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The Forum > General Discussion > George W Bush, Emperor and Messenger of God

George W Bush, Emperor and Messenger of God

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Sorry guys, I'm so stuffed right now.. did a 100 pushups, and 300 ab curls and 5 laps :) then a workout.. preparing for next Cronulla 0_-

I'll get back when my brain is more functional. Probably tomorrow.
thanx for participating.. Yabby.. yes.. get that mind out of your pants :)

On the issue of sex, Christians in general have no 'problem' with it as far as I know. If the Catholic Church does, its just one more reason I'm not an RC.

Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 12 October 2006 12:05:31 AM
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Hey... how did we leap over into polygamy here ? F.H... *pinch* I think your brain drifted to your thread :).... this is MYYYY territory ya know.. you and ur al Qaeda mates.. always trying to take our territory 0_-

MJ your observation about similarities between Islam and Christianity is valid at a superficial level. But thats as far as it goes 'Similarities'. They might mention the same people (Mary, Jesus) etc.. but are as far as East and West apart on crucial points.

Actually, this is probably not the place to debate all that. So, I'll *duck* :) and return to the topic. (for the other, goto Missionary heat thread)

GEORGE BUSH. I started the thread to make the point that He was not acting in any way that a Muslim should take issue with, because he is just doing what MOhammed did....being:

a) Taking pre-emptive action based on intelligence reports about enemies actions.
b) Making use of the enemies resources once they are defeated.

My sources are impeccable. F.H. is just slurring them because he is a terrorist :) Ok.. yes.. I am kidding. Seriously though, he is challenging them because they support my contention rather than his.
He should realize that my sources are 'Strong Hadith', and the history to which I refer often now is the very one HE (another pinch F.H.) claims are the ones he personally accepts like Muir, Guillame etc.

On Mr Bush, the more I see of him, and hear him speak, the more CONFIDENT I am that he is very naive and ignorant of the realities of Tribalism in Arab societies. Either that, or he simply says to himself "Well.. doesn't matter how much of a mess we make, as long as we:
a) Protect the oil
b) Protect Iraq from coming under Iranian control
c) Give ourselves a forward operating base for future strategic actions.

None of these things are unlike Mohammeds actions :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 12 October 2006 5:51:37 AM
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Stick to the topic:

You quoted

"a) Protect the oil"

from the Iraqi people by handing it over to US oil companies.

"b) Protect Iraq from coming under Iranian control"

I guess this is a self contained joke: Thanks to the Iraqi invasion Iran now realised a life long dream to take control of Iraq through a democratic process. Me thinks they should erect a statue for Bush in Tehran to show gratitude.

"c) Give ourselves a forward operating base for future strategic actions."

What da....?? Sounds like a copy and paste from a BS overpaid consultant! (I am cleaning them up where I work now:)

Peace, may Ramdan bring you peace and harmony.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 16 October 2006 11:55:10 AM
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