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The Forum > General Discussion > carbon tax or direct action.

carbon tax or direct action.

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Neither option is perfect but at least an ETS can be used as a global mechanism, as long as nobody can "cook the books" and make it seem that they are achieving bogus targets. We've now dumpedf our own monitoring and advisory groups.

Direct Action is like Highway Patrolman Greg Hunt pulling over the fastest speeders on the road and offering them (our) cash to slow down.
There is no real obligation attached to these handouts or any penalties to be incurred so what is the real incentive to reduce?

The only real way to control emissions is by imposing energy rationing, which puts a national cap on the total amount of production over a specified period.
Each household/business is allocated an amount of available electricity they can buy over a specified period and any surplus can be traded on a local basis.
This can also be extended to fuel.

Again, not a real solution - but what is?

Just ignore it and it will go away. There won't be any significant impact on us right now so let the following generations cope with it as best they can.

Isn't that the right attitude these days?
Posted by wobbles, Sunday, 29 June 2014 4:32:26 PM
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with abbott wanting to do away with the carbon tax, now we will be paying the poluters. with our money.

The wingeing of the coal generators is why.

It's a bad move. They also want to do away with the RET.

Probably been bought off with one of their payed meetings.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 29 June 2014 5:25:02 PM
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