you can climb down from your high horse now. Hysterical.

It is back to the thread and your defence if you have any, of your whitewash and buffing up of interfering billionaire Soros.
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 16 July 2017 12:49:08 AM
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Loser leoj,

That quote is hardly "criticising the bejesus out of Catholic education and saying that it was below State education."

In fact it says; "Today Catholic education, is on a par with the State system."

And you had to trawl through all my posts to come up with that one, shame on you. You will have to get up much earlier in the morning if you think you are going to score points off me.

Did your own report card at school read: Leo is an under achiever, given to hallucinations, I recommend an early exit from the classroom for poor Leo. Failed for yet another year.

Hi Foxy, Leo tries to bait, but he's got no panache, a typical crusty old conservative, loses every time.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 July 2017 6:49:04 AM
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So you did in fact have a broad scoop shovel of steaming turd leaking out from in your pilchers despite your denial and rudeness?

You were caught out bang to rights and by your own words. 'So unfair!' (sic)
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 16 July 2017 7:30:59 AM
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Leo, you were done cold on the topic 'Failure of the Gun Laws' Then you try to deflect to a thread about Catholics.
As for your nonsensical and unintelligible question above. how does one answer other than with a; Ha!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 July 2017 8:15:03 AM
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Again you put your own spin onto things.
As I stated earlier - I am responsible for what
I post but not for your interpretation of it.
I have no control over that. If it makes you
happy to continue with your "conspiracy theories,"
you go right ahead and keep doing it. Whatever rocks
your boat.

Have a nice day.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 July 2017 10:12:11 AM
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The cynical, ambulance-chasing NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens are trying to piggyback Soros' 'gun control' political sham.

The imported Soros' 'gun control' is the antithesis of efficient, effective regulation of people and firearms.

'Gun control' is, in effect, noxious retrospective law that is aimed exclusively at the banning and confiscation of the lawfully acquired and lawfully used assets of respectable licensed citizens.

'Gun control' does not lay a glove on criminals, favouring them instead by diverting scant trained police resources onto looking over the shoulders of the ordinary, law-abiding public.

But it is backfiring on the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens because Australians do not accept foreigner Soros and his billionaire mates interfering in domestic politics and secretly funding serial demonstrators.
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 16 July 2017 10:29:24 AM
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