The Forum > General Discussion > The “moderate Muslim,” is there such a thing?
The “moderate Muslim,” is there such a thing?
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Posted by runner, Friday, 22 August 2014 10:53:30 PM
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From the news…
a. Gaza gunmen killed 18 alleged spies for Israel on Friday, including seven lined up behind a mosque and shot after midday prayers… Two of those killed were women. b. Women Stoned to Death in Syria for Adultery -A cleric read the verdict before the truck came and jumped a large pile of stones… Jihadi fighters then brought in the woman… and put her in a small hole in the ground… c. (Aug 22) - Iraqi Shiite militiamen machine gunned minority Sunni Muslims in a village mosque on Friday…. A morgue official said 68 people had been killed in the sectarian attack staged on the Muslim day of prayer. d. …an adviser to the Muslim Council of Britain said Britons from across the country's communities had to stop young men being seduced by radical ideologies. Sacranie said the Muslim community was pushing the message that "this is totally alien to Islam" It is everywhere. Where one finds Islam, one finds hate, violence, discrimination, and most of all, denial. Yet Muslims and their sympathizers, many posting here, want you to believe it is not islam, not the real Islam, just a small group of people with a perverted understanding of Islam. The problem, of course, is that the radicals quote the Quran frequently and accurately – more than the so-called moderates. In Mohammad’s era, his followers killed both Muslims and infidels by the tens of thousands. Killing is not alien to Islam – it is its core. Western countries have a death wish. They have taken millions of Muslims into their societies and these millions will repay them with trouble, pain and death. Our leaders have turned their backs on truth, honesty and simple facts in an orgy of politically correct multiculturalism. Yes, there are good Muslims, but these Muslims have no problem with the hundreds of quranic verses that teach hate and violence. These Muslims have no problem with Mohammad’s wars on Non-Muslims, with plunder, death, rape, torture, burning crops, and enslavement of men women and children. Figure out what that means. Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 23 August 2014 10:10:55 AM
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As I said on Aug. 12, before the beheadings, until Muslims say “Yes, the Quran has verses that contribute to hate, violence and discrimination against nonMuslims” and “Yes, our dear prophet did attack, loot, rape and enslave NonMuslims“ and until Muslim societies repeal the blasphemy and apostasy laws and all other forms of discrimination and violence against nonMuslims (and even other Muslims), there is no reason to believe that Muslims are honest or that they can or will leave in peace with others. Any Muslim that says that Islam teaches peace, love, tolerance and respect obviously has not read the Quran or is simply deceitful.
Now some replies… Steel, by no stretch of the imagination was ww2 a religious war. And no – Muslims don’t have a monopoly on violence – they are often killed by non-Muslims – and more often by other Muslims. Quran 9:111 says that Muslims are put on earth to kill and be killed -Its a good thing that Allah didn’t specify non-Muslims in that verse. Yvonne, yes, Muslims condemn terror – on queue, when asked -- but nothing ever changes. It just gets worse. It seems that Muslim condemnation isnt working. One gets the feeling that its just show. On the other hand, Muslims are very selective about what they condemn. Have you ever seen a Muslim condemn Mohammad’s raids on Non-Muslims? How about looting, killing, rape and enslavement of the Banu al-Mastaliq? Well, 50%. Foxy, Dr Muderis is certainly a good, great person – but he obviously has no problem with some hate and violence – that of Mohammad. Instead of standing up to it in his native land, he, like so many others, comes to the west and brings the evil ideology with them. Like all Muslims, he is silent when it matters. At the end of the day it is about equal standards for all – that is the sin of the average Muslim. They want for themselves what they deny to others. Killing, rape and slavery is only bad depending on who does it. Its going to get worse, much worse. Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 23 August 2014 10:14:26 AM
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the more Christophobic a person is the more they become an apologist for Islam and its atrocities. They start to make up desperate and somewhat ridiculous comparisons. Unfortunatley the total immoral 'progressive'media are the experts at this. That is why they are highly unlikely to support Israel and yet cheer Hamas. Deep down it is the hatred for the God of Israel that motivates their deviant take on things. Posted by runner, Saturday, 23 August 2014 10:25:40 AM
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Dear Kactuz,
You really need to lay off the stereotyping. You've crossed the line with your statement about Dr Munjed Al Muderis who has dedicated his life in helping combatants of wars who have lost their limbs. Whose entire life has been exemplenary in helping his fellow human beings. Kindly read the following link about the man you tried to denigrate: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 August 2014 10:35:24 AM
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Foxy, you reference “Muslim Australians - A Partnership under the Australian Government’s Living In Harmony initiative”, a piece of crude propaganda, full of misquotes, errors, and lies. From the booket, one would wonder why Muslims would leave the just, peaceful paradise that Islam teaches. A few comments on quotes from booklet… Page9 - Australia gives people freedom to practice, teach, and even propagate their religion. Such freedoms are not available in a significant number of Muslim countries. (Actually, all muslim countries) Page14 - Muhammad continued for thirteen years, preaching his message… At the time of the Prophet’s death ten years later in 632, Islam had spread to all corners of Arabia (Preaching? Actually he waged constant war on his neighbors, committing murder, plunder, torture, rape and enslaving thousands. See list: Page31 - Islam condemns domestic violence in the strongest terms. (Yeah, right. The Quran teaches that beating women is a right; Mohammad himself beat his wife, and Aisha said “I have never seen women so abused as the wives of the believers”) Page35 - In most Muslim societies, women and men are equal before the law. Both have access to education, employment, and participation in the political system. (haha haaaahaaahaha, funny!) Page61 - Jihad is essentially a doctrine of self-defence. (Obviously ISIS didn’t get the message. Look up the word in the hadith: Page68 - Prophet Muhammad on protection of ‘people of the Book’ under Islamic rule in the 7th century (would this be the same Mohammad that ordered the expulsion of jews/christens from Arabia?) Page 68 - Islam does not criticise the religion of Christianity or Judaism (Oh no, not more than hundreds of times and “lower than animals” is really a compliment) Pages61/67 - According to the Qur’an, killing an innocent person is like killing the entire community of human beings (Everybodys favorite quranic verse… More on this later) Page 64 - In Muslim majority countries, they do not think of non-Muslims there as second-class citizens… (These) give equal rights to all citizens regardless of their religion, who are equal before the law. (hahaha, again) Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 23 August 2014 10:41:55 AM
'No. Christians don't believe in "an eye
for an eye," at all. It's only the fanatics
and extremists within Christianity
The most radical aspect of the teachings of
Christ is his insistence on forgineness. '
I thought that is obvious so why did you ask the question knowing it was a false pretense and somehow draw a ridiculous conclusion that you could compare Mohammed (Islam) and Christ. You should know that secularism has far more extremist than followers of Christ.