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The Forum > General Discussion > Feminism: Past it's use-by?

Feminism: Past it's use-by?

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Foxy sweetie, you do your argument no good by mentioning our experiments with lady politicians.

There has not been a single lady premier who has not been a complete disaster. Granted there have been some male premiers not much if any better, but ALL the ladies have been catastrophes to their states.

As for PM, we have never had one anywhere near as bad, [even Billy McMahon], nasty or vindictive as Julia, & I believe we never will.

Probably the greatest failing with todays media is so many lady reporters with no real idea of how the world, or anything else, works. I'm afraid the majority of ladies have a long way to go, before they become competent in things practical.

There is hope. There was Maggie, & Gina is pretty damn competent. Although she did get a huge start from her dad, she has done a great job of turning a small fortune into a very large one. Most second generation rich kids, male & female manage to turn a large fortune into a small one.

If you don't believe that most ladies are still dizzy blond types, go check out the web site & have a look at a thread "Classic from the mrs!", it really is hilarious. It is now up to 474 pages.

I have only managed one entry from my ladies. That was when my youngest daughter told me I must have bought the wrong oil when I was changing the stuff in her car. She told me her oil was not the honey coloured stuff I was using, her oil was black.

Of course it was. I was changing it for her, because I noticed she had not done it in 24,000 kilometers. No wonder it was black.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 25 August 2014 1:31:14 PM
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Foxxy, quoting statistics proves nothing.
My question was and is, why do you and others decide that those differences are entirely due to prejudice, and can you offer any supporting evidence to that?
I offer the thought that those stat's reflect women's choices rather than any supposed prejudice. Can you disprove that?
The top of the tree, in both politics and business, is reached by those that are good at back-stabbing, brown-nosing and good delegation, avoidance of blame and theft of credit where-ever possible, and it requires the sacrifice of any sort of a normal life, so I ask again, is it not likely that there simply aren't the numbers of women that are both suitable and willing, not to mention skillful enough, to attain those positions?
You and others seem to be suggesting that we should promote women above the level of their competence, just to balance dodgy at best numbers, surely that can't be a good thing, for Government or Business?
Too, if prejudice against women is such a bad thing then how can prejudice against men be any better?
As was mentioned earlier, there are all too many women who demand "equality", yet are all too willing to similarly demand considerations and concessions simply because they are women. You can't have it both ways. surely?
Most feminist cant seems to be setting up strawmen with statistics, without any supporting proof, and hence are still fighting battles long won.
I notice too that you, like virtually ALL feminist types, totally ignore and avoid ANY discussion about the plight of women who really ARE repressed, in many countries, concentrating instead on grasping power and affluence in the West, to me that casts a harsh light indeed on your alleged principles. They appear to boil down to..
Stuff all the women suffering around the world, let them rot and die, I want power, money and influence for myself, here, now, and if I can't get it it MUST BE because you repress me, not because I lack the ability to achieve it for myself.
Please read and critique THIS:-
Posted by G'dayBruce, Monday, 25 August 2014 1:38:21 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

I'm afraid that we see things differently.
I prefer to judge people on their talent,
not their gender. And the most significant
barriers to female leadership to me are -

1) Being taken seriously and handling 3 jobs
simultaneoulsy. That of CEO, wife, and mother.

The biggest challenge for the next generation
of women I see as being:

1) The ability to multi-task as life and careers
demand more.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 August 2014 1:50:24 PM
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haha!...Morrison was splitting hairs over whether a detention centre is a prison.

well, Lol! least prisoners in prisons have had recourse to a trial - and are there for punishment.

Not too many kiddies in "prisons" maybe Scotty has a point.



Love the patronisation of "Foxy Sweety"!

Hasbeen, you think women are really hopeless with "practicalities"?

It takes a fair bit of practical nous to run a household, juggle children, housework and a job/career - I wonder how all those women manage it since they're so hopeless?

The other odd thing, is that 95% of the families I know, the woman appears to run the show.

Why is that, I wonder?

"I have only managed one entry from my ladies. That was when my youngest daughter told me I must have bought the wrong oil when I was changing the stuff in her car. She told me her oil was not the honey coloured stuff I was using, her oil was black."

Just because your daughter doesn't know new oil from old, doesn't mean we're all that thick.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 25 August 2014 2:07:32 PM
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Foxy sweetie to have talent, first you have to have understanding. If you don't understand a problem, or a product you can not report on it, or manage it.

One of the reasons I gave up on the ABC was the number of lady reporters being made fools of on air, because they did not know enough to see when they were being sold a pup. [Yep that PUP too, some of them are still falling all over the fat man].

It is a problem with both sexes today, as those trained in the old copy boy tradition disappear, & more literary types abound. After never leaving school, primary, high & university, they are expected to report on things way beyond their knowledge or understanding.

This whole procedure attracts the more impractical types, who are never going to understand many things, as long as their backside points to the ground. Yes some can string words together as well as the best fiction writers, but that is what they produce, fiction.

To save our civilisation we really do need one of those space ships from A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, to send the chattering classes off to another planet, before they destroy our ability to survive on this one.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 25 August 2014 2:18:30 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Talent, understanding, initiative, leadership,
and other skills are not restricted to only one
particular gender. Some people try discounting
statistics. However, I find that's rather difficult
to do in a population of 22 million and counting.
Stats are more likely to give us meaning and we
can use them to better understand the complexity
of human behaviour amongst other things.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 August 2014 2:26:14 PM
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