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March to Awareness on Bullying.
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Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 22 March 2017 11:33:00 AM
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There must be children bored out of their brains: waiting for something to happen; having to listen to teachers words, not being able to listen and remember everything being said; relying on being told a limited number of rolled over instructions; pen pushing, copying off chalkboards for much of an up to 6 hour day 4.5 days a week over 35 weeks each year for an expected 13 years.
Parents whom notice children's state of exhaustion, may say after 2 hours of reading, children's behaviour shows mental exhaustion. Which suggest children can become hyperactive to self-medicate feeling mentally exhausted. As I am often bored by watching ABC television serious conversation programming, that if I didn't have several PVR hard disk drive recording equipment recording everything, that one PVR was equipped with a turned on “Shift” function. To be able to quickly move through news topics, without such PVR equipment, my television set would rarely ever be turn on. The few new news worthy stories to watch, would not be worth waiting for, having to listen to all the rolled over story updates, reminding listeners of initial events, heard many times before. That I speculate, most people read news instead, scanning through stories as I would scan through television news stories. To most children, classroom schooling must be like 6 hours of Don Dale detention centre being held in confined spaces, having being given choices of doing nothing or watching television with other inmates without having a PVR recorder, where 99% of television programming will drive watchers crazy with boredom. That there would be teenagers held in detention centres climbing on rooftops after having destroyed detention centres. That children's childhood desires for satisfying curiosity is being crushed by rolled over same instructions, same curriculum subjects, same bullying teachers. That childhood intelligence are being hurried through rolled over irrelevant knowledge and tested on knowing nothing worthy of knowing, leaving students deprived of all knowledge, punished for child-like curiosity developing creative independent thought, dissatisfied children being left with each other to either be bullied and/or entertain spare opportunistic moments by bullying predatory prey. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 23 March 2017 9:54:12 AM
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The descriptive term “cognitive overloading” learning too much too quickly, that memories are hearing bullying demands from teacher(s), shifting comprehension from same old nothing, to students arguing with teachers dramas played out in classrooms, that: mental stress boredom; constant repeated judgements; few opportunities to feel achievement, that students would rather be somewhere else. Is it no wonder Australian students are accused of having one of the most disrupting classroom environments compared to many OECD countries.
I theorise, education is merely holding children in a Neanderthal state of intelligence, most bored out of their brains children being moved towards sports predominately simple physical behaviours. That nerd like behaviour students are allowed to be bullied by jockstrap narcissistic bullies whom on having a winning spirit self-esteem, such bullying students feel punished by classroom activities and teacher dominating demands, narcissistic depressed bullying students rebuild their self-esteem by bullying physically weak looking classroom achiever nerds as a bit of spare time sport. That by suspending students from school for bullying for several days as punishment as mentioned on ABC “Bullied”, bullying students are rewarded for bullying, and find incentive to continue bullying the same complaining to teachers students. I have typed up many extensive detailed post readings, most posted readings lead to bad school education, that school education is about intentionally destroying human Homo-Sapien intelligence, so a “The Blacklist” described cabal-like establishment can get away with messing with working class, that media confidence gaining lies which having filled human memories up with free market forces myths, used as future “why working class lost wealth” has happened. Confidence in the truth in media stories, exampling Paul Keating's “recession Australia had to have” and 2008 behind closed doors arguable to whether existed sub-prime mortgage crisis GFC political dramas politicians are saving the world from, media are constantly reminding people about, particularly before this recent property boom began, 2 years ago. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 23 March 2017 9:59:00 AM
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Children are being conditioned to scan memories for solutions, rather than being better capable thinkers: drawing on probabilities; bringing together several relative information into rational argument most traumatised by education are fearful to experience... I bring to readers attentions to. That I can assume 95% of citizenry ignore anything that doesn't solve immediate problems: much of which are feeling depressed, which leads me back to childhood classroom long hours of depressing tasks, cognitive overload, lost self-esteem and boredom. I speculate, any knowledgeable information to that 99% of citizenry that information doesn't solve immediate problems, ideas are little more than schooling rolled over lessons learning and/or boring serious media news.
Media dramas are either acted out as serious acting drama: NCIS; Law & Order; real life event programming... other programs over laughed background laughter on often not very comedy performance statements. The limited new ideas, I personally don't watch such media as feelings of boredom quickly set in. To people suffering depression, boredom no doubt would make matters worse. Boredom and stress leads to alcoholic consumption, leads to drug addictions, leads to a collapsing society, partly blamed on bad schooling and partly blamed on media's dysfunctional rolled over seriousness and too easy to laugh entertainments. This being so obvious... society, to get out of a drug culture: ICE; opioid; cocaine... citizenry need to have no mental traumas which need medicating plus a sense of predicting what would happen consequences, an intelligence teenagers seen on “Science Of Stupid” and “World's Craziest Fools” are lacking, that pointless school education tasks particularly in childhood early ages, causing a continued state of mental stress, that all information while feeling mental stress fears (fight and flight) warnings, becomes incorporated as entire life struggling depression memories together with whatever time left after school hours of practical skilled experiences information memories children would have been learning being used to think out problem issues. Schooling redirect practical skilled learning replaced with not yet needed academic learning letters and numbers impractical for thinking knowledge. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:07:00 AM
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A lack of practical thought, bullies may see repressed normal active thought, being held/jailed in a classroom, depleted self-esteem which I believe would have never been a childhood issue if so much fear: of not understanding teachers instructions; to be bullied by a teacher; to feel less intelligent than better preforming students... were not forced onto children, normal childhood healthy narcissism, on feeling bullied by teachers and parents, bullying other children for their obvious reasons: weak; nerdy; heavy body weight... boosts bullies winner/better than prey competitive self-esteem.
If competition were less of an issue: winner verse in-denial stimuli incentive for playing sports ball chasing games self-medicating pleasures; teachers persuading children to realise competition between children, every child knows every other child's academic test scores. The need for lost self-esteem children turn to bullying to raise/boost/recover lost self-esteem, bullying would not be so much of an issue, that adult male bullying family violence would be far less of an issue. ….................. This last 12 months of reserve bank warnings that property bubble will bust causing mortgage hardship concern, to which property investors (I speculate) RBA comments are ignored. As I promote my arguments that once people realise serious talk, listeners suddenly stop listening, property investors who aren't listening have been conditioned through various means not to care, not to take any notice. I would suggest, that many media fears for as long as human emotional avoid fear memories can realise, most fears warnings don't actual happen, so human emotional intelligence tends to ignore media warnings. That warnings, being concerned about citizenry are short term propaganda. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:19:10 AM
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The idea of freedom of speech is no more than propaganda, when educated to repeat what students are told to believe even though being under duress, that adults scan memories for media pointed out beliefs, that shock jocks, used media stories to focus criticism on political leaders, which few politicians hold office portfolio for more than four years. That exampling 18C, media show politicians using 18c as an opportunity to promote freedom of speech democracy governments, where I would strongly argue, freedom of speech is no better than what's believed happens in communist countries, that media in collusion with politicians allow politicians to choose media agenda. That the rolled over news topics: murders and politics generally dominate news. That what's not spoken about, (exampling bad school education) never crosses citizenry conscious awareness.
