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Private Health Care Insurance Missing Debate.

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My easy to understand theories are that computers have individual identification addresses other computers and servers can read, that only computers that are identified registered to a system will be able to pass to the next password process, that once entered further passwords are required to identify individual people.

Software languages of specific varieties on big mainframe computer systems can only be programmed into computers by one single software entry port by a limited number of logged in administrators. That software language may not be compatible with everyday software hackers. That several dramatised entertainment have mentioned how big system computers have one only entrance point software changes can be performed.

Computers can be restricted to an own network system merely by computers own encryption. That every transmission to another computer system passes through a main server system having identified specific computer hardware.

Passwords between mainframe systems and servers maybe automatically changed every day to every hour.

When SCI: Cyber crime television series was shown, if watchers listened, password entry into password protected computer systems left CSI talented expert hackers unable to even bother to attempt to gain entry.

That Yahoo 1 billion hacks are lies without passwords.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 6 March 2017 11:07:07 AM
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My further speculation is that rich and powerful people are fearful of a: French Revolution; Russian Revolution; 1960s Negro black power movement freedom from white repression, political takeovers and/or some underground movement. As English Queen Elizabeth the first and court advisors were fearful of being overthrown by Catholics' Catholic conspiracies, hundreds of schools were introduced into England, on a pretence of academic education, where brutal punishments were dealt out to students beginning at young ages, to condition fear of punishment by authoritarian teachers into society for not obeying authoritarian protestant rule. That Shakespearian plays were non-religious concerns, prompting peasant working classes to care less about what god wanted. That extreme religious Puritans lead by royal establishment were merely sidelined scare tactics reminding English citizenry of previous religious persecution inquisition threats. That Richard Nixon declared war on drugs, having the CIA get Vietnam military personnel addicted to opioids, police can arrest Negros for illegal drug use, placing Negros in jail, forcing Negros to perform slave labour as Negros had done before the 1960s, making production line consumer products cheaper than Mexican workers can produce. That only rare media reports and a “Michael Moore: Where To Invade Next”, I recommend readers to watch, US jailed slave labours bother to mention.

Michael Moore points out that USA corporate taxes are low compared to European countries, yet, many other taxes and charges placed on US citizenry for the same services Europe offers their citizens, makes US life more expensive than European life. That Malcolm Turnbull's policy to lower corporate taxes will merely slowly move government provided services to a corporate profit making system of increased profit making inflationary charges Australian citizens should recognise with private health insurance, which private health insurance companies are blaming increasing premiums on an aging population, I somewhat party blame on: recreational sports; alcohol; drug addiction and accident prone stupid... all of which are influenced by a bad school education system similar to Elizabeth the first's dictatorial education.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 6 March 2017 11:13:56 AM
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Much of modern western education is about believing what media and authoritarian rulers said happened, that computer hackers are attacking western countries, that society needs government to protect society from foreign enemies. The notion society enemies are within “terrorists” and “liberal politicians talking to Russian diplomats” are psychological added abuse to school education, rulers place on children's ability to think without eventually needing to self-medicate using doctor pre-scripted drugs and/or leading to teenager's use of illegal drugs.

Cold War ideology foreign government hackers, military industrial society's end of domestic economic boom distractions, future lost wealth creation opportunities... Australia finally gets F35 advanced technology aircraft. Australian leaders, Donald Trump and US Republicans talk tough on defence. USA increasing military spending by 10% under a clumsy political administration. That such clumsy administration is seen as having little more intelligence to control the future as common working class Science Of Stupid failed to demonstrate good decision making abilities teenagers.

