The Forum > General Discussion > 'Easy Meat' Peter McLoughlin. Multiculturalism, Islam and Sex Slavery!
'Easy Meat' Peter McLoughlin. Multiculturalism, Islam and Sex Slavery!
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Posted by Banjo, Monday, 31 August 2015 11:18:33 AM
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I let this one through, but I would want to stress extreme caution in accepting the information at face value. We are a free speech site, so discussion is the appropriate defence against wrong information. However, the author of this paper does appear to have certain obsessions. This is a delicate area, and while I may end up accepting this paper is correct we all need to be careful how we conduct these debates.
Posted by GrahamY, Monday, 31 August 2015 11:59:58 AM
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The book "Easy Meat" has been out now for some 18 months and, as yet, I have not seen anything that questions the conclusions the author makes. It is noted the author backs up his views with many, many references to reports and other documentation so his opinions seem to have much credibility. However it will be interesting to see if any OLO readers come up with contrary conclusions that can be validated. Also I have not seen anything that questions the validity of the original Rotherham media reports of underage child sex abuse. Posted by Banjo, Monday, 31 August 2015 1:22:05 PM
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Girls become 'easy meat' by adopting secularism just as much as Islam. They are taught no absolutes, no consequences (you can always murder your child) and no morals. The huge number of fatherless girls are the most vulnerable.
Posted by runner, Monday, 31 August 2015 1:58:52 PM
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Youtube commentator Millennial Woes has begun his long awaited series "The Rot" in which he examines the Rotherham scandal, as he points out the most shocking thing reveled in the parliamentary enquiry wasn't even the actual abuse, it was the depths of the "rot" in the core of modern British society: Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 31 August 2015 2:16:57 PM
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Dear Banjo,
Do you realise that the website you gave us for this discussion was from the "Law and Freedom Foundation?" This Foundation belongs to the notorious Gavin Boby - a lawyer once linked to the Far-Right English Defence League. He proudly declares himself as a self-styled "Mosque-Buster." He prides himself as already having blocked plans for 16 out of 17 Mosques being built. He's notorious for offering his services for free to fight Islam and makes claimes such as - Islam encourages paedophilia, sexual abuse, and pimping. Why on earth would you give us such an ill-reputable website? And what is the background of the author you cite? Who is he? What is his background? And what reputable critique can we get of his material? I'm seriously beginning to doubt your motives with this discussion. I thought you were better than this. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 31 August 2015 2:32:11 PM
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Banjo, it's already happened though Australian Police are right onto it and the way our institutions are structured makes these crimes a lot easier to detect and prosecute: Of course the ABC censors any mention of ethnicity, you have to expect that but Emran Dad was an Afghan immigrant and the ring was made up of his countrymen. Another underage prostitution ring was also operating in Dandenong, girls were being enticed away from group homes with cash, drugs and expensive presents, the police were using the zero tolerance approach described in the ABC article to try and disrupt the abusers. The problems in the UK in order of importance as I understand it are the way social service and council bureacracy and community policing work, followed by sheer incompetence and low morale among officials and Police. The ideology at the core of the political parties is the third with the sexual predilections and in-group behaviour of Pakistani Muslim migrants the last in a sad list of serious issues. But you're absolutely right, when the story broke there was almost complete silence from the left, from feminists and from the establishment, when the report was delivered the only signifiicant statement from the Left was discomfort over the fact that the BNP and UKIP might be able to capitalise on the situation. That's it, fear mongering over a "right wing backlash" was all the Left had to offer, no introspection, no analysis and as far fetched as it might sound (not), no shame and no apology. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 31 August 2015 2:33:38 PM
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Foxy, read above, the only places you can find this information are in the government report and on websites which leftists and liberals hate, being opposed to Islam or even holding racist views don't damage a person's credibility any more than do supporting Islam or being an Anti Racist.
It's not our fault that your preferred media keep you in the dark and like it or not the internet is dominated by inegalitarian and anti egalitarian thought because liberal values are notoriously difficult to propagate via electronic media and in the absence of strict censorship. If you're interested here's the link to the Jay report, also known as "Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997 – 2013)" Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 31 August 2015 2:41:57 PM
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I haven't read the book, but Banjo is concerned, and so he should be, book or no book.
