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The Chooks Have Come Home to Roost
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Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 February 2017 8:38:08 AM
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Hey ttbn,
"Another Leftist, Old Mother Clinton was to be president, and the deal would be sweet. Then Trump occurred. " I think you might have the dates mixed up on this one, Clinton was already out of the picture. The US election was November 9 and the refugee deal might've been done Novemebr 13, if the following news article is a correct indication. So Turnbull really kind of did do the dirty on Trump knowing full well what his position would likely be, in order to get a result with the refugee issue. I think Trump will likely honour the deal begrudgingly and capitalise on it best he can, because he can in some ways blame Obama for it. And who knows what they've now negotiated, what the real deal is and what it will cost us. Trump's Secretary of State Tillerson has said some concerning things but don't get too worried just yet. He may have been playing to Democrats to get through his confirmation. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 February 2017 12:10:38 PM
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Stupid thing is Turnbull back the wrong deal, when Trump said he would stop Muslim immigration the Canadian Prime Minister said Canada would step up and take the Syrians etc.
Australia should have made a deal with Canada. Posted by Philip S, Friday, 3 February 2017 2:28:45 PM
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Good thought, Philip. Trudeau even says he would 'love' them. Turnbull could the the Manus Island illegals to Canada, and they have no illegals from Puerto Rica to give us. Much better for Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 February 2017 4:14:44 PM
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Here's a link from Michelle Grattan telling us why
Malcolm Turnbull should walk away from the refugee deal: It's something that Mr Turnbull will probably not do. But it is worth thinking about and debating. Weighing all the pros and cons. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 February 2017 4:52:45 PM
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Turnbull should walk away as you say Foxy, but he won't he will try to prove he is strong but it will backfire, Trump is 100% business man and he will want something back of greater value. What that will be we don't know bet Turnbull will not tell us.
Hopefully it won't be the trash they have their in the form of MS13 and other gangs or lowlifes who went as refugees and destroyed places or were obviously economic invaders Posted by Philip S, Friday, 3 February 2017 6:12:01 PM
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Foxy just read your link, NO WAY "grant a one-off amnesty, and let these people settle in Australia."
If that happens the smugglers and economic invaders win, don't forget a lot of them 97% on most boats were men. As well they caused a lot a damage in the refugee centers go back and see the photos of them arriving a lot were not refugees. Remember the clashes between different nationalities they bought there troubles with them. Posted by Philip S, Friday, 3 February 2017 6:18:13 PM
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If he walks away now he'll just look like more of a tosser...
May as well stay the course now, get rid of the damn refugees and be done with it. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 February 2017 7:09:01 PM
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Dear Philip,
«he will want something back of greater value» Sounds excellent - especially if in return he wants Australia to forget its commitments to China and/or to the UN and/or to the AGW cult. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 3 February 2017 7:12:23 PM
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Not surprisingly, the Left think they have been presented with another chance to start squealing 'let them stay' i.e let admit them into Australia; they cannot accept that even Turnbull cannot break the Government's often repeated statement that people attempting to enter Australia by boat will NEVER live in Australia. He is already in danger of losing his job - a job too important to him for any more stupidity on his part. The unwanted people have the choice to return to their countries of origin. Ideally, Turnbull should send them back. They are in no danger, and the outdated Refugee Convention and its unenforceable edicts could and should be ignored. The UN is not a world policeman or world government; it is kowtowed to only by weak governments, and it has no power to do anything if Australian showed some grit and told them where to put their Convention, corrupt scoundrels that they are.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 February 2017 10:08:11 PM
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Just found this
'Under the deal, the United States would take up to 1,250 asylum seekers. In return, Australia would take refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.' These are the drug dealing gang crazed places. That's all we need! Posted by Philip S, Friday, 3 February 2017 10:23:59 PM
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On the upside, the Australian Government can now let these people rot in the detention centres and now blame Trump.
