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The Forum > General Discussion > Have the police given up? If not, should they?

Have the police given up? If not, should they?

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With the situation that occurred in the Aboriginal community just recently, whereby the police seemingly ignored two females having a punch up, it would appear to be a case of a 'dammed if we do, dammed if we don't' reaction from the frustrated police, and seriously, who can blame them.

We pour billions into this very small minority of people who, rather than appreciating this, seem more focussed on issues such as;
claiming to have had their land stolen from them, land which they did nothing to, or, the apology from Kevin Rudd over the stolen generation ,which I was very opposed to at the time and still am.

If the police intervene they face one, being classed as racist, two, the chances of another attention seeking death in custody, and a distant third, that being actually capable of achieving a positive outcome.

Is it little wonder they may well have appeared to have given up.

I wish the government would give up at times, so the wasted taxes could go to some other worthy cause, hopefully one that would appreciate the billions.

I say it's time for us to take a stand and say, enough is enough!
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 18 May 2016 3:54:08 PM
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Hey Rehctub,
You guys know I'm not too fond of PC but this: "attention seeking death in custody".

Come on Rehctub, I don't think anyone deliberately gets killed in police custody over petty infringements of the law for attention, these aren't the refugees setting themselves alight.

I know its a lot of wasted taxes (I'm not fond of that aspect) and that's probably because the past plans were flawed and invented by bureaucratic and budget policy making fools, but that's an altogether different topic.

Remember, its foreigners that brought money here and took their land, before that they had NO NEED for money or houses or clothes... or pretty much anything else.

If you can't come up with some genuine mutually beneficial solutions then the 'default' solution must be that all foreigners should get back on boats and leave and let them go back to living how they used to before foreigners came here and before they ever needed money, instead of insisting that it's right and just for us to impose upon them, is it not?

We need a win-win solution, not one that simply satisfies budget issues.

BTW I thought the smaller girl held her own pretty well in that fight.
I wish there had've been better footage and we could've seen the ending and without the cop getting in the way, and also there was a lack of swearing which may have otherwise contributed to the overall entertainment value.

Welcome to Australia, haven't you been here long?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 18 May 2016 6:49:38 PM
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The reason I believe the police did not intervene is because the mob would of turned on them. It would not be the first time. My mate once rang the police when a man was given his woman a flogging. When the police arrived both the man and woman turned on the police.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 18 May 2016 7:32:24 PM
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Rehctub "I say it's time for us to take a stand and say, enough is enough!"

By that, do you mean we shouldn't give any welfare money to any communities that have members that commit violence against each other?
Or would that just be the Aboriginal communities? If so, why wouldn't we do this for other violent groups of people?
Wouldn't that be rather obvious racism if we did that?

If we did stop giving welfare money to these sorts of Aboriginal communities, would we leave the kids there? Is it these kids fault?

Of course not!
We have to work towards a solution, because there has to be solutions.
We can't just say that it is all too hard because all the money thrown at it hasn't worked so far. If we do that, then we are no better than common criminals...
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 18 May 2016 10:29:52 PM
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Suze, you have hit the nail on the head with the word 'money', as this is mistake number one. Stop paying them, and any welfare recipient cash. Retirees being the exception.

As for the kids, if we leave them there we know we leave them in harms way, yet, if we remove them (my preference) we face another stolen generation backlash. It's a loose loose either way.

Arm Chair, what right did the Aborigines have to disposes the original inhabitants of their land? Or what right did they have to start killing innocent animals?

The time is fast approaching where we wont have the cash to waste. Then what. Do we cut more from our health, education, pensions?
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 19 May 2016 6:50:36 AM
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I still recall a young bloke belting the daylights out of his beloved up on the Mission. She was on her hands and knees semi-conscious when he place-kicked her. Over she went, flat on her back. We were told not to intervene, otherwise his father would bring out his spears. After a few minutes, the poor girl got up and staggered off into the bush. I never saw her again.

Why do people do that ? Apart from the cultural aspects, which are probably real enough, is it possible that people are bored sh!tless doing nothing all day ? That they take out petty grievances on each other ? Maybe that might explain brothers going at it, and sisters too for that matter. And uncles and nephews. And aunts and nieces. Etc. Etc. Etc. Christ, no wonder people look so bunged up at thirty, teeth knocked out, jaws broken and poorly healed, bruises which have somehow become permanent.

Is there absolutely no hope for many 'communities' ? Yes, I think so. If a 'community' has no prospect of an economic base, no prospect of local employment except the usual make-work and sit-around, 'working at home', positions (don't call them jobs), and if there is no observable reason for kids to get any sort of education if they stay, what's the point ? But round and round we'll go. 'Communities' thus have their own ghastly, destructive logic.

What to do ? Assist people to leave to find work, and to get the hell as far away as possible. Aboriginal people in 'such 'communities' really have crapped in their own nest, over and over again, and expected white outsiders to come in and clean it all up. Which they do, out of the goodness of their hearts, at least until they get totally sick of it, leave, and never dream of coming back.

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 19 May 2016 9:25:35 AM
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