ABC television presented: The School; Revolution School... I suggest, are director cut and scripted to avoid showing teachers teaching students methods and what's being taught, depriving viewers teaching examples which could be used as public debate. Most scenes are seemingly angry frustrated students arguing with teachers, principles, deputy principles and councillors. I assume, using my own desires, to watch such rolled over pointless arguing aggression can't hold intelligent people's attention for any length of time. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:22:48 AM
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I theorise, political systems don't like change, because what made the rich “robber barons” corporate board of directors chairman; corporate upper management; voted into an easy working high waged beginning at $200,000 each year, CPI highly rewarding retirement (having heard $100,000 a year) pensions' federal parliament public office by fooling voters, bad education keeps citizenry stupid enough to believe propaganda lies. That to be allowed in the “there's-room-at-the-top” system, candidates much follow and support the existing system rules as stands.
Google: “education system flush with cash deprived of all knowledge” to find many readings on USA school education, first search page top reading being: Readers could Google: “robber barons” USA 19th century railway steal production boom industrialisation unethical behaviours. For more of my posted readings which I am sure 99% readers having red this far (worn down by serious media, ABC Bullied being no different) aren't going to read: Google: “my steve9” many posts, posted over several years on bad education are there to read. steve101 Posted by steve101, Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:27:45 AM
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How do you mean, Steve ?
Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 23 March 2017 12:37:52 PM
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Dear Steve,
Many teaching problems will be solved in the next few decades. There will be new learning environments and new means of instruction. One function however, will always remain with the teacher: to create the emotional climate for learning. No machine, sophisticated as it may be, can do this job. As long as I live I'll loathe my Maths teacher. She was the meanest woman I knew before I was ten. She was a master of the double insult: "Stupid idiot!" "Silly fool!" "Dumb blockhead!" Like a snake, she always has fresh venom. When she finally fell sick, the whole class celebrated. Then I remember my English teacher. She was different. She delighted in our company. In her presence, we felt important; what we thought made a difference. She believed in us and guided us, appealing to our pride and imagination. The world needs your talents, she would assure us. She taught us that in every situation we can become part of the solution, or part of the problem. Her words still ring true to me today and affect my life for the better. Teachers make a world of difference in a child's life. Bullying can be stamped out by the right influences. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 23 March 2017 1:11:38 PM
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the ' gay' lobby are the biggest bullies in this country today.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 23 March 2017 1:20:19 PM
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The gay lobby are the biggest bullies?
according to runner. They'd have to get in line after Christian churches and their organisations -and agencies - and the decades of abuse inflicted on innocent children. The horrendous sexual abuse of children and the intolerable failures of the churches and their organisations to deal with the abuse effectively has done immeasurable damage to victims. Then there's also the cover-ups, the protection of abusive individuals and the refusal to admit egregious mistakes are unjustifiable. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 23 March 2017 3:19:20 PM
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cont'd ...
I remember reading about Alan Turing who created one of the first computers and helped us to win WWII. For engaging in homosexual acts he was made to take female hormones (chemical castration) which resulted in him growing breasts as a side effect. He committed suicide at the age of 42. There is a natural fear of what is different. However this is the 21st Century so instead of fearing and complaining about how others live let us focus on how we live and what we can change to make everyone's lives better. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 23 March 2017 3:27:42 PM
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We can start by ignoring Steve 101's longwinded posts. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 23 March 2017 5:53:33 PM
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Bullying is the 'flavor of the month' and a fast money spinner for
all that get involved. I think the concept of bullying is being confused with profile assertion or the alpha male or female asserting their dominance over the pack. To suggest that all children or people for that matter are equal is to believe that the earth is flat. There is a very strong defining line between dominance and assertion and criminal assault and people should see it for what it is. We were all bullied in out youth but you learned to fight back. It was called the survival of the fittest. Today they run to the lawyers and litigation. How many people, either children or adults, have been charged by police with the so called offense of bullying?. None! and there is not a policeman that would dare try. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 23 March 2017 8:29:26 PM
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' They'd have to get in line after Christian churches and their
organisations -and agencies - and the decades of abuse inflicted on innocent children' yeah you are right Foxy many Catholic Priests (usually sodomites) would be close to the hundreds of thousands of women who have their children butchered in the womb. Certainly had to pick the biggest bullies out of these. Posted by runner, Thursday, 23 March 2017 8:39:44 PM
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It's not only the Catholic Church that has a lot
to answer. Child abuse occurred in many institutions that need to be held accountable. Bullying is a serious problem no matter where it occurs. As for abortion? Runner perhaps you can start your own discussion on that topic. This discussion is not about that issue. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:06:54 PM
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Runner perhaps you can start your own discussion on that topic. This discussion is not about that issue ' the issue was not also about child abuse by churches Foxy however it did not stop you from bring in the red herring. Posted by runner, Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:55:23 PM
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You stated that the Gay lobby were the biggest bullies. I responded to that comment by pointing out that Christian churches, organisations, and agencies were ahead in that respect. It dealt with the issue of bullying. Your consistent references to abortion in every discussion does not. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 March 2017 9:21:11 AM
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Dearest Foxy,
'Tu quoque' arguments are usually pretty fruitless: of course, churches and other organisations with power over children have committed dreadful crimes. But that's not the issue here. Should people be allowed freedom of belief or not ? Should, say, Muslims be allowed to believe what they like ? I suggest, yes. Can Buddhists ? Yes. Can Hindus ? Yes. And as an atheist, I would support their rights to freedom of belief. And I would support the unbullied right of Christians to freedom of belief. This would include the right to discuss related issues with each other, and with others, free of harassment. I would support the views of Jurgen Habermas, an unequivocally Leftist philosopher: "Christianity has functioned for the normative self-understanding of modernity as more than mere precursor or a catalyst. Egalitarian universalism, from which sprang the ideas of freedom and social solidarity, of an autonomous conduct of life and emancipation, of the individual morality of conscience, human rights, and democracy, is the direct heir to the Judaic ethic of justice and the Christian ethic of love." Also, note Geoffrey Robertson's endorsement of 'Good Samaritan laws' as "one of the keys to the historical development of international human rights." Not much bullying there, Foxy. Would you support those observations ? Love, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 24 March 2017 9:46:11 AM
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if you can't see that killing unborn babies is bullying to the highest order then you need to open your eyes and heart. Posted by runner, Friday, 24 March 2017 10:59:02 AM
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You first! Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 March 2017 1:11:23 PM
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Ex-politicians in charge of Beyondblue:
