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The Forum > General Discussion > George W Bush, Emperor and Messenger of God

George W Bush, Emperor and Messenger of God

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Hi FH,

Don’t worry. If you say something offensive I will tell you. I have been known to do that in here. Hopefully you won’t find anything of mine offensive.

“Until the 18th and 19th century reading and teaching the Bible was restricted to those within the church hierarchy.”

If you change the date a few centuries that would be half right so I won’t get pedantic. Don’t Muslim clerics teach authoritatively? Is every Muslim required to take his or her own view of the Quran?

”My point regarding history is in essence Islam and Christianity are one of the same but for some reason they seem to be both in denial about it.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses claim the label Christian but deny the divinity of Jesus (whilst considering Him extremely important). However they use the Bible not the Quran. Mormans use the Book of Mormon in addition to the Bible but (I believe) accept the divinity of Jesus and again claim the label Christians. The breath of Christianity doesn’t stop far short of the border of Islam. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I’d cite the following similarities off the top of my head:

1. Worship the same God albeit by a different name.
2. Consider Jesus to be important in the ways you mentioned at the relevant time.
3. Consider the Virgin Mary as being a significant figure worthy of esteem (Didn’t Mohammed destroy all pagan statues somewhere but ensured the a statue of Jesus and a statue of Mary were preserved?)
4. Share commandments
5. Arose in the Middle East
6. Consider themselves spiritual descendants of Abraham.
7. Participated in the crusades and preceding battles ( ;

Out of curiosity … do you get Muslims who deny virtually the entire religion but still claim the label?

Finally, you are being quite provocative yourself with David (or any Christian) re: your smart alec comments about Jesus. However he has it coming given his provocative remarks calculated (I believe) to stir you.


Do you disagree? Your headings alone should attract Muslim attention.
Posted by mjpb, Wednesday, 27 September 2006 11:58:38 AM
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Good comment.

You are spot on re what we have in common with a minor correction re point 1: Allah is the Arabic name for God in the Arabic Bible as well. Muslims (and Arab Orthodox Christians) don’t translate it because of two reasons: a) it’s a word that have no plural and b) its neither male nor female.

The point I am making is to look at what’s common or look at differences is, at heart is a personal choice.
I have friends whose faith is Islam, Christianity, Jewish and of no religion or faith (including sub sects).

“Out of curiosity … do you get Muslims who deny virtually the entire religion but still claim the label?”

Yep, the obvious one is today’s organized crime labeling themselves as Muslims. Islam for us is a way to live a better life and not be harmful to one self, the society or other creatures. The Qu’ran refers to that clearly and the prophet teachings confirm it. Terrorism believe in abrogation, i.e. that all tolerant teachings of our HolyBook were abrogated/ deleted which in essence means rejecting Islam as a faith.

What’s interesting about Boaz David is his intentional use of non-credible historical references. A simple example is the same sources lies in the infancy bible (banned by the church) in which they accused Jesus (pbuh) of murdering a child at the age of 12 and used to torture animals.
Now if these sources are labeled ‘liars’ by the church (Khaibar, Bani Al Mostatlaq being among these sources), so why quote their stories on the prophet Mohamed pbuh?

Great to read from you.


Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 27 September 2006 1:01:38 PM
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"You guys get the good deal compared to Catholics. ( :"

Well MJ, perhaps that explains why Catholics are going downhill
and Muslims are going uphill and expanding.

The heaven that the Catholics sell is all rather boring.
Spending time with popes and angels is all rather boring lol.

Sex is a major problem for Catholics, something to feel
guilty about. Meantime the Muslims have lots of wives,
lots of fun in heaven too. The Catholics misjudged
human behaviour, they are flogging the wrong dream :)
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 28 September 2006 10:42:27 PM
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Hello Yabby it has been a while,

Get your mind out of your pants! : ) I was talking about a food feast not a sexual feast. FH is invited to correct any misunderstanding but I believe that Muslims have similar sexual ethics to Catholics.

"The heaven that the Catholics sell is all rather boring.
Spending time with popes and angels is all rather boring lol."

Don't knock it until you try it and don't forget that God is supposed to be there too. In any case doesn't it beat the heck out of the alternative?

"Sex is a major problem for Catholics, something to feel
guilty about. Meantime the Muslims have lots of wives,
lots of fun in heaven too. The Catholics misjudged
human behaviour, they are flogging the wrong dream :)"

I was reading some comments "The Jews were quite free of complexes about sexual life. Jewish people adored large families and hordes of chidren." Why is it that sex within marriage seems to be only a source of guilt and problems if it is within the context of Christianity?

Surely it is right to be guilty about doing wrong but if a Catholic slips up why would they feel guilty in the long term when the religion teaches that confession can absolve them of their sin? Wouldn't that make Catholics the least guilty?

FH Is it true that Muslims (presumably Muslim men) have lots of wives?
Posted by mjpb, Friday, 29 September 2006 12:29:38 PM
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I think youve been talking about pig feaces for so long your starting to develop s..t for brains...

You are such an uncomplicated lil man child are'nt you?


Im sorry to say but poo does stick.:)I still like you but you do need to be around kinder ,much nicer pple.

George Bush is a war mongering Ronald McDonald..sorry that Im not too close to 'on topic' but it fits him and it will do.
Posted by OZGIRL, Friday, 29 September 2006 7:31:01 PM
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Hi Mjpb,

Polygamy is an interesting topic although.
The turth is I probably met less than a dozen of men married to more than one wife.

If you google polygamy in the US, you will find more than 10,000 reported cases in the state of South Dakota alone among Christians.
In most cases, the male is married to more than 3 or 4.

Polygamy in Islam is a priviliege and not a right and is restricted to orphan or widow sponsorship. Male dominated cultures like African and Arab cultures naturally abuse this right.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 2 October 2006 7:24:35 PM
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