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No to abortion in NSW

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Dear Josephus,

I don't think that I need to convince you that there are no two gods - Elohim and YHVH are the same and only One, or rather, two aspects of the One as viewed from different angles, the former being personal and the latter grand-cosmic-impersonal. In verse 12, YHVH declares His identity with Elohim.

One can be critical of certain forms of worship, but no matter the external action and how it is seen by others, if done with pure heart and intention, then it is loved and accepted by God.

The intent to become more prosperous, which you mentioned, is NOT a pure intent - it is selfish, same as the intent of Muslims who desire to gain heaven with its 72 virgins. Such worship is not accepted by God: killing another so that you can prosper, is wrong, no matter which god you are trying to please.

Genesis 22 does not directly disclose Abraham's motive, good or bad, so the only way we could perhaps learn about it is from God's judgement in verse 12. However, the translation of verse 12 is poor: "for now I know that thou fearest God". Almost all translations use "fear/afraid", except Good News Translation that uses "Now I know that you honor and obey God".

The original Hebrew word is "Yare", a unique word that includes three different levels of relating to God in one. The lowest is indeed 'fear', the middle is 'awe' and the highest is 'seeing'. Had Abraham's motive been of fear, then he should be condemned as selfish. Had he been in awe, then it is difficult to decide whether he was right; but had he been seeing God eye-to-eye and consciously participated in His divine play, then no blame could be attached to Abraham even had he ended up killing his son. I can see no further hints as to which case it was, so perhaps the bible chose to keep us in mystery.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 10:45:17 AM
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Dear Josephus,

You wrote: "To be killing children is equivalent to ancient paganism if we believe it will make our lives more prosperous. This is an abomination to the Lord."

A foetus is not a child. Abortion is not killing a child. To equate abortion with killing a child is a false equation. Possibly you have never masturbated and destroyed all those living sacred sperm. A sperm is not a child. An ovum is not a child. A fertilised ovum is not a child. To be a child one has to be born.

Actually I don't think most pagans were into sacrificing children. As far as I know no pagans burned anybody at the stake although some did go in for human sacrifices. Considering the witch hunts, the Wars of the Reformation, the fifth century conflicts which decided the particular Christian doctrines that were adopted, the martyrdom of scientists like Hypatia, Servetus, Bruno and Vanini, putting millions into slavery, the massacre of heretics, Jews, Albigenses and others, the suppression of native peoples and Christian imperialism I think Christianity with its intolerance is a step backward from paganism.

Possibly we should abominate the Lord and return to paganism. Maybe it's better to have many imaginary deities than one. Actually with its Trinity Christianity is an abomination to the lord since it is polytheism. Worse than an abomination to the lord who like all deities doesn't exist Christianity is an abomination to humanity. I think it better to get rid of all deities and the mumbojumbo associated with them and live by compassion and reason.
Posted by david f, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 11:13:30 AM
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david F,
Neither ovum or sperm of themselves have all the genes that identify one as human. This a foetus does have to identify them as a living human.

I note you still love to quote a Roman' States view of Christianity, which is equally pagan and barberous.

If you are debating with me it fails to register as valid teachings as Christ taught.

So you are happy to have death applied to living humans in the womb, and justify it because those that oppose abortion of healthy foetus as killing; are equally murderous because they murdered in the name of God. Stop justifying murder of the unborn because Roman Catholics and the Church of England murdered heretics
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 5:00:34 PM
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Dear Josephus,

You sound prejudiced against the Church of England and Roman Catholicism. Protestants in the tyranny of John Calvin in Geneva executed Servetus and other heretics. Protestants are guilty of many Christian atrocities. They played their part in the War of the Reformation. Most of the Lutheran Church in Germany supported Hitler and participated in carrying out atrocities during WW2.

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a Christian denomination based in the United States. It is the world's largest Baptist denomination and the largest Protestant body in the United States.

Maybe you should examine your prejudices against the Church of England and Roman Catholicism. You are like many prejudiced people. The group they belong to is somehow better than other groups. You have made more than one comment against the Church of England and Roman Catholicism.

Jesus is cited on the subject.

Matthew 7:5 KJV Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Curb your hate for your fellow Christians. Maybe show some love for the unfortunate woman who needs an abortion. Put her above the foetus.
Posted by david f, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 6:46:49 PM
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Dear Josephus,

The Southern Baptists that I mentioned in my last post broke off the other Baptists before the American Civil War.

"The word Southern in Southern Baptist Convention stems from it having been founded and rooted in the Southern United States, following a split from northern Baptists over the issue of slavery; the immediate issue was whether slave owners could serve as missionaries."

Curb your self-righteousness and show some love. I will try to love you. At least I do not hate you.
Posted by david f, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 6:57:57 PM
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david f,
I happen to worship in a community where Catholics, Anglicans, United, Salvation Army, Adventists, Baptists and others are united in Christian activities. I stand against violence done by any person in the name of Christian. The two denominations previously mentioned have a very poor history of love of neighbour, along with others.

Your preaching unfortunately fails to identify any log.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 24 May 2017 7:06:47 PM
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