How to describe: leave house front door keys under porch welcome mats so burglars can get easy access to regularising homes; at a murder scene, Miss Marple solves the murder after inventing evidence, that Miss Marple murders murder victims, as police are too stupid to realise; chicken farmers letting foxes guard hen houses; trusted Catholic priests who claim to represent god, found to molest children, that bishops knew and/or suspected and did nothing. Leaving politicians and/or ex-politicians to police mental heath organisations after having been responsible and/or in association with responsible ministers and bureaucrats for state government controlled: school education; mental institutions; university psychology degree curriculum, teaching BS Freudian theory. That politicians enforce (protested by many people) teaching to tests child/teenager school education. Mental health of citizenry determines which political policies rather than political personality performance often being no more than accusing an alternative political party after having been in government of being responsible for terrible present outcomes. Has Beyondblue: commissioned studies on what causes many mental illnesses?; published studies on mental heath other than statistic awareness?; does Beyondblue question the quality of children's television programs?; Does Beyondblue have real expert moving forwards management?... I speculate, any person wanting to know what's being done, are directed to Beyondblue who are merely a glossy campaign to indicate help is being provided. Jeff Kennett may have been a good smiling face front man for an organisation that talked and talked. I realised when Julia Gillard was prime minister, when Julia Gillard was seen outside of parliament (while in parliament being present during question time, often Julia was bullying the opposition), Julia spent most of her time touring the country visiting schools. School children would have been excited to meet an in office prime minister in person representing the Labor Party as though she was using her prime minister status child felt promoting democracy by her mere presence, same as candidates old style walking down main street lined with shops, shaking hands with passing adult voters. Posted by steve101, Friday, 24 March 2017 2:32:18 PM
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Julia Gillard on her recent acceptance speech, news narrator said she had been overseas at education conferences.
I theorise, by interpreting what can be seen, one of politicians jobs is to keep citizenry stupid, what better way than controlling childhood education. What religion did in the past, school education and television does now. As religion was constantly getting in front of citizenry, going on about god, the devil and Jesus, using persuasive conviction expressions (persuasive bullying) as though bible stories are true stories recorded by prophets twisted bible paragraphs, religious conveyors begin with names that what a bible recorded person said, attempting to convey a moral message. Media use what politicians said, information leaves citizenry (skilfully) uninformed, promoting some moral/ethical/government process moving forwards go nowhere for citizenry to personally benefit. Compared to bible scripture, that after a short unclear sentence message, politicians performance are the main focus. That whatever human curiosity is left, politicians statements, by media commentators, quickly turns to politicians names and faces bickering between each other statements. School education use history to focus attention on names of people who were responsible for doing something: Napoleon; George Washington; Abraham Lincoln; the list goes on... now media constantly bring up media's made famous names: Donald Trump; Malcolm Turnbull; etc... that some speech: moral; personal attack on an opposition party leader; what should happen; same sex marriage; whatever... workers merely driving to work, listening to the radio, hearing music (church quire/choir) or listening to radio talk program shock jocks, constant attention creates neuron connections in brains that I say keeps citizenry stupid, filling memories with manipulating propaganda. Beyondblue does what? The above post on first reading the post, was about politicians, not mentioning what the change from Jeff Kennett to Julia Gillard will provide. The post does little more than provide more names distraction and free speech to freely criticise authority, in front of readers to read. Posted by steve101, Friday, 24 March 2017 2:33:21 PM
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As media doesn't criticise school education as a cause of bullying and/or mental illness, media constantly criticise politicians, creating various no person goes to jail scandals, that bullying and mental health are merely awareness. The lack of attention towards criticising school education for being responsible for bullying, that lack of debate in itself is bullying. Establishment authority refuse to question their own methods of controlling citizenry.
Excluding the type of bullying mentioned in the below attachment, type of person teaching students indicates the type of methods used to teach youthful students, that bullying children to learn is deemed acceptable by principles going up the chain of authority. South Park did an episode specifically scripted to show bullying. South Park Jesus appeared and began bullying South Park movie producer character. Religion is a form of bullying, priests telling god believers what to believe: the devil; hell; sins against god... what believers should do. That Catholic school nuns and priests used learning bible scriptures in order to save children's souls, to bully students into submission to authority, dummying down student intelligence by depriving students from more intelligent thought provoking knowledge. One elderly women I have met, told me she hatted the nuns during her catholic school education. Present day school teachers forced labours are more about obeying authority out of fear using academic studying, that the information being learnt is no better than bible scriptures: long ago history; unproven climate change; dinosaurs; New Horizon I say are fake pictures from Pluto; Solar system planets, Milky Way... all of which unproven knowledge must be believed merely because if not remember for tests, test score numbers will be fewer. Posted by steve101, Friday, 24 March 2017 2:34:25 PM
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As I type, I am now listening to ABC Morning Edition news, listening to “DNA discovery” where animated images of DNA are seen, that I suggest DNA 2-metres long strands rolled up in each and every human cell, that to see an individual cell is difficult. That what's often seen on television DNA science news stories as a hypodermic syringe needle poking a hole in a believed cell, injecting something, that everything looks transparent magnified to look big on a television screen, is fake BS. I could say BS means Business Solutions, yet that would be BS.,-cancer-fighting-drugs/8380850 The process of cell DNA to unravel 2-metres of DNA within small cells to be correctly read by organisms unknown by science means, to create and nourish life. The lack of knowledge “we (scientists) don't know” is like religion, no ideas: where god is; what god is; how god creates magic; whether religious leaders can actually communicate with and/or influence god, in English and/or Latin; there is so much missing information, believers are left to believe by mere faith in their emotional intelligence. To believe in faith is teaching children through to adulthood to be stupid, that fear of bullying authority teachers and/or nuns and priests, childhood emotional fear fight or flight bullying influences human beliefs, humans kept stupid by believing unproven behind closed doors lies. That DNA news fact stories is one fake lie media promote to aid one more unproven lie among many unproven, at best seen from a far away distance stories. That many fictional dramas quote unseen evidence DNA keeping DNA myths appearingly real, that the establishment are amusing themselves by citizenry being bullied into stupid intelligence, that citizenry are so easily believing what they're told, having no explained evidence to what's being presented. steve101 Posted by steve101, Friday, 24 March 2017 2:35:25 PM
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Dear Joe,
I am more than familiar with the Catholic School education. And the bullying that went on in those institutions was horrendous. It was enough to turn anybody away from religion. I managed to survive the experience thanks to being transferred elsewhere by my wise parents and as a result I managed to retain my religious beliefs. My husband was raised under the Christian Brothers system - he's a different case altogether. My father was raised by Jesuits. But enough said. I stated earlier that bullying is an existing problem and it can be solved depending on the hierarchy within the institution and the people involved. Looking always at kids in a negative light rather than having grass roots programs designed to work with the kids is not going to be successful. You needs kids to feel connected with the schools and the teachers. If you run programs that don't connect with the kids that's when you're going to get problems. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 March 2017 5:49:57 PM
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Remember the movie Babe, sheep dogs in the movie were saying 'sheep were really very dumb'.
