The Forum > General Discussion > Sharia Law is coming (or is that forbidden?)
Sharia Law is coming (or is that forbidden?)
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yeah the usual deceitful mob tying to appease their own seared consciences by standing in judgement of God. I must say they are nothing short of pathetic attempts by self righteous god deniers who are totally oblivious to the corruption in their own hearts. The human secularist are only matched in barbaric acts by Islam. No wonder they are in bed with each other. They are totally ignorant of their own corruption and spurn the only One who can save them from their filth.
Posted by runner, Friday, 14 April 2017 9:57:34 PM
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"If everyone lived his or her life exactly like Jesus lived his life, the world would be a beautiful place!"
Of course, it'd be a beautiful place, there'd be no humans!! Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 14 April 2017 10:00:51 PM
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//is all meat killed in Australian abattoirs (that's where they kill animals, Paul) (except pork, roo and fish) certified//
I don't know, but it's not hard to find out: just read the bloody packet. It will have a scaled-down version of this symbol on it: No symbol, no certification. It's not really string theory, Joe. //and the cost is passed on to customers: us.// If you buy halal certified food. Which nobody is forcing you to do. But it seems you want the stuff banned outright so that you can save yourself the trouble of just reading the bloody packet. I think we should ban the sale of cakes to fat people, and the sale of all food to people so uninterested in their own diet that they can't be bothered to just read the bloody packet. As the philosopher Jagger once said: you can't always get what you want. //So: are we paying for halal meat when we buy it in supermarkets or aren't we ? And for many other products ?// As an educated guess, Joe, I would say we pay as much for halal certification as we do for kosher certification. And yes, the Jews do charge for kosher certification. Of course they do: they're Jews. I daresay they charge a lot more than the Muslims, because they're Jews. If you buy food which has a stamp of approval from the Muslims, the Jews, the Heart Foundation, whoever, you might pay an extra half a cent or so for your $30 cut of meat. Greedy little Christ-killers. If you're really that worried, do something about it. If you're not, don't. But the more you bitch and moan about it, the more you sound like a vegan. And that's not something to aspire to. Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 14 April 2017 11:20:16 PM
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//"If everyone lived his or her life exactly like Jesus lived his life, the world would be a beautiful place!"
Of course, it'd be a beautiful place, there'd be no humans!// Heresy. The Nicene creed is quite emphatic about Jesus being made incarnate as man. Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 15 April 2017 12:47:38 AM
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"The immutable facts are that Christians often don't follow the teachings of Christ and Muslims often follow the teachings of Muhammad"
Issy please provide evidence for that statement. The 100 million Christians in the Philippines seem to be a rather devote mob, even taken to nailing each other to crosses on Good Friday. and I haven't even mentioned the 200 million in Brazil. maybe you are only refering to the piddling few Christians, and even piddling fewer Muslims in Australia. "atheist brothel owners" Josephus name one, and while you are at it provide evidence of their atheism. What we do know is pedophilia is rampant among Christian clergy world wide, evidence is available. Even the minimalist mob in the Catholic Church admit that 7% of priests and brothers in Australia were/are pedophiles. Given the great number involved, 60 times the national average, can we assume that these men believed that their actions of buggering children were somehow justified by Church and Biblical teachings and therefore sanctioned by god! Catholic clergy are still allowed to trawl through school playgrounds and classrooms in this country. in the name of "pastoral care". No police checks are made of all priests and brothers as to their suitability to be in the confines of children. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 15 April 2017 7:52:24 AM
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Joe, please don't be so condescending, I am just as intelligent as you are. What you say may well be true, certainly plausible, one thing all religions have in common is the love of money. If I had a magic wand it would disappear, halal and all. We in Australia have a number of quasi Christian religious holidays, if you had yesterday off you had one of them. Should the atheist business owner be jumping up and down about having to pay for this bunk. To compound the ripoff, the poor atheists business owner not only has to pay for the Christians to have the day off he has to pay for the atheists and other non believers to have it off as well, now that is a ripoff. Think I'll have Monday off and celebrate.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 15 April 2017 8:18:46 AM