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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Sonia Kruger allowed to feel threatened by Jihadists?

Is Sonia Kruger allowed to feel threatened by Jihadists?

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One thing that the West cannot be blamed for is honour killings, unless it is the Wests example that leads Muslims astray and thus forces Muslims to kill their own friends or relatives.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 24 July 2016 5:47:07 PM
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Concerning freedom of speech in Australia the last word
should go to the Dept. of Immigration and Citizenship
who explain our freedom of speech like this:

"Australians are free within the bounds of the law to
say or write what we think privately or publicly about
the Government, or about any topic.
We do not censor the media and may criticise the Government
without fear of arrest. Free speech comes from facts not
rumours and intention must be constructive - not to do harm.
There are laws against saying or writing things to incite
hatred against others because of their culture, ethnicity,
religion or background. Freedom of speech is not an excuse
to harm others."
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 July 2016 6:06:46 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

The following link is worth a read:
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 July 2016 6:22:57 PM
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Hey Poirot,
Aha, now it makes sense.

And yes there are some in the Republican camp that would prefer to see Hillary in.
Take what Ted Cruz said a few days back when he refused to support Donald Trump and asked people to "vote their conscience".
A lot of people are saying what he did was political suicide as the Texan voters with their Yes Sir's and No Maam's don't take kindly to someone not keeping their word.

But of course there's some Bernie supporters that feel Hillary stole the nomination (which she did) and aren't prepared to vote for her either.

Hey Foxy,
I kind of think differently that that which your guide puts forward.
Your guide basically says "If it's not PC (as someone will complain about it) then you're not allowed to talk about it".

Respectfully I call BS to the left-leaning article, and my opinion is this:
- If we're ever going to solve the big issues we need to understand everyone's point of view.
We can't shy away from other peoples points of view whether or not it's politically correct because we'll NEVER get to the bottom of the issues if we don't face the ugly truths.
Some issues however are sensitive ones and we need to cross non politically-correct territory to deal with them.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 24 July 2016 9:07:35 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

Of course we need to talk about issues that affect
people and put our various point of views across.
However we need to try to keep our discussions
informed and reasoned. Sadly, the current debate is
neither informed or reasoned. And that is something
we need to examine.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 July 2016 9:19:02 PM
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I read the link and it is a typical whitewash.

Why is Islam so over represented in honour killings?

Could it be because of the Koranic teachings regarding women?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 24 July 2016 9:20:05 PM
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