Sheep have an instinct to huddle together, that I have heard a theory that sheep on the outside are more likely to be attacked by predatory animals. Government childcare government appointed experts supporting women going to work, that paid child carers will take care of children, I am suggesting like sheep, keeping children together in early age childcare, young children are going to experience: conflict; jealousy; trying to dominate weak looking children; being bullied by stronger children... child carers are too busy to notice, and/or more concerned about keeping child numbers being cared for high, that a viable childcare business greatly depends on numbers. Crying, noisy, running around children does something to other children in care. Like brothers and sisters not liking each other, that two is company, three is a crowd, like sheep, children can be expected to get dumber due to constant movement from many children will overload visual and listening memory, confusing memory ability to select worthy to remember knowledge, example, like watching pointless to think, fast moving, shifting scenes Hollywood movies... that increasing numbers of children huddling in a group, future psychological problems and/or thinking dumbness, poor academic learning progress should be expected. I heard a quick suggestion by a female who could have been thought of as a child carer during a Malcolm Turnbull childcare news clip, saying 'calming children, keeping children calm while children are in childcare is a good thing' maybe one of a few benefits to children. Posted by steve101, Saturday, 25 March 2017 2:57:20 PM
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Friday March 24, The Drum host began by saying, “is it time to ditch all teaching of religion in schools and instead teach children ethics”. Between quest speakers personal opinions, which personal enjoyment opinions favouring religion can be lies in support/instructed by a paid by establishment propaganda spin expert to manipulate listeners decisions towards favouring choosing one of several religions, that listeners generally listen for simple quick to the point conclusions from smooth soothing voice and intelligent sounding people. Asking an ethical person to draft out teacher reading material to be taught to children, some religious person or education department curriculum lesson drafter is given the task, whom sabotages reading material so teachers and parents will complain what difficult to comprehend non-religious ethical teachings are being taught, persuading all concerned to return to religious based ethical teaching. It seems religions are attempting to monopolise teaching ethics in schools. Religions I speculate, are constantly falling back to paragraphs in the bible supposedly formulated 1500 years ago by self-interested self-appointed (second (or further down the birthright trail) in line to have inherited wealth aristocrat) having turned themselves into awe inspiring looking cardinals in some large gathering. Translating Latin into Greek, into old English, into modern English or not. My speculation here is that shifting between talking about ethics and reading out bible paragraphs to justify where ethical information came from, that god is party responsible, sudden shifting from bible paragraphs to ethical readings interrupts listeners thought process flow. Which in itself is unethical. I have not yet watched one episode of channel Ten's “Bull” yet as shown in promotional adverts, Bull manipulates juries to favour his clients... yet realising Bull on listening to media news, you can't really believe free speech in a society where school education and media influences human behaviours is real freedom of thought not being influenced by media simple one line analogies verse complex boring discussions, free speech. Likened to post Brexit and Donald Trump winning the presidential election analogies, say simple statements, make promises difficult to achieve... majority voters vote for the simplest emotion words provide. Posted by steve101, Saturday, 25 March 2017 2:58:47 PM
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Where I maybe accused of rambling on, I try to gather ideas to formulate new relevant ideas, compared to other posters. That most posters have short one line comments, I suggest an education which required limited complex answers to even less complex questions, that: hurrying; easily distracted towards fun; crushed child curiosity; an emotional desire to quickly judge, rather than analyse; some winning instinct to have the last word; that any person who doesn't follow the group's “group thought” are outsiders.
I speculate many people's depth in thought is so shallow, curios to listen people listening to one on one debate hear (anticipating getting emotionally stimulated) favour backing a winner, the loudest bully of a two person argument, that generally a debate turns to louder bullying personal attack on a weaker debater, that many people hearing bullying feel the bully is the better debater, choosing to feel the bully won the debate. The spirit of bully competition felt inside and outside classrooms were the few inspiring in taking notice curiosity traumatised by academic learning children could enjoy. Federal Parliament question time, has prime minister and front bench ministers standing up on an asked questions, leading answers to bullying members of the opposition. A society of badly educated citizenry many of whom may ignore much of this performance, fail to openly criticise government, nor does any mainstream media criticise bullying performances. Religions teaching ethics Catholic school priests culture of child molesting, is a case of “do what I say, don't do what I do”. Emotional reward to feel superior to that of others “narcissism” a bunch of priests standing in front of: a congregation; classroom of boys... the feeling of words flowing out of subconscious memory into spoken words, euphoria of respect and influential power over a group of people and/or bullied to be obedient to authority children. The pleasure of getting away with sin and sinful thoughts, increased by bullying young school boys. Posted by steve101, Saturday, 25 March 2017 3:00:26 PM
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How can any listener understand deep ethical concepts if presenters shift between one line statements to stated bible paragraphs. That having previously mentioned media news presenter's rolled over short stories one after the other, any time to consider depth in stories is like shifting from simple ethical beliefs to bible unclear statements needing further clarification.
