The Forum > General Discussion > 'Easy Meat' Peter McLoughlin. Multiculturalism, Islam and Sex Slavery!
'Easy Meat' Peter McLoughlin. Multiculturalism, Islam and Sex Slavery!
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There is abundant evidence that the rate of rape committed by muslims in Europe totally outstrip the rest of the population. Its a fact that feminist in particular are not interested in. Australia is and will be no different.
Posted by runner, Monday, 31 August 2015 9:24:33 PM
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Dream on, oh no you don't, you're not getting away with that, the left did nothing about institutional sexual abuse of children even when they were at the height of their powers in the 1960's and 1970's and sexual abuse of children in Muslim countries is orders of magnitude worse than in the West.
The bus driver who has raped 12 little boys (and doesn't think he's done anything wrong): Why thousands of Pakistani children are falling prey to paedophiles: Yes sexual abuse on minors occurs in all societies but the Jay report is very specific and the conduct of the people who were charged with protecting children in Rotherham, the Police, the council and the social services reflects a deep sickness at the heart of multiculturalism and political correctness, as sickness which when all is said and done is an even worse betrayal than the acts of the abusers. Banjo, It occurs to me that despite what you'd think Islam and Feminism have a lot in common, they both infantilise women and rob them of their agency and both systems are built on the madonna/whore mentality, at one level there's idolatry of chastity and femininity alongside a craven permissiveness which glorifies whores and exhibitionism and abandons "low women" to their fate. Two sides of the same coin, Feminism is like Islamised matriarchy, Islam is like Feminised patriarchy. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 31 August 2015 10:00:00 PM
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The sole cause of this debarcle is multiculturalism,
The perpetrators and their customers see nothing wrong in what they do because they view all non muslim females as whores. That will not change The only way to stop this incompatability is to stop importing those that cannot or will not integrate. Like the Afghan bloke that tried to steal a little girl. He told the Judge that in his country it is not wrong and was aquited. His view will not change. There is no way around it, we must stop allowing people in that have incompatable culture. Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 9:18:58 AM
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Those opposed to multiculturalism, and to Islam are
certainly going to make mileage out of Rotherham. Nick Miller in the website given below tells us that the idea that this is a uniquely Muslim crime is ill-founded, misleading, and dangerous. It risks fuelling racist rhetoric, distorting policy and practice and exacerbating community tensions. In the United Kingdom the Muslim "sex-gang predator" has become a new folk devil but the single largest ethnic group among the child sexual abuse suspects are white. There are other issues also at play. Nobody is denying that the Rotherham child abuse scandal - is a disgrace and people should be held responsible for what happened and measures should be taken to ensure that it does not happen again. However this issue should not be reduced to one of race alone. And it does bother me greatly that quoting from websites like the extremist "Law and Freedom Foundation," Gavin Boby, of the Far Right English Defence League, and authors like Peter McLoughlin, et al, lowers the bar of this discussion. Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore says it's time to join the dots to Savile and other recent sex-abuse scandals. "We have the police in on the case, we have institutions basically offering up the most vulnerable as victims, we have a protection racket centred around fame rather than ethnicity. At the top we have abusive men, at the bottom powerless young girls and boys. So the bigger picture is the systematic rape of poor children by men." Denis MacShane a former Labor MP for Rotherham says there was for a long time a culture in Britain of turning a blind eye to child abuse. "Nobody pursued Jimmy Savile, nobody pursued Rolf Harris, nobody pursued (former MP) Cyril Smith. There is in our country just a dreadful culture and I wouldn't pick particularly on one ethnic community, but it is a real problem." Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:17:05 AM
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“In the United Kingdom the Muslim "sex-gang predator" has become a new folk devil but the single largest ethnic group among the child sexual abuse suspects are white.” Could this be because the largest ethnic group in Britain by far is white? They make up 80 per cent of the population. You say that there is a culture of abuse by white people and give examples of abusers from the 60’s and 70’s. Whilst those cases have been proven to be real it does not automatically follow that it is still as prevalent now. It could be that we have moved on. You would need to provide figures from the present that show at least in proportion that white people are as guilty as any other ethnic group. What we need to respond to is what is happening now so that we do not have to wait until these kids become adults in thirty years’ time when it is too late to undo the damage. Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:48:12 AM
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You obviously know what a disgusting POS(sl) and oxygen-thief former Labour MP Denis MacShane has been proved to be, but you quote him nonetheless to support your spin, obviously hoping that no-one reading your post would be any the wiser. It is fortunate for those children, all children, that there are others UNLIKE you, who do not put the politics and political correctness of multiculturalism ahead of children. <Rotherham and the toxic legacy of multiculturalism At the end of a shameful week it may not be a bad idea for one of those liberal Lefties to offer a mea culpa The sickening sound we heard from Rotherham this week was that of chickens coming home to roost. The doctrine of multiculturalism has been enforced with such zealotry in Britain, and in the northern town, over the past three decades that we must cast the net far wider than the police and social workers to find all those culpable of fomenting this mass deception. Perhaps we can make a start by looking at what Denis MacShane, the former Labour MP for Rotherham, admitted upon the publication of Professor Jay’s report. He hadn’t said anything at the time, he said, because “as a true Guardian reader and liberal Leftie”, he hadn’t wanted to rock the multicultural boat."> Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 11:29:45 AM