The sexual horrors against girls in that part of the UK were solidly broadcast, globally, for quite some time, even though the author of the book might have some "obsessions" as our editor suggests. And, Banjo, it could happen here; it already has happened on a much smaller scale - have we already forgotten the disgusting description of victims by a certain mullah in Sydney, defending now convicted and jailed rapists of his faith? I do hope we are not going to go all PC on a subject as disgusting and serious as this. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 31 August 2015 3:17:18 PM
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Ttbn, my strong feeling is that Australian officials won't be cowed in such a way the work in Victoria of Dr Sonia Sharp (formerly of Rotherham) has allowed Australian child protection workers and Police to get ahead of the problem before it "calcifies" in certain areas.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 31 August 2015 4:18:49 PM
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Rather than try and slime the author and the publishers of the document why not counter the contents and conclusions. Many months have passed since the media reports on Rotherham and this publication was produced, so where are the inaccuracies? It is very critical of the government, police, Councils, schools and child welfare authorities and yet no defense from these authorities. It appears they are silenced by shame and the embarrassment of incompetence. How many girls do you and the authorities now admit to being victims of these muslim gangs? The Sihks were right, the Hindus were right and it seems the BNP were right. The authorities did not act because of fear of being labeled 'racist'. So much for British law! It turned a blind eye. 10,000 underage girls let down and lives ruined because of multiculturalism and fear by bureaucrats. History will record the shame of the UK Posted by Banjo, Monday, 31 August 2015 4:38:04 PM
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Posted by Banjo, Monday, 31 August 2015 4:38:04 PM
" Foxy,Rather than try and slime the author and the publishers of the document why not counter the contents and conclusions. ..." I can agree with *Banjo* to the extent that with such heinous crimes what matters is a critical examination of the facts, regardless of whether there are aberrant conclusions drawn by disreputable folk or otherwise. I would add though that every society has its fair share of criminals and these kinds of sex crimes against minors are common in most if not all countries. Here in Australia, we have but to look to the r.commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse. Additionally, when referring to this religion or that it is important to remember that culture is usually deeply intertwined to the extent that a religion practiced in one part of the world can have quite a few differences to how it is practiced in other parts. Also, we have to wonder about who the clients were? Posted by DreamOn, Monday, 31 August 2015 6:51:58 PM
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There is abundant evidence that the rate of rape committed by muslims in Europe totally outstrip the rest of the population. Its a fact that feminist in particular are not interested in. Australia is and will be no different.
Posted by runner, Monday, 31 August 2015 9:24:33 PM
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Dream on, oh no you don't, you're not getting away with that, the left did nothing about institutional sexual abuse of children even when they were at the height of their powers in the 1960's and 1970's and sexual abuse of children in Muslim countries is orders of magnitude worse than in the West.
The bus driver who has raped 12 little boys (and doesn't think he's done anything wrong): Why thousands of Pakistani children are falling prey to paedophiles: Yes sexual abuse on minors occurs in all societies but the Jay report is very specific and the conduct of the people who were charged with protecting children in Rotherham, the Police, the council and the social services reflects a deep sickness at the heart of multiculturalism and political correctness, as sickness which when all is said and done is an even worse betrayal than the acts of the abusers. Banjo, It occurs to me that despite what you'd think Islam and Feminism have a lot in common, they both infantilise women and rob them of their agency and both systems are built on the madonna/whore mentality, at one level there's idolatry of chastity and femininity alongside a craven permissiveness which glorifies whores and exhibitionism and abandons "low women" to their fate. Two sides of the same coin, Feminism is like Islamised matriarchy, Islam is like Feminised patriarchy. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 31 August 2015 10:00:00 PM
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The sole cause of this debarcle is multiculturalism,
The perpetrators and their customers see nothing wrong in what they do because they view all non muslim females as whores. That will not change The only way to stop this incompatability is to stop importing those that cannot or will not integrate. Like the Afghan bloke that tried to steal a little girl. He told the Judge that in his country it is not wrong and was aquited. His view will not change. There is no way around it, we must stop allowing people in that have incompatable culture. Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 9:18:58 AM
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Those opposed to multiculturalism, and to Islam are
