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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Sonia Kruger allowed to feel threatened by Jihadists?

Is Sonia Kruger allowed to feel threatened by Jihadists?

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I don't want to go off topic from discussing Sonia Kruger but respectfully a lot of you have been misinformed from information you learned from TV and the corporate media.

A lot of people supported the war against Ghaddafi because it was portrayed as 'the people rising up against an oppressive ruler'.
Libya was the wealthiest and most prosperous nation in Africa and his people loved him.

Here's a different scenario.
US government stirs up civil unrest and prepares to put an opposition (puppet) government in place.
Ghaddafi is forced to respond and put down civil unrest.
Media portrays Ghaddafi as attacking his own people, and steers readers towards supporting the people and the insurrection against an oppressive dictator.

...And this is where you dills come into the picture.

Too dumb to read news other than the news they feed you SM.
Does this seem 'HOMEGROWN' to you?

I couldn't find the link I wanted to show you about the people in Libya loved him but just watch the first 15minutes of this instead.

I already posted this link on your other thread Shadow Minister.

You make fun of me and infer I believe in fantasies (as you have on your Turkish Coup thread) but your own geopolitical knowledge isn't that great and you ignore facts put right in front of you because obviously you think you already know better.
Stop being an ignorant know-it-all and start becoming informed.

Not sure why you posted your first comment.
Yes the US airstrikes killed more civilians than the 'Bastille Bastard', but I don't understand why you brought it up.
Opposing US wars is more of something I'd support not something I'd necessary expect the progressive left to support.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 24 July 2016 10:08:08 AM
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Armchair Critic,

This was my "first comment":


"Is Sonia Kruger allowed to feel threatened by Jihadists?"

She's allowed to feel and say whatever she wants.

And others have a right to respond by agreeing or disagreeing."

My second comment was in reply to runner talking of families of the dead.

"Not sure why you posted your first comment."

Well we're not sure why you posted the above on Ghaddafi, but you probably saw a link to the discussion.

"Libya was the wealthiest and most prosperous nation in Africa and his people loved him."

Yes, he seemed to look after his people. He was US enemy number 1 - then he seemed to be embraced again - then he was destroyed.

Sadam was a great pal of the US for quite some time. Iraq also was an advanced middle-eastern nation - top education and healthcare in the region.

Both Iraq and Libya now in utter ruins thanks to US intervention.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 24 July 2016 10:19:26 AM
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My god you spout unadulterated BS.

I never claimed the gunman had links to ISIS, in fact quite the opposite. However, the fact that he was Iranian/German and shouted Allah Akbar while shooting civilians is a compelling link to Islamic terrorism no matter how desperately the left whingers are trying to cover it up. ISIS is only one of many Islamic extremist group.

Secondly your claim that "invading Iraq - giving rise to the dreaded ISIS" given that ISIS arose in Syria is complete BS.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 24 July 2016 10:20:18 AM
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Go and educate yourself....anyone with a brain knows that ISIS was empowered by its links with disaffected Sunnis in know, the one's who were marginalised after the "democratic" govt was installed by the US.

Read my link.

"However, the fact that he was Iranian/German and shouted Allah Akbar..."

That is reported after nearly every attack by a lone nutter. It may or may not be true. I recall Trump tweeting exactly the same thing after the Orlando massacre - which was later proved to be utterly false.

"I've read myriad reports that the German gunmen shouted "I'm German" amongst other things.

"ISIS is only one of many Islamic extremist group."

So it doesn't really matter if you're dismissing ISIS in this case or not. You're still gung-ho attempting to fabricate a link to Islamic extremism - even though all the evidence points to the precise opposite...links to a "right-wing" mass murderer.

You would have to be most desperate on OLO to attempt to link every outrage to a planned event by Islamists...even going to extremes to ignore almost every piece of information to the contrary.

That's quite a feat of wilful ignorance.

Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 24 July 2016 10:43:11 AM
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Hey Poirot,
Sorry my mistake, it was your second comment.

And though it was off topic, it was in response to SM statement that "ISIS sprang up in Syria not Iraq, where the insurrection and jihadism was entirely home grown from the Arab spring which you lot supported"

It annoys me in that if you base your opinion on mistruths then every argument and opinion you put forward stemming from that 'foundation knowledge' is therefore uninformed.
I'm peeved that he says I'm in fantasyland and what that infers when his knowledge is based on BS.

None of this stuff was ever home-grown...
I apologise for generalising though, I thought when I read the comments that a few commenters had supported this position, and it seems that only SM holds this view (at least publicly on this thread).

CHERFUL's comment though that "The Us isnt responsible for the civil war that followed the invasion of Iraq..." was a little naive, maybe that's why I generalised.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 24 July 2016 11:11:21 AM
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As an afterthought, I figured you as 'Hillary Supporter' type.
Someone who supports immigration, open borders, BLM, Pro-gay, Women's causes etc, policies of the left.
But Hillary had much to do with these wars which you oppose.
So I'm glad you're more of a free thinker than I first thought.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 24 July 2016 11:27:08 AM
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