School students copying from chalkboards, students can only remember short sentences before writing down short sentences into textbooks keeping spelt words spelt correctly. That the idea of comprehension while reading from chalkboards slows down the progress in the task of copy readings into textbooks, which students constantly realised, punishes any incentive to comprehend knowledge, that being if there were any knowledge worth comprehending. That having copied down chalkboard text, students intended to read textbooks within one week before examinations, only to remember: people names; place names; dates; anything that believed maybe asked in A to F examination questions. That asking students to analyse Shakespeare: love; greed; jealousy; suicide; desires to murder... comprehending old English phrases further punishes instinctive incentives to comprehend any depth in reading material. That most readers are merely desiring some quick judgement to justify their own delusion of quick to judge intelligence. I theorise that sending children to school too early, that young children would be better of kept calm and separate from other children. That children merely experiencing everyday communication one on one with responsible parents, children build awareness to ethical behaviours. As children slowly consider the value of information, comprehending depth, that alternatively, if no increase in awareness fails to inspire thought, children may not mature into responsible adults. Posted by steve101, Saturday, 25 March 2017 3:01:31 PM
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Sending young children to childcare institutions, forcing child-like simple finger painting doesn't necessarily give children increased skills if children use such lessons as competition between children as child carers and teachers may have been told to encourage. Young children seeking approval from adults only to have some bully child laugh at what was said to be good work by a childcare giver, confuses emotional judgements. Better that children were not encouraged to find stimulation from judgements and to merely take in the environment, avoid poking themselves in the eye with a pencil. As teenagers should avoid doing anything seen on the “Science Of Stupid”.
If too younger children feel punished for attempting to learn, that such environment behaviour continues, children will on sensing they may be learning something, quickly stop taking any notice, keeping themselves dumb, trapping themselves in a state of child-like “keep everything simple” intelligence. Politicians wanting to encourage child early learning, are sabotaging children's future continued depth of intelligence, creating a robot/zombie workforce, obedient to political (repressive at times) authority. If future computerised driving vehicles technology works, truck driving employment will fall, that as many employment opportunities are transporting goods, increasing percentage rate of workers with falling work force IQ intelligence, resulting in dumber workers, dumber work force can't easily complain about fewer employment opportunities. The dumber a population are the fewer capable complainers there will be, the less free speech representation separate from controlled media will exist. steve101 Posted by steve101, Saturday, 25 March 2017 3:03:00 PM
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The answer to bullying is simple. Bullying exists where bullying is tolerated. Attempts at indoctrination, education etc have little evidence of efficacy unless the carrot is accompanied with a stick, which is why the safe schools program was such a farce.
The school I sent my son to had a no tolerance of bullying policy, along with education with respect to their rights, bullies were subjected to a policy policy. For physical bullying, the first time the bully was suspended and the parents read the riot act. The second time a longer suspension, and the third time expulsion. In severe cases expulsion could be immediate and the police involved. The result was that it very seldom went past stage one, and bullying was nearly non existent. Verbal bullying was treated in a similar manner, but escalating less quickly. In my son's time there was at least one boy told not to bother to return the next semester. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 26 March 2017 12:50:03 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,
You were very fortunate in your choice of school. Initially our two boys also were sent to an exclusive private Catholic School, very well known in Melbourne. We had them booked in from birth because we firmly believed in the Jesuit upbringing. I won't go into the details of what we discovered after a few years, needless to say we ended up taking them out of that school - and both boys were far happier for it. Both ended up graduating from university and are very happy in their career choices. Both are great human beings. I am very proud of them both - no thanks to their earlier school. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 March 2017 1:20:36 PM
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Returning to childcare:
I seen a short television news story on changes to government financed childcare, not staring Malcolm Turnbull. A scene showing aged 3 to 4 years, roughly ten children wearing colourful clothing, sitting around a table, seen occupied with coloured boards, a close up scene shows a child placing large coloured cardboard disks with pictures onto same size coloured spots on a large cardboard board. An adult female child carer was seen sitting with the children. The scene looks ideal picture perfect child-caring. It only takes one child to get bored, leans over, grabbing a disk off a child to experience how far (s)he can get away with stealing something, that the child carer will tell the child not to take things from other children, good lesson learned. If you believe stealing problems are going to end there, you're delusional. Posted by steve101, Sunday, 26 March 2017 3:33:42 PM
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Young aged children: being stuck in one place for long periods; having been influenced by arguing parents; having been watching hyperactive cartoons; having been watching ball chasing sports; having the enthusiasm of a dog to chase a ball; hyperactive self-medicating from some traumatised event while inside and/or outside of childcare; being bored, will learn often bad habits from any number of hyperactive children... the child carers will in order to maintain control, after first asking children not to do something, second time warning will come with a stern voice and stern look, that bored forgetful children will try to do things child carers are warning children not to do to experience how far a child carer is willing to threaten and/or punish the child, that some children may find punishment like cutting-the-self less boring than being held in a room being constantly asked not to interfere with other children after being warned several times. That many children are witnessing childcare givers bullying attempts, learning from the hopelessness the childcare giver attempts are failing.
The real lesson is that forced to be held in confined spaces: childcare rooms; school classrooms; youth detention centres... punishes human curiosity to reduce youth into doing nothing new boredom. That children being held in childcare centres will eventually become bored by a lack of new experiences, begin to become creative, not merely by stealing another child's stuff, but to experience how far adults will punish children, to even blame other children to witness what child carers will do to other children, to whether child carers will believe the lying child. All of which in honest good learning experiences, children are forced to undergo by placing many children together for too long in one repeated location, doing the same limited experienced tasks. Over a long term, children are trying to repress: boredom; bullying; mental stress; forced to do same tasks year after year; learning to bare the daily pain and boredom. Children start cutting themselves to merely feel something as complained. Posted by steve101, Sunday, 26 March 2017 3:35:40 PM
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I believe there are people running things from behind the scenes, like generals/boardroom chairmen, passing broad commands down a chain of command, who are paying people to provide: irrelevant; misleading; fake science stories; fear warnings; confidence gaining; political decisions which are often designed to fail and/or fall short of expectations; media's unrealistic entertainment dysfunctional behaviours... that by Google information which to collect information on how to do computer repairs, search pages lead to useless forums. That even when being guided to a computer geek website, information is generally incorrect, not being what was asked and/or Youtube hurried through on hardware difficult to see; websites want to sell courses; going down search engine pages seeing posted date going back 10 years... many people in the entire world would be asking the same questions, that some excuse is, website providers only care to draw people to a website to score a hit so advertising revenue can be collected.
People become frustrated at not finding relevant information as though they were at school. Monthly charging wired to house service providers I would think would desire users to be satisfied with the content of information being searched on the Internet. Yet I believe the generals/boardroom chairmen are satisfied by many providers of public knowledge to that of: political arguing; religions speaking for god confidence tricking; serious media constantly criticising well known people whom I believe intentionally make mistakes to be criticised; the content of technical knowledge depends on the monetary income gatherers can gain from knowledge whether easy, cheap and quick access can be obtained. Much knowledge can be found: easily; cheaply and quickly... about the solar system and the Milky Way, yet readers can't earn a monetary income unless they teach the same information back to other people for a wage, seemly not going to happen. Posted by steve101, Sunday, 26 March 2017 3:36:57 PM
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The process of denying humans good intelligence begins in childcare caring, placing many children together for long periods to allow boredom within children being dissatisfied by being bored, denying children from doing what children do: explore the environment; gather intelligence; test the limits; formulate better tactics.
