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The Forum > General Discussion > Merry CHristmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry CHristmas or Happy Holidays?

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No one can escape the magic of Christmas.
Regardless of whether Christmas is a religious
or more of a cultural celebration for us and our
families it is something really special every
single year when everyone gathers around the
Christmas table and spends a few peaceful days
in the circle of their loved ones.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 10:40:07 AM
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Interesting to see a politician in NSW actually grew a pair and demanded that the local council remove their signs that displayed, 'we wish you a merry holiday and a happy new year' and be replcade by the words 'merry christmas.

Three cheers i say because i for one have had a gut full of so called wannabe aussies wanting to change our ways. Of cause Paulines party is not gaining support by accident.

Love it of leave
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 12:36:42 PM
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Well it's that time of the year again - shopping centres covered in tinsel and with piped Christmas carols everywhere.

It's also time for the traditional annual "Christian Persecution and Martyrdom Complex" to kick in.

This nonsense - started by Right Wing extremists back in the 1960's and revived in the 90's by an anti-multicultural bigot Peter Brimelow - has been convenient fodder for all agenda-driven irrational thinkers ever since. It's just a paranoid attempt to be socially divisive.

We live in a predominantly white Christian country that has allocated two national public holidays specifically to celebrate that particular religion. The religion may be displayed and celebrated openly and in public with no reasonable limitation, enjoys tax-free status and is not under any sort of external threat or any persecution of its followers.

The "Happy Holidays" aspect is a commercial decision intended to be inclusive of various other groups who celebrate during the same period. It's all about the money and maximising profit from the Festival of Greed and Gluttony that it has become.

There is no "conspiracy" to ban it and such a belief falls within the realm of "manufactroversy" that includes such things as anti-vaxxers, ClimateGate, chemtrails, wind turbine sickness and even Obama's birth certificate - phoney outrage for the gullible.

Celebrate it any way you like but don't make it into yet another excuse for social disharmony by pretending it's something that it isn't.
Posted by rache, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 12:58:07 PM
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The "happy holidays" crap has more to do with moral and religious cowardice than anything else. Christmas is under no threat except that from Anglo white wimps who seem to take a perverse joy in feeling threatened. I have never heard a Muslim or any other non-Christian say anything against Christmas. The last I saw of this nonsense was a Muslim woman with lots of kids, standing amid Christmas decorations saying, "Don't change it for me. I love it!", or words to that affect. Maybe Rache is right, on this occasion, and it is the venal traders wanting to gouge money out of non-Christians, too. You wouldn't think it was Christmas in Adelaide, with a few frowsy banners put up by the council with "Merry" on them - the word Christmas is nowhere to be seen - with few lights. The shops are even worse. What a load of crap. Lots of Australians who don't call themselves Christians love Christmas because it's a family time and a great joy to watch little kids opening presents. I would not be at all surprised if lots of Muslim families won't be hoeing into halal turkey on Christmas day.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 3:53:44 PM
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Happy Christmas O Sung Wu and everyone else.

What I find ironic is that some people advocate "Happy Holy days" instead of "Merry Christ's mass"

Christmas derives from Old English "Crīstesmæsse" and Holiday is from
the Old English word hāligdæg (hālig "holy" + dæg "day").

So there !!
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 8:36:40 AM
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Folks, them strange numbers ain't swear words, the crept in the cut and paste.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 2:02:02 PM
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