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The Forum > General Discussion > Why is Trump Different?

Why is Trump Different?

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The green blob, & the left are terrified of Trump, because the yanks now have a president who means to do what he promised.

He is going to clean out all the US equivalent of our quangos. Those useless organisations that have become totally filled with lefty bureaucrats.

He is going to clean out all those useless "research" organisations, filled with incompetent "scientists", that have spread like a cancer through out the education & public sector. Hence the "scientists" march.

He is going to hold bureaucrats responsible, & close down their little fiefdoms.

The lazy establishment, grown fat & bloated under many administrations is about to get a thorough kicking, right where they deserve it, & don't like the idea.

He has the advantage of seeing Tony Abbott try to please the blob, only to be denigrated no matter how good his efforts. Trump is not going to make that mistake. He is going to attack the lot of them, & the cheering crowd will grow as he does.

I was disgusted with the puerile media attacks on Trump in 2 media news programs tonight, & I don't ever watch the totally disgusting ABC. They are so rattled they are becoming even more incompetent. You can almost see them foaming at the mouth, so rabid have they become. It is them looking stupid, & will look more so the longer they try this rubbish.

The model is now displayed for someone, Tony, Pauline, or a new player to use to discredit our media. I think I can actually see the beginning of the demise of our ABC in Trump & his disdain for over opinionated media folk.

That is why Trump is different, & oh so important to our future.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 27 January 2017 8:40:30 PM
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//Trump's real name is, of course, Zaphod Beeblebrox.//

How dare you compare our most illustrious President of the Galaxy to the barely evolved creature known as 'The Trump'. Zaphod, like myself, is from a small planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse - and we're all highly offended by any comparisons between a hoopy frood like Zaphod and a poorly disguised Vogon impostor wearing a bad wig.

Still, he's mostly harmless.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 27 January 2017 8:40:49 PM
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Yeah, Hitler was such a sensitive guy I am sure he would have taken up water colours if only someone had the smarts to have laughed at him.
Posted by phanto, Friday, 27 January 2017 9:15:34 PM
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The reason hostility towards Trump seems unprecedented is because the US has largely been sold out by a corrupt establishment in support of globalism to an unelected corporate fascist world government.
What you need to understand that this was no 'normal' election.
The US was at a crossroads, and with it the future of the free world.
Literally everything was at stake.
It was historical.

If Hillary had've won there would've been a mandate towards the liberal left, they'd have chosen Supreme Court Judge to replace Scalia and passed their legislation. They'd have legitimised immigrants (amnesty's) made legal sanctuary cities (ensuring their continued election), continued with Soros Open Borders agenda as well as the North American Union, Removed Gun Rights (disarming the public), cracked down on free speech and gone after independent media and veterans, continued to export the jobs running the middle class into the ground and continue to polarize the country with race baiting, bringing in a surveillance state and making the nation total slaves before an inevitable economic collapse that would bring in martial law and foreign UN troops.

Armed and patriotic US citizens are all that stands in between the globalists ending the US as we know it and largely achieving their globalist plans.
They can't achieve their plans for world government unless they wrest control of the US entirely from it's citizens and disarm them, as well as tearing up the constitution and their rights.

Trumps electoral win showed that the patriotic citizens drew a line in the sand and they weren't willing to take any more rot from a political class that weren't doing anything to look out for them.

The outcome is that there's now a mandate (with Brexit) for Nationalism, and the globalist's world government plans (with Trumps initiatives) has taken a potential death blow.

Nationalism is now rising and Globalism is declining, and rather than getting their world government they spent so much time planning and trying to implement they may instead get a kind of renaissance where the people rise up and support true freedom and liberty instead...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 January 2017 9:16:09 PM
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A lot of people really don't understand what just happened with the US election.

I try to tell everyone that President Clinton changed the media laws himself allowing consolidation of the media into the 5 or 6 large corporations existing today.

The Clinton's built it. They own it.

Some have concerns that Trumps speaks and acts like a dictator and this causes unease.
I suggest that people try to remain optimistic because even if this was true (and I don't believe it is) there's just as much likeliness that he could be a 'good' dictator as there is that he'd be a 'bad' one.
I don't support everything Trump does but given the times and the situation I'm willing to put my trust and hope in him.

I think the way he speaks and acts is more of the way he sees himself as a 'businessman who negotiates deals'.
The Art of the Deal.
So when he makes big and seemingly over the top statements, it may actually be a form of tough negotiation.

Like when you go to buy a car (and not caring if you buy it or not) and the first offer you make is so low its almost insulting, and then you work back from this position to eventually come to an agreement that ends up with you getting an exceptionally good deal (if that person also wants to make a deal).

Trumps making good on his promises so far, he's quite possibly done more in his first week than Obama achieved his entire Presidency.

The Clinton's were largely running a criminal cartel under the the facade of the memory of the good and moral nation the US supposedly used to be.
The allegations made on the following link (including other videos on the authors channel) must be seen for oneself to be appreciated.

I don't understand why people seemingly want to see Trump fail, if only to satisfy their own egos, and to say "I told you so."
Do you really want Trump and the United States including all it's citizens to fail?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 January 2017 10:28:25 PM
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I have to admit that I didn't take seriously Trump's claim that the Mexicans would pay for his wall. But, they are indeed going to pay for the wall via a 20% levy on all their exports to the U.S. Mexico cannot decline to sell to the U.S: they need the income, and 20% is a piddling amount for what they gain from the trade. Trump is a genious.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 January 2017 10:48:46 PM
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