A good deal all round. Trump gets the blame for not getting these people out, and by crapping on the goodwill between the two countries sets Australia on a more independent course. The Labor Party is having a field day thanks to Trump. You morons must be thrilled. Posted by Bugsy, Saturday, 4 February 2017 12:33:34 AM
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I don't see what all the fuss is about with these people because one, they are in a much better place than where they come from, and two, they arrived ILLEGALLY, and therefore have no rights.
Meanwhile, we have our very own pensioners, having worked all their lives, paid their taxes, educated their children, secured their futures now being told 'you're on your own' because we are forced to cut you off. We are forced to do this because we don't have the funds to provide for everything you were promised and looking after the welfare of these ILLEGALS is a priority, this being despite the fact that you have worked hard and contributed all your working life. Of cause, the main offender in all this, Kevin Rudd is happily going about his business, knowing that despite his monumental 'stuff up' he will be supported from the very funds that the pensioners have been denied axcess to, despit having contributed all their working lives. And the lefties wonder why Pauline is gaining popularity. Go figure! Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 4 February 2017 6:51:43 AM
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I don't think that you are the person to be calling others 'morons'. Rehctub, Well said. Australian politiicans and the Left have their priorities very, very wrong. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 4 February 2017 8:57:36 AM
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Hey ttbn,
You may be right about chooks coming home to roost. Turnbull might've cost the country a great deal with this refugee escapade with Obama. He's played right into Trumps hands with what he did and he may have committed us to wars. He's played right into Trumps hands, whether deliberately or not. Because doing the deal with Obama knowing full well Trump would oppose it created a situation where Trump could create a new deal, knowing full well Mal would look like a bit of a dill if he backed away. I'm seeing red flags in Trumps foreign policy. First it was Tillerson's comments about Crimea, next his talk of safe zones in Syria, and his statements towards China regards preventing them from using islands in the South China Sea; and now finally it's these statements against Iran. The Iran statements are particularly concerning because taking them down has been part of a larger neoconservative strategy all along, outlined by Wesley Clark in 2001. Even worse the whole scenario which has happened in the nearly 2 years since the Iran nuclear deal is outlined completely in a 2009 white paper from the Brookings Institute. The whole Iran Deal may be part of a planned strategy to take them down. And here's the link to that article. Really recommend listening to at least the first 5 to 10 minutes of yesterdays what really happened radio show. He's got his wife on in the final hour on Friday so its fairly easy listening. She makes some excellent points. So, Malcolm may have signed us on to who-knows-what. Also my earlier speech about buying a car and making the first offer low and insulting and then negotiating back does follow with Trumps apparent negotiating style, confirmed in his book 'The Art of the Deal'. Some say Trump's merely 'walking the walk and talking the talk' until after his cabinet appointees have had their senate confirmation; but I'm not convinced... Sorry for the MSM links; but I'm pretty sure Tillerson made those statements. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 5 February 2017 5:59:26 PM
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"I don't see what all the fuss is about with these people because one, they are in a much better place than where they come from," Dubious. At most they're in a much safer place, but when we've robbed them of the ability to shape their own future, we can't truthfully call it much better. And we now know it's not even as safe as we originally thought. "and two, they arrived ILLEGALLY, and therefore have no rights." Spoken like a Khmer Rouge commander! Aside from the fact that even criminals have rights, It is not illegal to arrive in Australia. And seeking asylum is legal regardless of whether the normal arrival procedures have been followed. "Meanwhile, we have our very own pensioners, having worked all their lives, paid their taxes, educated their children, secured their futures now being told 'you're on your own' because we are forced to cut you off." Which is of course a lie. The politician's aren't forced to cut anyone off; they choose to. Most people have fallen for the meme that it's intrinsically good for the government to run a surplus, and neither party dares challenge that myth. But in reality, running a surplus just means the government take more money out of the economy than they put in. In the current economic circumstances, a bigger deficit is a far more responsible outcome, and a surplus is unachievable because trying to reach one shrinks the economy. And the cost of keeping boat people in offshore detention dwarfs the cost of looking after their welfare. Kevin Rudd did indeed stuff up, failing to provide a safe way for refugees to reach Australia. And recently it was pointed out that Australia's discrimination against refugees extended to barring people coming here on student visas from places where there was a lot of persecution. So is it any wonder people had to resort to risking their lives trying to get here on unseaworthy boats? Posted by Aidan, Monday, 6 February 2017 1:19:42 AM
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No, not copping it, tired of all these bloody lies...