Placing children in boring situations under care givers more concerned with controlling children, forcing children to do repeated child intelligence boring tasks. A summery would be that childcare centres whom claim they are teaching children are in reality repressing child development, forcing children to take learning matters into their own hands. Childcare givers and teachers are punishing child curiosity, in a way where children place themselves on a pathway of: self-medication; delusional beliefs; self-harm; teenager alcoholism; drug addiction; suicidal thoughts. The generals/boardroom chairmen are intentionally planning as some god idea of natural selection, world population bible Noah's god said, “go forth and multiple” survival of the fittest, placing pressure on populations with wars and conflicts as had being going on for many thousands of years. Illegal drugs causing drug addictions create opportunities for: working class reduced intelligence; media concerning distraction awareness; political concerns propaganda; increased police employment that would have been defence force employment. Psychological problems will never be solved as long as young children are forced to solve: boredom; mental stress; repetitive academic tasking; force to endure confined spaces as though they were being jailed 6 hours each week day. That the only encourage by care givers and teachers alternative behaviours are dog intelligence ball chasing sports. Posted by steve101, Sunday, 26 March 2017 3:38:21 PM
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ACB2 TV for kids, during week days ABC2 and ME have short highly coloured, intended for young children's programs; Shaun The Sheep programmed for 8 minutes; The Jungle Bunch 12 minutes; Jamillah and Aladdin 12 minutes; SheZow 13 minutes; Danger Mouse 15 minutes... each program has a long introduction, Shaun The Sheep has a long musical/song introduction that somewhat drives me closer to being angry/mad. When programs end, a long lists of involved in producing the program maybe seen together with somewhat annoying music. Between each production there's a period of other future program promotions. I speculate children are being conditioned to ignore what has been heard multiple times before, that children's programs have alternative dummying down children intentions other than what's believed entertaining and educating children.
Many children's programs are unrealistic and hyperactive exampling “Power Rangers”. steve101 Posted by steve101, Sunday, 26 March 2017 3:40:51 PM
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I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience. My example was to point out that stopping bullying is actually very simple. The bullies need to know that there will be severe consequences. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 26 March 2017 7:03:40 PM
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I heard of a guy who despaired of his son's incessant misbehaviour at state school, and finally sent him to a Christian Brothers boarding school. After the first term the kid returned home totally changed. Polite, respectful, obedient. How did they do it? the dad wanted to know. "Oh you didn't misbehave on the Christian Brothers, Dad, they wouldn't take any nonsense.
"They had a bloke nailed to the wall" Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 27 March 2017 5:09:54 PM
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Childcare providers reading to many children whom are sitting on the floor, childcare providers attempting to hold children's attention as a control many children tactic, children for long periods can't easily listen to childcare provider's sentences:
#1 children listening for meanings coming from childcare providers reading story statements, children's cognitive ability in comparing sentences with known ideas in order to add knowledge to known ideas (realistic self-learning), children may find no thought productive meanings from childcare providers (recommended by education department) children's stories, amounting to wasted opportunities, filling children's memories with old European dummying down stories; #2 the longer childcare providers talk, the more listening children become cognitively overloaded, punishing what adults might believe children would experience a learning opportunity, that I suggest, few children (if at all any children) are bothering to, and/or capable of remembering anything as remembering and keeping up with listening to childcare providers' readings feels better to children if children's brains merely enjoys childcare providers' encouraging enthusiastic characteristic changing voice to each story character expressions. The feel good not bothering to remember (not tested by teachers) better feeling children's zero learning anything behaviour, may during future teacher instructional lessons be worse if children had not attended childcare institutions, which because being asked to listen to childcare provider stories, what was believed to teach children to listen, actually taught children to listen without comprehending and/or comparing story sentences with existing known knowledge, that any new knowledge gained to compare and comprehend are often associated with murder stories. Childcare provider stories have no relevance to children's life, exampling, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs step mother trying to assassinate Snow White, a kiss from a prince awakens Snow White, old European fable stories. That many such similar stories have no real comprehensible point. What could be encouraging children to read by childcare provider example, could, I strongly suggest are wearing down children learning curiosity. Children can't see words while childcare providers are reading. Children's interests and curiosity are given pointless information, wearing down children's learning progress. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 28 March 2017 11:18:10 AM
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Children would be better off watching a television screen which has well documented narrator descriptions without singing distracting songs sabotage/redirections, highlighted as narrator speaks word subtitling at the bottom of the screen, slowly describing new to see interesting events holding children's attention while truly educating, guiding young children in the simplest/basic beginning the process, terms. As many children would be better informed children would not so easily be bored after having seen an informative child ability to comprehend documentary, children on wanting to not be bored, remembering what was recently seen, even talking to other children on what was seen. I suggest, that's how society achieves intelligent children leading to non addictive to dysfunctional behaviours, drug taking, capable of doing anything adults. More prime minister material than any country would need.
Using as it stands childcare, young aged children attending first class at school, thereafter through to HSC, teachers forced to teach to tests, by teachers informing children of test results' easy to understand percentages, children comparing results competitive spirit, embarrassed low percentage scoring children, feeling disappointed, beginning/worsening a self-esteem problem, whom need to replenish self-esteem, ideally choose to bully high percentage scoring test scored children, dumber children forming groups. High scoring children are being punished by bullies because policies exist on frequently testing children's academic ability, that children whom hold better scoring percentages need to think how best to avoid bullying children whom bullying children are responsible for their own poor attention to teacher instructions and poor reading/writing/spelling/maths skills. Anecdotally, 10 years ago, no talking to a high school maths teacher on forcing children to compete with each other, he said teachers were being suggested to that in the future teachers will reduce the number of tests. The forcing children to compete with each other, is known within teachers and education department bureaucrats, dissatisfied students bully more academically competent students. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 28 March 2017 11:20:57 AM
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Anecdotally, my true story: around 1990, I new a woman with several children, who through her aged 13 daughter, the daughter accusations the step father of spying no her when she was naked.