Donald Trump 10% increase in military spending and Obama's phone tapping scandals being compared to Nixon era Watergate Hotel scandal, are signs to Nixon's “we're all Keynesians now” 1972 late announcement, 1969 low interest rate low CPI inflation rate. As Nixon expanded the Vietnam War, CPI inflation increased as inflation during war times reportedly does. That as US bond interest rates rose so did wage and CPI inflation at the same percentage rate. By 1980 Ronald Reagan was promoting higher interest rates to that of inflation to combat inflation, labelled “stagflation”, that being low GDP growth with high inflation. Yet I speculate 1970s increasing interest rate burden on business balance sheets pushed up consumer CPI goods retail pricing leading to increased expensive living conditions, union leaders were quick to ask for wage increases, wage increases quickly given. That Gough Whitlam's government media criticism were media misinformation: loans affair and several other government financed newly introduced services to citizenry blamed for Australia's 10% inflation and 10% unemployment, much of the rest of the western economies were also suffering from. That Richard Nixon also provided newly introduced/increased public benefits during his term in office.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 6 March 2017 11:15:38 AM
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I suggest, at ends of public/private sector low interest rate booms, as experienced now, a period when many working class become cash and property rich, establishment controlled following future two choices are: one choice being a banking crash to that of 1930s, Keating's 1989 to 1994 recession, 2007 and 2008 blamed on sub-prime mortgage crisis, slow recovery over several years; the second of the two choices, being high inflation with limited investment compensation choices in markets and property, blamed on increasing bond rates, which many retirement investors now have bonds in their investment choices.

Knowing what happened with hidden by RBA statistics misinformation, if any, 1980s up/down mortgage interest rates, property investors should take notice of post Second World War baby boom generation 1980s mortgage property investors spoken hardship stories.

Once again, I state school education were and are designed to keep human Homo-Sapien intelligence to Neanderthal intelligence abilities, students traumatised by school learning, citizenry ignoring relevant information, having trusted the political system to look after citizenry, citizenry simply wanting to have as much fun as possible in between employment and paying out property mortgages.

Citizens are trapped between believing everything they're told - to - being unable to complain (due to school educational decision making behavioural conditioning) past can't organise verbal and sign waving street marching demonstrations. That working class organised unions are controlled by the rich class establishments. That elected union leader's personal wealth, money and/or promises of staged political power (becoming a Labor party politician with government pensions) can always buy union leaders' decision making favours.

The mention above Michael Moore documentary interviews a selection of European: school students and school administrators on school education; jailed prisoners whom are allowed to carry knives; whom in the US would be be illegal drug controllers whom in Europe don't arrest any person using and/or carrying opioid drugs.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 6 March 2017 11:18:00 AM
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Doesn't matter whether both federal parliament front bunch politicians angrily argue with each other through media on differing ideas, what was introduced to happen (to be past into law) from the beginning will eventually be past into law. That all talk is merely show, fake democracies in action, as though parliament leaders were putting on an act directed at the easiest to convince badly educated competitive sport loving Neanderthal stupid, using simple themed forcefully dramatised sentences.

Posted by steve101, Monday, 6 March 2017 11:20:51 AM
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It really could be said that US American ruling class are evil empire rulers:

A school education that leaves graduate students “deprives of all knowledge”;

An education system persists in teaching the basics: reading; writing; mathematics; history; geography; limited themes Shakespearian literature; environment which cam be used to justify higher unemployment... pretend education lasting 13 years, using long hours each day mental stressing teaching methods, most memory repressive students are going to fail to answer learnt curriculum material, that following years are more of the same.
“Michael Moore: Where To Invade Next.” interviewing Finland high school students has similar ideas, which they recommend “teaching to curriculum tests” needs to end.

Students choosing to attend university to learn a specialised learning, could have began learning their choice of studying several years earlier, if a government set standard curriculum had not restricted student desires for specialised learning.

Much of the remaining non-professional university studying give learners little more diversifying thinkable knowledge to that of listening to ABC “The Drum” rambling opinions, philosophy; ethical studying. Delaying future employment and monetary incomes on some idea that once students gained a university degree, proves to future employers university graduates are capable workers, yet I strongly suggest, high school destroys human Homo-Sapien intelligence, only to have university learning replace high school deprived of all knowledge learning with selective philosophic rambling. That corporation and government middle and upper management would not want better intelligent employees than present management intelligence. There is only so much management knowledge management are capable of possessing. That only a limited intelligence are required to perform limited administrative skilled decision making thought processes... US college Grit-iron football loving Neanderthals are excepted.
The inefficiency of administrating new government policy, servicing aboriginal needs as an often expressed by serious media complaint example, indicates a worsening and/or no improvements in performance university educated societies provide.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 7 March 2017 2:31:17 PM
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