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The Forum > General Discussion > Merry CHristmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry CHristmas or Happy Holidays?

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Merry Christmas - Derr
You don't even have to be religious in Australia to celebrate Christmas.
Its about spending time with family, enjoying a meal together, and mostly about kids opening presents.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 19 December 2016 8:34:33 AM
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Dear Joe,

I've been spending time at the Dementia Wing
of my mum's nursing home - Helping to decorate
the entire wing including her suite
(I've bought Christmas Wreaths,
Christmas Decorations, tinsel, et cetera).
We've had singing, lunches, art and music therapy.
The Wing and her suite look fabulous - and mum has thoroughly
enjoyed herself. Which is the main thing. I've bought
Andre Rieu's Dvd - "Home for Christmas," which I shall
play for all the residents to watch. I think they will
enjoy it.

This is such a busy time of the year but I've got
things under control. Christmas Eve will be at our
place with a sea-food banquet, and Christmas Day
lunch will also be at our place with the traditional
lunch of ham, turkey, et cetera. I thought that
I would not be able to do all this for my family this year -
(I couldn't last year), but I've got things under
control. Christmas Eve Mass is something we all
look forward to.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Health, Safe, and
Joyful New Year.

Now, I'm going to brag just a little bit.
Much to my surprise I received (via email) the
most beautiful Christmas Card from Lucy and Malcolm
Turnbull. With a wonderful message. It was lovely.
How about that.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 19 December 2016 8:37:15 AM
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Dearest Foxy,

That card was probably for being in the Top Five Nicest People in Australia. They didn't rank them so as not to make the others feel bad :)

Even as an atheist, I love the sentiments of the Benediction, which I offer you here: 'May the Lord bless you and keep you, may he caise his face to shine upon you, and give you peace.'


Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 19 December 2016 8:56:09 AM
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The first Christmas was a family gathering as Mary and Joseph and Joseph's three sons from his first wife, return to his parents home for a Census imposed by the Romans, probably about 4BC, the gift the virgin Mary received was a healthy son to now be included in the Census. Astrologers hearing that a king was born in Israel came from East of Bethlehem and brought gifts to the house to bless the child with gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gifts suitable for a young king.

The term Christmas [Christ Mass] means a celebration of Christ's birth. To celebrate there must be a reason, even to use the term happy holy-days is a religious term meaning sacred or set apart days to celebrate. So what are we celebrating on those holy days?

I say to all those setting aside days to celebrate may your days be holy and you have a legitimate reason. Gluttony, selfishness and drunkenness are not holy reasons
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 19 December 2016 10:03:06 AM
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In terms of myself, the element I find most repugnant are atheists who on one hand question Christianity, in many ways, including links with Christmas, (as if it simply not true) but at their own selection, gladly tell children about the "truth" of father Christmas, Santa and so on.

Not only is this is a double standard, it is pure hypocrisy, with no aim of being rude in saying that.

Personally I like to see Christianity, still last as an element of Christmas in 2016, as it has some depth to it, compared to getting tired of walking past shops with $2.00 Christmas decorations in the windows, that will eventually fall apart after the Christmas season is over and get chucked in the bin or seeing the rush of after Christmas sales on television.

May more spiritual parts of Christmas last. For those who want to continue a further cheapened Christmas, (with no time for reflection or spiritual elements included), please at least respect the views of others, and not just label them as silly, idiots, fools and so on.

Right or wrong... there is no point in losing our temper over that. Yet unfortunately I see much of that on this website.
Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 19 December 2016 10:27:48 AM
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lets celebrate evolution day. We could celebrate coming from slime, fish growing some legs and returning to the water for not being evolved enough. Even santa is more believeable. No wonder most evolutionist worship themselves.
Posted by runner, Monday, 19 December 2016 10:50:18 AM
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