At this point in time, the girl's mother (the woman) had earlier ask her second husband to leave. The woman's mother and I were sitting at a table when the 13 year old daughter came up to us looking for her mother to inform her mother she received a 65% test score on a recent test. Her mother having told me she always praises her children on test scores regardless what scores are. I told the girl that 65% wasn't a great score, the girl's grandmother agreed with me. The girl left to return later while I was by myself. The girl gave me an extreme verbal bullying session as I calmly sat there. I cared less as the girl was 13 years old to bother defending myself... 12 years later the girl had 2 children, the husband had left her, she was on a Centrelink pension looking after her 2 children, as her mother (the woman) had done 20 years earlier, bringing up her (the girl) and two other children after the husband left her to start another relationship. IF there be a moral, female children bullying other children to replenish self-esteem, arguing back at females and/or males, males having similar issues bullying/defending from bullying issues while in a marriage relationship, can be a formula for high statistical rates of family violence and devoice, many women on Centrelink payments. Marriage break-ups where accumulated wealth property mortgages are involved is rewarding for: banks; state government taxes; real estate businesses; lawyers; law courts. Children being bullied by teachers not to bully other children, accused of bullying children are having one solving boredom and low self-esteem problem creative solving issues process punished, the innovation to “think” how to solve boredom and low self-esteem is punished. Children's future desires to think to solve problems may feel they will be punished, therefore fail to attempt further efforts to think out solutions. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 28 March 2017 11:24:48 AM
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Freedom of Speech:
Because children learn information at too earlier an age. Children needing to raise self-esteem and/or influenced by curiosity, feel pride in remembering what adults told them. Repeated knowledge through stories which prompt previously remembered knowledge. People like me enter the picture, arguing much of what is known is false. Where people believe in democracy is about free speech, all the arguable knowledge I constantly post exposing school education as designed to dumb down citizenry, persuade children to believe what children are told to believe before children develop ability to doubt what Neanderthal fuelled emotions tell them what to believe. What I could say about 95% of citizenry is that the 95% citizenry don't care what 5% of citizenry believe, the 95% will ignore everything that opposes their beliefs. People like me whom constantly expose false beliefs, are allowed by establishment to express lies and propaganda methods, because the moment 95% of citizenry stop listening and even though many will have understood and agreed. Within minutes all previous believed beliefs will return and be maintained stronger than previously. Free speech: exposing lies; manipulations; intentional guiding investors into companies designed to fail; scaring future home buyers not to buy property, media scaring listeners with market downturns, Apocalyptic scares, employment insecurity stories; multiple interest rate rising warnings... free speech is merely another lying piece of propaganda. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 28 March 2017 11:27:33 AM
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Those who feel they live in a free speech society, hear and repeat leader disapprovals rather than argue reasons policies are wrong: Keating verses Hawke; Howard verses Costello; Rudd verses Gillard; Abbott verses Turnbull. Media listeners hear these rolled over character rolls that feeling important criticising leaders, remembering childhood importance stimuli endorphins needed to medicate school education, the Abbott standing under the “Reject” shop sign, the joke's on whoever feels and/or believes politics is real, the jokes are on the super intelligent Neanderthals.
Addictions come in many forms: feeling important; feeling pride; believing sports competition isn't rigged to maximise entertainment, feeling correct; that any person expressing alternative beliefs by expressing the person is wrong, stimulates endorphins, that bullying someone else into submission feels good, therefore feels correct. Gambling and compulsive behaviours are addictions that are difficult to believe need changing. People cutting themselves, as stated by self-cutting people wants to feel something is an addiction. Childhood mental stress does strange things to children, tactics to solve mental stress issues feeling relieved and/or distracted are difficult to stop. Ideas of free speech changes listener's beliefs to which most people suffer from fixed belief addiction, free speech is merely a joke. …................. A thought about names: Addams Family television series and movies. Addams Family's evil dysfunctional behaviour turned into well meaning humour. Addams Family 1993 movie was shown on television on Sunday 26, introduced Debbie married Uncle Fester with the intention of murdering Uncle Fester. Debbie was depicted as evil, said by Wednesday Addams that Debbie was evil. The name Debbie first three letters amount to symbolising a horned devil. Lower case d is an ear and a horn; e is the head, e for evil; b is the other ear and other horn... “deb” looks in the minds of the establishment in the know, shows a sense of humour. Debbie Does Dallas not merely a title which rhymes. North Queensland cyclone named Debbie a few days before the movie was scheduled to show. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 28 March 2017 11:30:54 AM
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Allah is Great. Islamic god named Allah, I theorise when asked, Christian Pope etc, may honestly express that: god is everything; God is time; All is well on the western front; all together; all of us; all the time; all over the place... that some person involved in dictionary words, aware that god is everything, took the first three letters of Allah, that being all, made all meaning everything. Chances are that the word all and Allah is a coincidence, 26 letters times 26 times 26, seems more intentional than mere coincidence.
steve101 Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 28 March 2017 11:33:59 AM
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To be Clear...
Compulsive: shopping; gambling; smoking; getting excited over sports; cleaning; tidiness; narcissistic bullying... compulsive subconscious memory behaviours instant reactions guided/reinforced by emotions often to avoid prompted to awareness anxiety, not being able to stop known problems, let alone not being able to stop not recognised, not labelled compulsive behaviours. An opportunity to carry out a compulsive task which provides some lesser anxiety emotion, positive stimulation satisfaction. Readers of information are looking for conformation of their own intelligence, rather than increased arguments and/or evidence to further fuel their intelligence, instead readers agree or disagree, over limited number of arguments attached to headlined statements. Made worse by a lack of correcting mythical arguments and/or prompting doubt on what is often already believed. Compulsive behaviours always being felt correct, to win arguments, to engage in opinions which any opposing opinions maybe agreed with, yet not relevant to any changing beliefs. That community group thought is being formulated based around provided easy to believe often repeated short statement opinions. Individuals posting topics I find difficult to bring myself to read. That one problem with Internet posts are that there's too much to read, having too little added on memorable worthwhile meaning. Journalist posts provide too much journalist preamble flair, “food for fools”. Did you notice... I then bullied readers on posting their obvious (sudden moment of thought) opinions. Group posters are propping up their own belief in their own intelligence, posting (similar to previously approved on the same forum by forum members) opinions, looking for/expecting approval. Posted by steve101, Friday, 31 March 2017 11:56:16 AM
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Human short bursts of brain chemical rewards, fuels on going compulsive behaviours. Bullying replenishing self-esteem having began and/or made worse during schooling years, compulsive behaviours don't end with reported known compulsive behaviour addictions: cleaning; smoking; drug addictions; sports; sex addictions... human addictions can become established because humans frequent the same environment day after day, beginning with school classrooms. Teachers forced tasks prompt repeated negative judgemental emotions, outside classrooms compulsive behaviours try to solve.
