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The Forum > General Discussion > No to abortion in NSW

No to abortion in NSW

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“the unwanted child”

You argue as if it is a fact that it is a child but you cannot prove that it is a child and proof is what we need before legislating against abortion. Opinion is not good enough.

No woman who does not want to be pregnant has any facts to guide her any more than you do but she has to actually make a decision that will have life-changing effects. If she goes ahead with the pregnancy then it will have life-changing effects for at least several months from the time of her decision. If she keeps the child after birth it could affect her for many years and limit her choices.

How would you accept other people telling you how to behave and what choices to make when they are no better informed of the facts than you are especially when you are the only one it impinges on? You wouldn’t like it all. The only logical person to make the decision is you.

You might say the decision impinges on the foetus but the foetus is not in a position to decide or to reason. The only logical person who will both be affected and can decide is the pregnant woman.

She cannot afford the luxury of theorising about abortion because she has to make a decision one way or the other because there are no half measures.

It is easy for men to tell women what they should do when pregnant because they know it is an issue they will never have to confront. Their integrity will never be on the line. They will never have to wrestle with the consequences of that particular decision. Abortion is not an intellectual problem. It is a deeply complex choice and your image equating the smashing of a ‘child’ against the wall with a surgical abortion shows how utterly insensitive you are to the woman’s plight.
Posted by phanto, Wednesday, 17 May 2017 4:57:12 PM
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there is a myriad of women who down the track suffer mental and emotional issues after having their unborn babies killed. Of course you have unrepentant murderers whether that murder is committed inside or outside the womb. Secularism/feminism is a barbaric irrational belief system.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 17 May 2017 5:12:05 PM
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And there is a myriad of men who have suffered their whole lives by constantly being told by their mothers that they regret ever having them.

Some go on to be absolutely obsessed with the issue of abortion.
Posted by phanto, Wednesday, 17 May 2017 5:42:57 PM
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' And there is a myriad of men who have suffered their whole lives by constantly being told by their mothers that they regret ever having them.'

really Phanto? Most mothers I know even of criminals love their sons dearly. So you think these men you speak of would be better off being snuffed out in their mother's womb?
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 17 May 2017 6:44:26 PM
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A large part of pressure on a pregnant woman for an abortion comes from the male in her life. It is not always purely the woman's choice. The child is either from a casual relationship or a now broken relationship.

I've been on the jury of a case where a woman fell pregnant in a casual lover affair while her husband was away for three months. She claimed to her husband it was rape, but obviously in the evidence it was not. The husband was putting pressure to abort the child, which she was embarrassed about. She was also claiming expenses for an abortion against her secret lover.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 18 May 2017 9:05:00 AM
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No one can put pressure on you to have an abortion. It is a private medical procedure to which you have to give consent. Forcing women to attend a clinic cannot be done without violence and the violence would be dealt with by police. Women have to take responsibility for every decision they make just like men do.
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 18 May 2017 9:48:36 AM
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