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The Forum > General Discussion > Who do you think should run the country, and why?

Who do you think should run the country, and why?

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I think maybe we should try going for a dictator instead.

Fake democracy and successions of bad governments that have sold everything off, screwed over workers by bad decision making, given a free handout to anyone else while screaming about debt and left us to fend off immigrants and leftists.

I'm sick of it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 6:31:29 AM
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Well there's a simple solution to your problems, AC: if you don't love it, leave.

I'm sure there are lots of nice countries being crushed under the jackbooted heel of brutal despots. Just pick the one with the most agreeable climate, pack your bags and $#%^& off. Simple. Nobody will miss you or your stupid conspiracy theories.

This is a far more practical solution than trying to convince the rest of the voting public that dictatorship isn't a really bad idea. They're not as thick as you and have learnt enough from history to know that dictatorships are shite. So if you want to live under a totalitarian regime, emigration would seem to be your only real option. I'd even be happy to kick in a few bucks for your airfare.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 8:49:32 AM
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Arm Chair, we sought of had one in Tony Abbott, and don't be at all surprised if we see him return as Malcom is a complete dud.

We also have the likes of Dutton and Morrison as well, but the entitlement brigade will have to change their ways first and good luck with that I say.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 9:11:26 AM
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Recthub "We sought have had one with Tony Abbott"? It is "Sort of" but it wasn't of course. If only TA hadn't been straight as an arrow like little Billy Shorten. Making a deal with the bosses at the expense of his members. TA has principals and was what we needed.
The only thing Shorten has, is that he is not Gillard, strutting the world stage making a arse of herself.
I hope TA comes back if nothing else but to shove it up you lot.
Again who thinks debt is the answer? The rates cuts have been in operation in Japan since the early 1990's to no good effect.
I would like to say I await the day of reckoning but I will be as thumped as the rest of you!
Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 9:27:37 AM
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Dear Critic,

You do have a point: the main advantage of having a dictator is that unlike in a democracy we are not personally held morally responsible for what s/he does and so we need not feel guilty or even shameful for what our country does.

But there is a caveat: you should not in any way contribute to the rise of that dictator - they should rise without your vote or support, better still against it, or else you lose that main advantage.

Another problem is that you can't predict who you're going to get: it could be an enlightened saint like King Janaka, it could be the Dalai Lama, it could be a good and kind monarch who loves his people like King Mohammed or Morocco, but it could also be Hitler or Kim. Would you take the risk?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 10:07:25 AM
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Hey Toni,
Isn't free speech great?
You do me proud.

I was going to support your nomination as Grand Poobar / Poobaress but I'm not sure you'd be liberal or PC enough, and I'm feeling very PC today.

Maybe I could take on the job.
I mean all I have to do is say that I 'identify' as a dictator and then nobody has any right to discriminate against me or deny my right to identify with that of my choosing right?
But don't worry, I'll bring in all sorts of new bills and decrees in the name of equality.
Life will be so much fairer.

Because males are under-represented in the general population 45% to 55% I'll begin a campaign to promote that females of all ages volunteer for euthanasia in order to bring equality about between the sexes.
Those who don't will go into a random drawing to undergo mandatory sexual-reassignment surgery so we can adjust for this disparity and inequality.

Next I feel that attractive people have more and better opportunities in life.
Therefore I propose beautiful people be mandated to undergo surgery to look less attractive.
Things like acid burns, and scarring etc.
In more severe cases where the person is extremely attractive, we'll have to amputate a limb, or remove some other body part.
Ugly people shall be allowed free medical treatments, such as breast augmentations, botox, steroids and hair rejuvenation treatments.

To create equality for the handicapped I thought that its only fair that all people should also be made handicapped in some way.

Don't you get it Toni? This is cutting edge stuff - all in the name of equality.

Next I feel that its not fair that some people have to go to work while others don't, so I'll bring an end to all employment entirely.
Everyone shall now be on the dole, and no-one will have to go to work ever again!!

Do you not realise how much better things will be with equality and political correctness?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 11:59:29 AM
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