That this posted subject is about bullying, school educated human brains not willing to change beliefs in my diagnosed opinion is about not giving into other people's bullying, other people being teachers demands for tasks to be carried out. Willing participant students were merely carrying what was asked by teachers were doing tasks in fear of teacher bullying them having seen teachers bully other students. Willing participant students, adult compulsive attitude to obey and believe authority. Like public executions were designed to threaten the living not to do what executed people had done. What schooling did was condition human behaviour to hate learning, conditioning human instinct to be resistant in discovering new thoughts, that any time spent processing new thoughts slowed down teachers forced under time duress tasks, day after day, year after year. Resistant to learning becomes a compulsion. It comes back to, the shallowness of adult human opinions depends upon the age children first began forming opinions, and the opinions children where forced to judge. Sending children to school at too earlier an age, children placed in an environment where mental stress hurrying and little to do boredom over long periods day after day. Young children are forced to judge negative and positive black and white thoughts rather than think in grey terms. Compulsive behaviours on seeing and hearing similar information day after day remembers early childhood judgements. Posted by steve101, Friday, 31 March 2017 11:57:39 AM
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If children first attended school at an older age, children would be least influenced by mental stress hurrying and time to judge periods of boredom.
Many issues that caused children to take on addictive negative to ongoing intelligence behaviours, more mature thinking children would have ignored, continuing to gather thought productive knowledge. Politicians: Malcolm Turnbull promoting early education are promoting the rich class's agenda to keep working class Neanderthal dumb; drug addicted; mentally depressed; believing lying excuses; Neanderthal dumb dependant on wage earning zombie labours employment; believing religions; entering military employment under some notion of serving the country. …............... News reports that school students maths and science are falling lower on a list of tested countries, as well as exposing falling student standards which I suspect scares teachers to believe they need to force students to place more effort to learn to increase examination percentages, so they as teachers won't find themselves suddenly unemployed. School principles can use media announced falling standards as an argument teachers are left speechless to defend. Parents hear student standards are falling, step up bullying their children to do better at school examinations. Media picking out falling science and maths world ratings should discourage encouragements for men and women to enter science. That because many other countries have high score ratings, Australia's low rating standards should be too low to even bother trying to enter science. There is so much emphasis in the United States to graduate college to obtain a twice the salary as minimum wage employment, having paid for using student loans and obtained a college degree, there's no longer any guarantee a college degree will get the desired career, that having studied for a career, most graduates will have to settle for another career. That sometime in the future to merely get employment, all applicants will need a college degree of some description. PBS Newshour has several times had stories on students being forced by teachers to study subjects to gain credits that students intended career evaluators saw credits as valueless. Posted by steve101, Friday, 31 March 2017 12:00:06 PM
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Australian media stories on: DNA research; medical research on medical cures that studies won't be concluded for at least 5 years; science fiction media stories... successful high graded examination school students wondering what career they intent to pursue, are drawn/tricked into believing science as a future career, encouraging increasing studying for higher grades to enter a science career.
Anecdotally, recently one media comment heard by myself, during a midday news story, not seen repeated during afternoon and evening prime time news, that many employed science graduates were planning to leave the profession as future funding for research was doubtful. That my assumption that graduate students who obtain the few opportunities to work in science, few will maintain employment in their chosen career for various reasons. That the idea that students deprived of all knowledge, persuading talented school students to pursue further school work studying on something which has few employment opportunities, rather than taking their: enthusiasm; curiosity; figuring out how best to do things; memory skills... enter the work force using existing genuine talents to successfully find a long term career through realising experiences which are not taught in schools. That school lessons are fine for filling out forms, yet useless for future outside pen pushing employment skills decision making. The Weekly With Charlie Pickering, March 22-23, 2016. Special guest: media made famous, enthusiastic rock star physicist Brian Greene. Asked about school education science examinations, Brain Greene had negative statements about school education and examinations, Brain Greene said, “taught as a collection of facts” used to test whether students can perform certain tasks, rather than testing whether science theory was understood. Brain Greene said, “I think grades are garbage”: assessment is wrong; school education creates credentials, that students can perform set tasks. Best heard from Brain Greene as explained. Posted by steve101, Friday, 31 March 2017 12:01:29 PM
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For the same reasons I accuse Paul Keating for taking the blame for an intentionally planned 2 years of boom buying property low interest borrowing, 1987 to 1989, suddenly without warning, raising interest rates to 20% vicinity for 2 years: 11% unemployment; several investment companies declaring insolvent. What details I remembered, even though I wasn't really paying that much attention as I wasn't effected, having absolutely no debt, I wasn't even owning a bankcard.
I can bring such events to people's attention, to indicate through argument how media political dramas are more fake story acting, manufacturing political news politicians voicing statements on days not much real news was happening. Bad traumatising, waste of time education made all the lies citizenry compulsive behaviour acceptance possible. steve101 Posted by steve101, Friday, 31 March 2017 12:02:45 PM
To begin with... serious news media have a limited rolled over list of what many listeners I speculate would want to be interested in,yet. Short list being: city property price boom, stamp duty, negative gearing; Donald Trump's postings, Obama wire taps, Russian hackers scandalised updates returning to be heard many times; terrorism; ISIS... there's not that many topics to hear and/or read about, that on having topics brought back into focus, citizens learn no knew information. ABC The Drum, whatever topics being discussed almost everything sounds the same political process slowly moving forwards justification.
Journalism the way it is, I cannot believe school children are any better learned by information compared to adult serious media. Some idea that children have to go to school to learn, that missing school is unacceptable, the idea children are learning anything is that many children learn to and practice bullying on the weaker students.
Like media rolling over the same stories expressing the same mining boom end, the same Sydney property bubble warnings, while I'm now typing, I'm listening to on ABC The Business. All the same warnings having been heard hundreds of times.
School forces students of all ages to perform the same day-after-day maths tasks, and same limited knowledge to several topics as serious journalism.
I theorise, education departments, enforced by principles, are wanting students to fail to achieve proficient memory abilities. Mental stressed children can't learn/memorise various alterations limited to the same knowledge.
Bullies are themselves been bullied by teachers over many hours beginning soon after first attending school, aged 5 years, that bullies are doing little more than what teachers taught bullies how to bully up to 30 students.
ABC “Bullied”, teachers were ignoring mentioned problem, that the ABC program was little more than bullying awareness and sympathy for bullied victims.
As children are encouraged to be innovative, zero innovation is when no questioner asked why bullies bully physically weaker students.
Teachers teaching to curriculum tests, forcing teachers to teach aged 5 years not ready for school, merely traumatises childhood pathway learning behaviours.