certainly going to make mileage out of Rotherham. Nick Miller in the website given below tells us that the idea that this is a uniquely Muslim crime is ill-founded, misleading, and dangerous. It risks fuelling racist rhetoric, distorting policy and practice and exacerbating community tensions. In the United Kingdom the Muslim "sex-gang predator" has become a new folk devil but the single largest ethnic group among the child sexual abuse suspects are white. There are other issues also at play. Nobody is denying that the Rotherham child abuse scandal - is a disgrace and people should be held responsible for what happened and measures should be taken to ensure that it does not happen again. However this issue should not be reduced to one of race alone. And it does bother me greatly that quoting from websites like the extremist "Law and Freedom Foundation," Gavin Boby, of the Far Right English Defence League, and authors like Peter McLoughlin, et al, lowers the bar of this discussion. Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore says it's time to join the dots to Savile and other recent sex-abuse scandals. "We have the police in on the case, we have institutions basically offering up the most vulnerable as victims, we have a protection racket centred around fame rather than ethnicity. At the top we have abusive men, at the bottom powerless young girls and boys. So the bigger picture is the systematic rape of poor children by men." Denis MacShane a former Labor MP for Rotherham says there was for a long time a culture in Britain of turning a blind eye to child abuse. "Nobody pursued Jimmy Savile, nobody pursued Rolf Harris, nobody pursued (former MP) Cyril Smith. There is in our country just a dreadful culture and I wouldn't pick particularly on one ethnic community, but it is a real problem." Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:17:05 AM
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“In the United Kingdom the Muslim "sex-gang predator" has become a new folk devil but the single largest ethnic group among the child sexual abuse suspects are white.” Could this be because the largest ethnic group in Britain by far is white? They make up 80 per cent of the population. You say that there is a culture of abuse by white people and give examples of abusers from the 60’s and 70’s. Whilst those cases have been proven to be real it does not automatically follow that it is still as prevalent now. It could be that we have moved on. You would need to provide figures from the present that show at least in proportion that white people are as guilty as any other ethnic group. What we need to respond to is what is happening now so that we do not have to wait until these kids become adults in thirty years’ time when it is too late to undo the damage. Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:48:12 AM
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You obviously know what a disgusting POS(sl) and oxygen-thief former Labour MP Denis MacShane has been proved to be, but you quote him nonetheless to support your spin, obviously hoping that no-one reading your post would be any the wiser. It is fortunate for those children, all children, that there are others UNLIKE you, who do not put the politics and political correctness of multiculturalism ahead of children. <Rotherham and the toxic legacy of multiculturalism At the end of a shameful week it may not be a bad idea for one of those liberal Lefties to offer a mea culpa The sickening sound we heard from Rotherham this week was that of chickens coming home to roost. The doctrine of multiculturalism has been enforced with such zealotry in Britain, and in the northern town, over the past three decades that we must cast the net far wider than the police and social workers to find all those culpable of fomenting this mass deception. Perhaps we can make a start by looking at what Denis MacShane, the former Labour MP for Rotherham, admitted upon the publication of Professor Jay’s report. He hadn’t said anything at the time, he said, because “as a true Guardian reader and liberal Leftie”, he hadn’t wanted to rock the multicultural boat."> Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 11:29:45 AM
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<Labour MPs: Left ignored sex abuse
Young girls who were being sexually abused by Asian men were ignored by officials because of Left-wing political correctness, Labour figures say By Tim Ross, Political Correspondent9:45PM BST 30 Aug 2014 A culture of Left-wing political correctness led politicians and officials to ignore the plight of young girls who were being sexually abused by Asian men, Labour figures have warned. Ann Cryer, an MP from 1997 until 2010, told The Sunday Telegraph how she had feared being called “racist” when, in 2002, she exposed a sex-abuse scandal involving Pakistani men in her constituency of Keighley, West Yorkshire. A “politically correct Left just saw it as racism”, she said. At the same time, Simon Danczuk, the Labour MP for Rochdale, revealed that even now some of his colleagues disapproved of his efforts to uncover child abuse, because some were “obsessing about multiculturalism”.> Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 11:31:35 AM
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It never ceases to amaze how left-leaning women, including Foxy, go out of their to make excuses for outrages against their own sex if the perpetrators are Muslim or multi-culti types. That in itself is an outrage, verging on sickness. If it outrages me, I shudder to think what the average woman thinks of them.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 12:34:08 PM
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Dear ttbn,
It never ceases to amaze how right-leaning men, including ttbn, go out of their way to make excuses for outrages committed by their own sex - if the perpetrators are white. That in itself is an outrage verging on sickness. It outrages me. I shudder to think what the average bloke thinks of them. BTW; Just to correct your false impression. I am not making excuses for any perpetrators. You need to go back and read the website I gave. The situation in Rotherham is more than just an issue based on race alone. That has been clearly stated by experts familiar with the area and the cases involved. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 2:22:02 PM
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OTB and ttbn are pretending to be outraged that it is apparently 'left-leaning' women, and women who follow any political party other than those apparent saints who follow the Liberal party, who don't feel that the dreaded multiculturalism is the cause of most sex crimes and domestic violence carried out against women and children.
