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Private Health Care Insurance Missing Debate.

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Migration of repressed/refugee middle eastern people, on embassies interviewing potential Muslim immigrants, successful applicants entering western first world countries, Muslim immigrants are happy to do difficult work at cheaper wage rates compared to western cultured occupied existing generations, Muslim people to begin a new life.

The US American capitalist dream was built on newly arriving immigrants willingness to work long and exhausting zombie labours western educated sick of school work don't want and/or want above normal wages, newly arriving immigrants supplying products and services for existing successful middle and rich classes, managing seen to be competitive profitable businesses. Capitalism is about increasing profits at the expense of wage earning workers. Laws aren't excluding jailed drug user prisoner labours making manufactured goods.

Capitalism, particularly Australian capitalism runs on population growth in increasing numbers of humans occupying dwellings which could include prisons. I suggest western countries corporate and political leaders have had last 50 years of local generational population's (baby births) growth repressed by various tactical means, because existing populations expect continued improvement in living standards and easy life style compared to that of their parents, repressing existing populations to allow cheaper labour willing to work third world migrants to enter western countries... using: equal education for women; placing women in the workforce, increasing property valuations above single wage incomes ability to buy property using close to purchased property big city centre employment, increasing the need to have a two wage income family to buy a home; expensive child care due to government regulations.

The choice to allow Muslims into western countries, where Muslim men exclude Muslim women from earning a working wage. That Muslim religious culture expresses women should not work rather to stay at home caring for Muslim children in their proper guidance, may play a role in why Muslim religious cultures are encouraged. The one adult wage income limits Muslims wealth creation.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 27 February 2017 12:25:45 PM
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I am saying western countries have had western countries population growth repressed, so intentionally economically repressive countries like trade restricted repressed Iran and country populations whom have had homes destroyed by bombs and/or under the threat of terrorism, will seek refugee status in western countries. The capitalist system “the rich get richer”, by keeping western working class repressed with western working class's own well meaning moral compass for allowing third world country refugee immigrants to enter western capitalist economic countries.

The 1994 movie True Lies, has the terrorist leader character complaining how for years western countries have been bombing middle eastern countries.

I would speculate that after the Second World War rebuilding of Europe having divided Europe into western capitalism and eastern economically repressed communism, western countries over built buildings compared to population growth needs, running out of GDP growth in the late 1980s. The bring down of the Berlin wall was opening up repressed cheap communist “greedy for wealth” labour into western Europe. That: Spanish; southern half of Italy; Greece, are deemed a source of repressed cheap labour, if required, which enter western industrial countries as a source of new cheaper labour and economic growth, repressing existing western born industrial labour from increasing wealth, holding down the value of working class labour for the wealth of western capitalist wealthy rich.

The global economy allows existing western countries established rich, inviting wealthy foreigners to buy local property keeping property booms moving forwards, property assets increase in value, established rich with property, selling property during late boom periods and the rich share market interests in banks and real estate companies sales turnover, picking up property cheaply after end of boom during the bust cycle.

February 24 DOW Jones index close was above 20,800. Is the world soon to experience a market crash after the rich have sold off property and certificate assets, buying back into markets during the bust. All being blamed on Donald Trump's presidency.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 27 February 2017 12:30:26 PM
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That 2007 warning sub-prime mortgage looming banking scandal and 2008 market decline were faked to drive middle and working class back into poverty, allowing the rich to get richer, cash ready rich buying up cheap property assets created during the previous 5 years, post 911 excuse to lower interest rates, low interest rate investment boom. If billionaires exist, billionaires exist using boom bust economic in the know buy and sell property a working class badly educated to believe what they're told, by a media under the control of the corporate boardroom rich, whom use shareholder funds to finance the dramatic acting political system, in the rich classes approach to self-interest wealth creation.

During busts, banks don't easily lend to working class while banks play-out the limited lending ability, stating bank reserve requirements are depleted, further repressing property resale prices, allowing credit worthy rich to borrow finance to buy cheap bankrupt properties.

After 2008, media reports no person went to jail being responsible for any lending to unable to service loans high risk borrowers, bundling up incorrectly rated “triple A” unworthy mortgage securities, that such sub-prime mortgage securities were invested in by companies that either declared bankruptcy, exampling General Motors renegotiating worker retirement obligations. President Obama's new confidence after George Bush's comical incompetent behaviours, who took poor “on the watch” responsibility for market declines. US national debt clock has risen from US$10 Billion in late 2008 to US$19 Billion in 8 years. That increased debt was said to prop up US banks, repressing domestic economy, “if it weren't for Obama, things would be worse”. That the faith in US democracy media had I assume no economic experts criticising Obama's administration and congress for faking behind closed doors banking crisis and behind closed doors fix, that media were constantly reporting the 2007-2008 like there was an actual banking crisis, where the entire crisis was a media manipulating dramatised hoax.