Aiden, You call them 'asylum seekers'. So lets all be realistic for just 1 minute hey? Most of them are from Iran and Afghanistan aren't they? Why don't you pull up a map. You do know how to access online maps don't you? If not just type 'google maps' into the 'google' searchpage and it will come up, its really easy; you should try it if you haven't already done so. Now look at the map and find the large country called 'Iran', can you find it? Now look at that big country of ours called 'Australia' In case you didn't notice its about 7700klms (as the crow flies) from Iran to Australia. I'd assume the distance os somewhat further by boat. In case you haven;t yet picked up on this important fact, there happens to be many other countries on the way: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka (following the coast) Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, and finally Indonesia. Well now it's 'Fun Facts Time'. Did you by chance happen to know that Indonesia is the worlds fourth most populous country? and get this (it's a really important fact) it's actually a Muslim Majority country. No kidding hey. Now think about that for a second or two. Why on earth would a person want to travel thousands of kilometers extra, skipping a Muslim majority country to go and live with so-called racist infidels? - If they we're fleeing persecution in PNG or Indonesia; then 'refugee' could be valid. These people may have started off as refugees when they set sail, but at some point in the journey they became economic migrants; and that was long before they got anywhere near our waters. You're welcome to stick up for the 'economic migrants' all you want, but don't sell us a false narrative; there's more than enough of that crap already these days that we're all literally drowning in it. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 February 2017 3:32:14 AM
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Arm Chair, Aidan doesn't allow the truth to get in the way of a good stary. But well said anyway.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 6 February 2017 7:21:23 AM
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Anything could happen. I think that Turbull will find that now is not the greatest time to be PM, especially for someone so incompetent and lacking understanding. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 6 February 2017 9:10:44 AM
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Proof our Prime Minister is delusional or just plain does not understand Trump. We don't owe Trump: Turnbull says no quid pro quo over refugee deal Malcolm Turnbull has dismissed suggestions Australia will be indebted to US President Donald Trump if he proceeds with the refugee resettlement deal, insisting there is no quid pro quo for future military support. The Prime Minister says Mr Trump has "absolutely not" asked for anything in return for US help in resettling up to 1250 refugees languishing on Manus Island and Nauru, despite making it clear during the pair's now infamous phone call – and publicly via social media – that he dislikes it. Posted by Philip S, Monday, 6 February 2017 11:31:54 AM
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It is reported that Trump has rubbed Turnbull's smug mug in the manure over the 'dumb' plan hatched up by two Leftists, Turnbull and Obama, to swap illegal entrants who never should have been the concern of either country. Another Leftist, Old Mother Clinton was to be president, and the deal would be sweet. Then Trump occurred.
Turbull received and well-deserved international humilation, and Trump has cemented his undertaking to do the right thing for Americans. Sadly, it highlights the no-where land, that is now Australia, as a very weird place indeed, given the idiots we keep sending to Canberra. Turnbull and his toadies must go, as must the opposition twit, Shorten and his bunch of commos. Australia has to start saving some serious money to defend ourselves with. We have been shown that the past, ongoing protection of the U.S can no longer be taken for granted. The 'shock/horror' of 2% of GDP for defence is nowhere near enough to begin defending ourselves. We need big money. We need to start by knocking in the head NDIS, Gonski, NBN, importing immigrants to hide the slow rate of growth and prop up the mendicant housing industry; finish with foreign aid to dictators, slash government and the public service; stop welfare payments to those who won't work, make people pay for their own kids, and cut welfare to idle Muslims who are using it to sap our society and soften it up for Allah. That's just for starters.