And mostly these foreign perpetrators of these crimes seem to be Muslim men? Am I correct boys? Of course, that can't really be true here in Oz, given there is only a small population of Muslims here? I would suggest that within the Aboriginal community it is well known that they have proportionally greater numbers of Sexual and domestic violence issues, and I tend to agree that more should be done for the women amongst that community than what is already being done. The sad truth is that sexual and domestic violence occurs in all communities, not the least which is amongst people of European origin. One doesn't need multiculturalism to show that sexual and domestic violence happens anywhere, to anyone. Our country will prosecute these crimes no matter who perpetrates them, so I don't see the real issue here other than good ol' boy Banjo banging his racist drum again... Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 2:30:47 PM
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Strange how the regressives come down harder on those pointing out the truths regarding the fruit of Islam than men raping women. Interesting quote on the massive amount of muslim rapes in Sweden
'“In cases of gang rape, culprits and victims are most often young and in almost every case, the perpetrators are of immigrant background, mostly from Muslim countries. In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists. Several times the courts have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted sex with six, seven or eight men,” states the report. Feminism is one very warped world. The unis have succeeded in dumbing people down lower that what many could imagine. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 2:38:27 PM
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Dear Suse,
Thanks for that. Dr Cockbain, a research fellow at University College London's Crime Science Department warns against thinking this is a peculiarly British problem. The Professor was at a Conference last year with researchers in this field from around the world. "Everyone was saying (child sexual abuse) is a growing priority in our country," she said. "It's just one of those issues where the more you look for it - the more you find it." In any case. Nick Miller stated in the website I gave earlier - those opposed to multiculturalism, and Islam are going to make mileage out of Rotherham no matter what facts are presented. I should have known better than to try to broaden this discussion from the usual drum-beating. It's all so very predictable and repetitive. Name-calling and insults. Ad hominem attacks that try to negate an opinion by alleging negatives about the person supporting it. Impugning other's motives, all the usual troll techniques. Anyway - I'm done here. Again, Thank You for your comments. They were appreciated. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 3:00:31 PM
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You said, "The situation in Rotherham is more than just an issue based on race alone. That has been clearly stated by experts familiar with the area and the cases involved" It may surprise, but I agree with that statement. (take note Suse) The Rotherham report and the documentary by Peter McLoughlin both clearly show it is not a race issue. Sihk and Hindu girls were coerced as well as anglo girls. The reason more anglo girls were targeted is simply because more are in the community But it is very much a religious issue because the perpetrators were muslim. No muslim girls were involved. As I said in a previous post, the muslim men see non muslim females as whores, so have no quarms about exploiting them. Islam is an ideology not a race. Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 3:54:05 PM
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Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 31 August 2015 10:00:00 PM
" ... Dream on, oh no you don't, ... " I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. What is it that you think I am trying to get away with? .. I heard Abbott speak today and he made a comment re: I.S.I.L. that their behavior is reminiscent of "medieval horror" with the be headings, crucifixions, sex slavery etc. And one of the commentators on QA last re a different subject mentioned some of the characteristics of a medieval society and upon hearing that I thought, yes, those places where I have lived among the conservative Islamic people of East Indonesia do practice a way of "village life" that certainly has aspects in common with the way our society was during medieval times. So, suffice to say, that they have a very different point of view and I cannot stress how important that I believe that it is for us in diplomacy or other dealings, to really come to terms with the way in which the other side views things. And for sure, it is true in my experience that some of the cultural practices are very strange and alien to us. And to say that they have different values would be an understatement. Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 5:57:03 PM
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I believe that from outset of multiculturism in this country that the challenges that these different ways and values can present was to some degree understood. However, what it comes down to is that when you first take in people from completely different backgrounds that you must spend the time and money upon arrival, ie a migrant education program to teach them of how things are here.
