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The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

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Now to answer a few of those off the planet statements, Where do I start there are so many erroneous remarks today from the lads. Did they call off bingo down at the senior citz on you fellas or something.

Bazz said "What goes on in the Middle East is because they are Arabs and that is what they do."
Do you believe the whole 367 million Arabs in the world go around killing each other, simply because they are Arabs. Do you also believe all 24 million Australians are mass murderers because Martin Bryant was Australian and a mass murderer.

A spray from ttbn, the Greens are Nazi's with a bit of Mussolini and Pol Pot thrown in. You left out Idi Amin, please don't leave out Big Dadda, and the Colonel, and i don't mean Sanders, they might get offended, and you could get a visit from those 367 million Arabs knocking on your door.

With Adolf, Benito, Mr Pot, Big Dadda and the Colonel on board, along with the regulars including me, now Hassy wants to chuck Malcolm on to The Greens bus, things are getting pretty crowded, its standing room only.

Gee, this is getting tough , I wish someone had started that Bingo gane for you fellas. I'll keep going.

Is Mise, what will be the legal age that people can be shot, I thought children were people, and as such were entitled to be shot.

Beach you little old virus spreader you. Remember that link you posted that contained a virus.

SteeleRedux, all was fine until Joe decided to come rushing in from right field and though he would give me a kick, saying Greens were speaking for people smugglers, grubs I certainly detest. Then it was Green links to Islamic terrorists and then ISIS, with a soft leaning in regards to massacres and atrocities. Strong unsubstantiated claims, which I didn't let go unchallenged,

The red X warning is common from Nortons, even this site gets one from time to time.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 6 July 2016 10:31:44 PM
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As for Joe's web site I can now access it and its content is detailed but innocuous. FOR EARLIER COMMENTS I APOLOGIZE UNRESERVEDLY TO JOE.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 6 July 2016 10:33:11 PM
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A backflipping 'Watermelon' with egg on its face.

Blames it on the 'Boogie' too.

Ahem, make it that naughty 'Mr Norton'. So easy to get confused.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 6 July 2016 11:06:47 PM
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As with a lot of other things, you need to read up on forensic ballistics.

Have you ever seen brains splattered on a ceiling from a gunshot?

In the course of my professional life I've seen two suicides by shotgun and I'm only too well aware of the results on a ceiling.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 6 July 2016 11:18:43 PM
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//Calling someone a friend of ISIS is a pretty big insult in anyone's language.//

He's also rather selective about who he deems to be friends of vagISIL.

He seems to work on 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' principle, and concludes that because the extreme Left and vagISIL consider the US their enemy, they must be mates.

VagISIL hate Muslims as well as the US. The recent bombing in Baghdad was deliberately targeted at Shiite MUSLIMS, not western interests. If we follow Joe's line of reasoning that all lefties are sympathetic to vagISIL because some lefties hate the US with a passion and so do vagISIL, surely it is also reasonable to conclude that all righties are sympathetic to vagISIL because some righties hate Muslims with a passion and so do vagISIL.

If we follow Joe's 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' reasoning, which prima facie seems quite reasonable, we are left with the conclusion that both the left and the right - so, pretty much everybody - are mates with ISIS.

This is the literal textbook definition of a reductio ad absurdum. As I've attempted to explain to others on this forum, the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend. Sometimes they're just c&^ts.

//it's rare to hear or read any anti-ISIS comments from anybody on the pseudo-Left. Maybe they take their anti-terrorism for granted, and don't feel much of a need to express it.//

Then allow me to repeat myself in case you just missed that: vagISIL are c%#ts. That's pretty much why I call them vagISIL.

And no, I don't feel much of a need to express it. Pointing out that vagISIL are c&#ts is like pointing out that water is wet, that ice is cold and that it's darker during the night than the day: it is a statement of the completely bleeding obvious. Pointing out the obvious seems a waste of my precious time.

But apparently if you don't some people will try to insinuate that you are a terrorist sympathiser. God knows why.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 6 July 2016 11:53:19 PM
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Toni, I cannot speak for all Greens. One commonality I certainly have encountered from all those of the moderate side of politics Greens, Labor and Liberal supporters, is a universal abhorrence to the vile acts of terrorism committed against all innocent people by the extremest.
Where there is difference is the causes of this extremism in the Middle East and elsewhere, and the military and political roll played by the west in contributing to the present situation. There is also difference as to what action should be taken to resolve what is a terrible dilemma.
Bazz with his "What goes on in the Middle East is because they are Arabs and that is what they do." very much sums up the conservative attitude as they try to distance the west from any culpability and therefore any responsibility to find a solution.
To say all those of the left "hate America" is also a falsehood, Americans have contributed immensely in a positive way to the betterment of mankind. That is not to say there has not been American shortcomings, particularly in foreign policy and actions, there certainly has been, but that does not detract from their achievements in science and technology etc. Again I don't know any Greens who openly say "I hate all Americans" mostly the attitude is similar to mine.

P/s I am also a pacifists, so any inference I would support the killing of my fellow human being is detestable to me, and I tend to react. Call me a trotskyists, watermelon etc so what, but I do take offence at being called a supporter of murderers.
The worse act a person can commit is to kill a fellow human being.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 7 July 2016 7:42:09 AM
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