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The Forum > General Discussion > Sharia Law is coming (or is that forbidden?)

Sharia Law is coming (or is that forbidden?)

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However the self-styled 'do gooders', the virtue-signalling leftists - those for example that the public-funded ABC has so frequently and for so long given a podium to - have a long record of self-loathing and a palpable hatred of the UK traditions, law and democratic (leftists are totalitarian) institutions that were introduced by the settlers.

That loathing and hatred is in the leftists' blood and motivates the 'endless diversity' and extreme multiculturalism in action, that has embedded a very nasty, anti-freedom of speech, political correctness that younger generations grew up with and probably recognise as 'normal.

It is remarkable when one realises that so many leftists are 'Chardonnay Marxists': white, educated, middle class bureaucrats and professionals who are well skilled and proficient at living very comfortably off the taxpayer. And so often in sinecures with a golden handshake on retirement (again courtesy of the taxpayer). They win personally from fostering the 'ism' wedge politics (an example being 'racism') that has served their incomes and careers so well.

Is Sharia Law the overarching aim of Muslims who settle in other countries?
According to the evidence it is. What about the 'nation within a nation' in France and the UK? What about the evidence gathered from Muslims themselves, for example byTrevor Phillips, Britain's former chief of the Equality and Human Rights Commission says that a chasm has opened up between Muslims and non-Muslims? Why is it too, that second and successive generations are becoming more fundamentalist?

Unreformed Islam is a problem and it can only be sorted from the inside, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali and other positive and constructive reformists argue,

Posted by leoj, Friday, 21 April 2017 11:58:45 AM
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The virtue-signalling leftists, the self-styled 'do gooders' are in fact doing fundamentalist Islamists' work for them by advocating silence, turning a blind eye and by turning the blame on host countries such as Australia, the UK.

Of course the 'virtuous do-gooders' are actively excavating the sand from under the feet of Aayaan Hirsi Ali's “modifying Muslims” (Muslim reformers), who generally favour equality between men and women and promote the separation of religion from politics.
Posted by leoj, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:01:43 PM
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Hi Leoj,

As an ex-Marxist, I can't escape the temptation to try to analyse the class nature of the virtue-signallers: as you point out, they are comfortable, well-educated in a way but with little direct power, with plenty of time on their hands, and secure lives.

Of course, Marx and Lenin and Mao and so many other 'revolutionaries' came from this class and had a similar sense of grievance against those in power. But these days, the virtue-signallers don't have the illusion that there is a huge class of dumb workers and/or peasants who will do all the heavy lifting for them to help them into power, in the name (yuk! yuk!) of the same workers and peasants. The regressives have only themselves, and back-up from a bunch of sooky juveniles at university. Not really a large base from which to make a grab for power.

So of course, they have to latch onto any potentially disaffected group that they can find. And lo and behold, fellow-totalitarians, Islamists, might even fit the bill. Between the Islamists, the adolescents at uni, the faux-feminists and the homosexual and trans-sexual and gender-fluid movements and themselves, including the faux-environmentalists, they may be able to bring down the temple of Western society, and, like all Utopian fascist movements before them, use these motley groups to attempt to rebuild from scratch.


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 21 April 2017 4:24:51 PM
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If you keep on preaching hatred and venom then you are indeed
doing exactly what ISIL wants. Muslims have nowhere else to
turn but to ISIL, especially the young.

Most people who have studied and worked their way through high school, university, TAFE, or whatever course of their choice did it
through hard sweat and sacrifice. What they have they've earned.
And our society is all the better for it as the following link
fully illustrates:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 21 April 2017 4:25:04 PM
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preaching to the choir, sister .....
Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 21 April 2017 4:41:54 PM
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//So you're totally opposed to the introduction of any element of Shari'a law into Australia ?//

Well, no. They can keep doing Ramadan if they want - that's mandated by Sharia. I don't think it's very fair that the Catholics get to fast during Lent and on other occasions, but the Muslims can't have their fast (if they want, although why you'd want to perplexes me).

And they can keep washing themselves ritually before prayer - that's mandated by Sharia. It doesn't seem very harmful, and no weirder than some Catholic rituals (I use Catholics as my basis of comparison because I know them better than other denominations).

The requirement to make a pilgrimage to Mecca? That's fine.

Saying "Bismillah" (translation: in the name of God) before eating and drinking? That's definitely OK, but only as long as they sing it like Freddy Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody.

Things that are not alright include polygamy, slavery, corporal and capital punishment, the prohibition on Muslims converting, the prohibition against unconvential interpretations of the Koran, inequitable treatment of women, prohibition of homosexuality, paedophilia, and of course murder.

Neither of these lists is exhaustive. Please feel free to bicker about the contents of either.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 21 April 2017 5:04:15 PM
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