And to cut a long story short, whilst this has improved in recent times, the quality of the orientation programs that I have witnessed here by way of my wife's participation in these programs and education facilities relative to the orientation program that I received when I first arrived in Japan as an international student are absolutely sh!tful. And for that, I blame the miserable penny pinching main stream politicians who did not fund these programs to educate these people appropriately. And in that regard, there is obviously a very real danger that these people will behave according to what they have been brought up to believe is appropriate. So, I would agree that multiculturalism can be a very dangerous thing if not handled appropriately, however, conversely the fruits of a well managed program are without a doubt immense. It is also true I believe that in among the immigrant group, there are those that are every bit as fanatical as some of the posters here, only that the immigrants obviously are coming from a very different background. But the underpinning problem of zealots is the same nonetheless. Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 5:59:58 PM
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Oh dear Banjo, you really at this again? Probably about time you got a new skin for that drum.
Okay you sad little fellow, what evidence do you have that what happened in Rotherham has happened in any form here in Australia? What occurred there was a failure of law enforcement and from a cursory reading PC gone wrong. But to label the whole Muslim fraternity with the sins of the few is idiotic unless you accept the following; “Now a US study has found that sex offenders from Australia are a big part of the problem in Thailand. A report from the Protection Project at Johns Hopkins University found that sex offenders from Australia topped the list of foreigners involved in child sex tourism in Thailand.” Following from that surely it is in the best interests of the Thai government to ban Australian tourists from their country in order to protect their children from abuse. Do you agree? Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 6:50:58 PM
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You will have to point out to me where I have excused outrages committed by my own sex - white only of course. It seems to have slipped my mind. Unless, of course you have decided that the only way you can score a point is to go right away from rape, which was the outrage I was talking about, to some other outrage that has nothing to with the thread. Would that be your "logic" Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 7:24:46 PM
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Ttbn, Foxy has left this thread, or didn't you read that?
I am sure she, and myself, should be forgiven for thinking that you, Runner, JOM and Banjo seem to believe that white Christian men can do no wrong, and that all dark-skinned 'foreigners', particularly those of Muslim religion, are the spawn of the devil? (I'm not sure where Aboriginal men stand in all this evil....because they aren't foreign?). And somehow, feminists are the also the cause of all these multicultural problems....oh yes, and they need to be Labour supporters too.... In any case, Foxy is right, there is no telling you bright sparks anything at all. Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 8:44:16 PM
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Over-egging the the pudding is no sustitute for sound argument and truth. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:57:30 PM
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Wrong ttbn, if anything, I held back on the eggs....
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 12:59:47 AM
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I suppose we could do tit for tat until we both died of boredom. I would just like to say that your rejoinder proves my thought that you are a hypocrite in telling me and others that we "can't be told anything". You need to get hold of a mirror and have a good look at yourself, old girl. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 11:33:25 AM
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So called "Political Correctness" can certainly be a problem. I recall some years ago when I think one of the senior Islamic clerics at that time compared bikini clad girls to "uncovered meat."
Of course, the individual concerned was was soon enough engulfed by howels of derision etc but unfortunately, some of the real salient points were lost as a consequence. And what do I mean by that. Well, I would refer people back to my comments visa vi my experiences living amongst conservative Muslims in Jawa, and re-iterate that relative to the society within which we live, there is much about them that hearkens back to much earlier times in our own existence. And this needs to be understood I believe. So, whilst it is all very well for the girls (and the boys for that matter) to be strutting their stuff down at the local beaches here, it is most certainly a very dangerous thing to do in other places. Whilst this kind of practice is acceptable to most of us here (though Runner may care to comment further and we notice that Popey today has asked that women who have abortions to be pardoned - *Runner!?* ) it is most certainly not acceptable in other parts. And of course DFAT quite rightly warns about this in its "Smart Traveller" publications. So when you have drunken Ozzies in places like Bali behaving in a manner which is deeply offensive to some of the locals (and even to some people here) then you ought not be so surprised when you get attacked. Now, don't get me wrong, I like to party it up and drink in the street etc etc just as much as the yobbos however, one must be extremely careful when and where you do this. So, whilst the particular Islamic Cleric in question needs to be reminded of our values, we are only foolish if we do not learn from him how it is that other countries and societies view this. Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 12:48:00 PM
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I think the Islamic Cleric should be reminded that these are not only our values but they are human values. Freedom to enjoy the beauty of the opposite sex is as fundamental as freedom to enjoy music or art or food and these freedoms should be upheld for everyone on the planet. The fact that some other countries and some citizens of this country want to suppress that freedom is something we should vigorously fight against. If we have to compromise our freedoms in order to visit other countries then perhaps we should re-consider visiting those countries who want to suppress those freedoms. They would then have to make a choice between their suppressions and having visitors. This is how we play our part in creating a world that works towards freedoms rather than repressions. If individuals or communities in Australia try and impose such repressive values on the rest of the country we should hold them to account and get them to explain why they feel the need to do so. Being ‘deeply offended’ by what nature has created smacks of another agenda altogether where they are trying to protect their emotional dependence on religion. Posted by phanto, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 1:47:30 PM
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As always with sex trafficking hysteria, it's illuminating to ask the question "if there really are this many sex slaves, how many johns must there be?"