The media truly tells lies for rich boardroom directors whom control the political system, fake democracy. That as western education educates human behaviour to easily believe authoritarian statements.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 27 February 2017 12:37:18 PM
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I'd also point to corporate laws would have been formulated during several hundred years ago land owned democracies, laws designed to repress common peasant labours, allowing land owners to benefit from cheap repressed working class labour. Great Briton didn't need Negro slaves when peasants were removed from centuries of tied to farm land, peasants replaced with sheep, peasants forced to live in towns and cities to compete with each other for paid employment.

My best evidence for fake market index manipulation is July 1999' 11,400 to October 30, 1999' 7,200 DOW Jones index, rising quickly to a new record high of 11,700 DOW Jones index by January 4, 2000, that difficult to find Internet research has failed to find such index figures, that readers should ask personally known market investors investing in markets at the time, should provide conformation of my market index manipulation claims.

That anecdotally, the reasons such large market index movements were seen during second half of 1999 was to convince a number of selective media listeners, the Apocalypse was about to happen, that world banks were about to go bust, telling listeners to sell property and remove cash from banks, burying cash in parks. Which in late October 1999, guest radio spokes person said, “we could have taken more” as to find (as I found) significant amounts of buried cash was removed from buried locations.

Posted by steve101, Monday, 27 February 2017 12:44:16 PM
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Internet foreign government hacking scandals I am going to accuse media, are establishment guided lies; fake stories.

I am not an expert of computer hardware and/or computer software. Yet I know enough to safely speculate that computer hacking anything (especially IBM mainframe servers), other than Microsoft windows personal computer operating systems and several other easy to install software via Internet, that hackings are next to impossible, story scandals are lies. That many corporate system software are Linux based that Microsoft software doesn't recognise Linux software partitions. That such hacking stories attract the attention of more intelligent listeners for future confidence “we won't mess you around because we know you know to much” Apocalypse Now scams.

Where Microsoft windows have anti-spy, anti-virus, anti-malicious software. To my knowledge Linux and Apple operating systems don't require such hardware/software consuming software protection, one reason being because systems have their own software support websites, that firewalls are mere no access to administrator terminal password to installing additional software onto operating systems software.
Myself using personal computer Linux operating systems, updating software has a list of websites which are contacted for update software, I can delete. As does Microsoft update patches and security updates. That by using Linux, I merely open the start menu to click on an icon to visit a Linux website software centre to install and/or un-install listed approved by Linux administrators software.

My theories are that Microsoft allows software games and services to be downloaded from the Internet with few restrictions. Once an unwary Microsoft OS user downloads and allows software to pass by firewalls, anything can be installed on the computer.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 6 March 2017 10:55:37 AM
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I would speculate malicious software which messes with operating systems are set to a number of days after being installed to mess with Windows OS, soon after having malicious software installers return, recommending fixes, customers finding soon after money was required to finish the fix. That locking out users files, asking for ransoms, that all these extra expensive issues are Microsoft's and computer hardware provider's conspired intentions. That the idea of a hidden establishment preying on society, keeping society constantly distracted with annoying problems using various means, that a service industry exists scamming cash off computer users, that reasons malicious and/or hacking websites are not instantly removed or blocked from the Internet is such many malicious websites are of the establishment attacking non-establishment controlled businesses as well as the general public, that policing controls are of the establishment, is not past thinking about. That encouraging people to learn software programming, distributing commercialised hacking software, if court hacking, hackers will spend time in jail, making consumer goods, as US jailed slave labour.

One reason Microsoft is the largest provider of operating systems is that US government selected Microsoft as a government software provider and that desktop computer manufactures install Microsoft software on computers, that continued use of compatible to Microsoft licences software ensures Microsoft operating systems, that because Microsoft doesn't run a controlled secure software centre as Linux and Apple do, malicious software scams scare computer users to need annual updating how much protection expensive to buy protection software, charging large sums of money to fix computer units. That systems need paid administrators to service computer systems. Placing bank accounts on Internet aids scaring computer users assumptions to need extra software protection.

What allows personal computer users to except open to scams operating systems (that are not an organised secret establishment conspiracy), are media news stories of hackers hacking into secure Yahoo/ebay-paypal company and government systems.

Before people can repeatedly think to believe in conspiracy theories, media create counter intelligence propaganda, heading off citizenry believing in continued conspiracy theorists, like myself.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 6 March 2017 10:58:46 AM
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