You wind up with absurd and patently false figures. Posted by PaulMurrayCbr, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 2:10:10 PM
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" ... If we have to compromise our freedoms in order to visit other countries then perhaps we should re-consider visiting those countries who want to suppress those freedoms. ... " Perhaps you should as even DFAT advises that if you deliberately flout the laws of another country then you must expect to face the consequences and there is little that they can do to assist. Right or wrong is a conversation for another day. And of course, you express this as a repression of freedom, but that is not how they see it at all. And to be dismissive of the peoples' of another countries p.o.v. can be fraut with peril. Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 2:19:37 PM
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Freedom of dress on our beaches isn't the stance taken by some of our politicians. One in particular wanted 'topless bathing banned in NSW to protect Sydney's Muslim and Asian communities.'
He pitched that 'Australia's reputation as a conservative but culturally inclusive society was at risk of erosion by more liberal overseas visitors'. "Our beaches should be a place where no one is offended, whether it's their religious or cultural views," he said. "If they've come from a Middle Eastern or Asian country where women never go topless - in fact they usually wear a lot of clothing - I think it's important to respect all the different cultures that make up Australia." He claimed that; 'The practice was at risk of raising the ire of Muslim men in particular'. I'm sure he would have got runner's approval for his stance. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 3:12:48 PM
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Yes and we are also waiting for *Runner* to comment on Popey's comment for the day:
" Pardon women who have had abortions" (or something like that) .. As said earlier *SteelRedux* orientation programs are crucial. It's all right for the kids who get immersed in the education system here and get the latest regs etc shoved down their necks on a continual basis however, for older migrants, especially those who have none or insufficient levels of Australian english, they are often left to their own devices or learn by way of the "blind leading the blind." .. Of course, an appropriate education/orientation program is costly, but still worth the expense in my view if you want to take migrants in. .. As for Muslim girls and Asian girls never going "scantily clad," I would say that this largely refers to their public behavior. Going scantily clad at home is quite acceptable, though I note there is variance in their societies just as there is in ours. But coming back to it, the position of woman who go scantily clad in public in some countries is simply and wholly one of "sex worker." And in the absence of education, this is one area where confusion and peril can creep in. Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 2 September 2015 4:32:30 PM
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Banjo You have to make allowances for GrahamY everything that passes through here and especially those that offend him are passed on to the 'relevant' authorities.
When I was in the 'Service' we had dozens of individuals employed as "proofreaders" reading these forums and the information they provided. Today computer scanning caused all those people to lose their job. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 3 September 2015 2:45:54 PM
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Western countries should just forget 'political correctness'. Stop shirking your responsibilities for fear of racism. These offenders define themselves by their barbaric religious beliefs.Before being even allowed to enter the country, they must be made aware of our laws. Their practices are unacceptable, will not be tolerated and are punishable by law. Regardless of race or religion the rules are the same. If they cant accept the laws of a civilized society then they dont belong there.
Posted by jodelie, Saturday, 5 September 2015 9:54:39 AM
I remain concerned for girls in Aus as I can see no reason why the same situation could not occur here.
If the experts are correct, we have about 100,000 Muslims here now with extreme views so the longer we keep importing muslims the greater risks there is to our society.
Read and learn from the UK experience.