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Problems with the Budget

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The Hockey Abbott budget is the most nasty cruel budget that I have ever seen. They have turned Universities into money pits that only the wealthy can really afford,they have attacked apprenticeships by offering a loan up to $20.000 which sounds good but now the apprentices not only have to buy their tools for the trade out of it they have to also cover their Tafe fees as well which the government used to pay for ! they are going to link pensions to CPI rises, costing pensioners over a $100 per fortnight in the longer term of the budget,they are going to cause undue hardship on the unemployed because of there six month delay before receiving dole payments, there is going to be an increase in the homeless,bankruptcies,crime and depression amongst these people and we can expect to have beggars on the street with this little gem !They are clamping down on the Disabled increased the pension age and taken tax breaks away from families with children,increased petrol excise, taken expenditure away from our hospitals and our schools,$7 co payments for medicare,taken away dependent spouse rebate etc etc. Meanwhile they have the Audacity to try to convince you that you will benefit from all of this ? Do they think that the Australian public are feeble minded enough to believe what they spin ? Although we did fall for Abbott's "NO CHANGES" and "NO BLAME" pre election campaign does he really think he can do it ad infinitum ? Mr Abbott you are trying to destroy Social Justice in Australia by deception and manipulation of the public,we are not pawns for you to sacrifice to save the knights Bishops Queens and Kings of the Australian elite ! We are what makes Australia great we are its people ! The very same ones that gave you power and the very same ones who will take it away !
Posted by trapdiocan, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 8:28:10 PM
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trap/quote..<<>.The very same ones that gave you power
and the very same ones...who will take it away !>>

are the self same ones telling joe and tony...what they now want done

just/like them what wanted juliar/to do..
when her betters told her what they want her to do.

thing is/those running the 2 party scam/need us in the streets/angry
really..they do..see they sent us broke/much more than we are yet aware/of.

the budget is just cleaning up the paperwork/in the royal mint/to hide the theft/names..who stole the gold[leased..the physical gold/sold it...

they want us in the streets/so they get war powers.
unmentioned is us smokers..each paying an extra 3000 in taxes/thanks be to gill/lard..and rocks-on..and their indexed increases/like a thief in the night.

as for the many are aussie..
seems we are educating the elites/from other lands/who go home with work ethic/plus our best ideas..for free...its this lie/that we all share the pain..[yes only the poor/share/the pain]

but thats what the boss wanted.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 11:09:54 PM
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Trapdiocan – Although the points you raise are relevant, the budget is a symptom, not the problem.

No one party has a monopoly on solutions to our current and ongoing dilemma, yet we flip flop backwards and forward from one minority government then back to the other. When a government changes the new one gets rid of a lot of the previous governments bad policies as well as many good ones. They then install their good ones as well as their bad ones. In both scenarios the collective us pay. The burden is never proportionately shared however.

Perhaps the voters are feeble minded because they continue to play the game. How many voters are aware that a minority of 45.55% of them wanted the current government? How many question why the current government controls a disproportionate 60% of seats in the house of non-representatives?

Perhaps Australians are feeble minded as they don’t seem to realise that government is the collective them?

Perhaps Australians are feeble minded because they think government funded is free?

We need as Australians, to have a social contract with each other where we look after the collective us not exploit it. As an individual Australian we should aim to be the best we can be and not to expect more than need or take more than our share.
Posted by Producer, Thursday, 22 May 2014 8:38:41 AM
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Not only is the budget diabolical, but the Abbott govt has snookered itself.

Good article - Waleed Aly
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 22 May 2014 8:40:08 AM
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These arguments always seem one-sided to me. Usually adopted by the ones that expect someone else to pay because they earn more. They never seem to come up with an alternative. Where DOES the money come from to pay all the thing that we all want ?

No taxation system is perfect and there are always times when people feel it has treated them unfairly. I am having to pay extra like everyone else on a (albeit low) self funded income. I just feel it is my duty to contribute, although I am disgusted at the previous waste of money

Playing the "devil's advocate" there are some statistics here...

which indicate an alternative view that the wealthy already pay a great deal more than most in taxation.
Posted by snake, Thursday, 22 May 2014 10:19:31 AM
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This budget isn't an economic statement - it's an ideological one.

It's about lowering the tax burden for one group and placing it onto another less deserving one and the redistribution of wealth upwards.

When it comes to sharing the "heavy lifting", those who pay that additional levy have already been compensated by the restoration of their over-generous Superannuation benefits at the expense of those of lesser means. There can't be many people earning $200K pa who get paid weekly like typical PAYG employees and don't have some sort of Trust arrangements in place.

That petrol excise may seem to be a small amount now but will increase significantly over time and how long before the $7 Medicare tax increases?

Those under 30 who have to survive 6 monthly periods of unemployment without any assistance at all will be the biggest social problem. Increasing homelessness and suicide rates are inevitable.

It's like a return to the failed Thatcher/Reagan neo-conservative policies - but worse.
Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 22 May 2014 11:10:40 AM
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Abbott is pushing AU into Americanism. It certainly will create another class of underprivileged. Force women into prostitution, and males into suicide. It is unrealistic to force people to go six months without dole. Supply needs to be blocked and force another election.
Abbott is now forcing the states to finish off the budget for him.
This is not AU. It is american tea party tactic's in line with Abbott's hidden agenda.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:32:58 PM
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A Fictious Fantasy - the Land of Oz - and the Wizard of Spin:

Once there was a punch drunk king who called forhis Chancellor - lets call him Noddy. He said to Noddy, "Noddy, I'm unhappy that Assistant Sticky Fingers was caught holding the man who was holding the man holding the cookie jar open. Do something about it?"

Noddy immediately went off and rounded up a couple of poor knaves and peasants, whipped the beejeezies out of them, stole all their money and returned to the High Priest of Libetarianism.

Note: Along with being the High Priest of Libertarianism, the King of One too Many Punches to the Head was also a 'rock star' of the luncheon circuit.

The King and the Chancellor had worked out a nice little 'side spinner', (completely legal and ethical), based on a lucrative little luncheon seminar, where the merchants of the local towns, paid for them both to prune and pluck their egos. God only knows what else went on in those exclusive affairs!


Noddy returned to the King, after giving the knaves and peasants a right royal flogging, and said,"your highness, your wish is my command, I have whipped the knaves and peasants and not only do I feel better, but, I also was able to get enough money from them to pay for our next merchants luncheon."

The King was after all a wise king and sly winked at Noddy and thanked him for his courage and tenacity.

The land of Oz continued on as if nothing strange or unusual had ever happened.

Even if it had, it did not really matter, because the land of the never never, was full of refugees from the land of Oz, that no one ever heard from again. They were, if you will, too busy simply trying to survive.

And, of course, if they caused any trouble in the land of Oz, the King had an agreement with the land of the never never - simply to ship them off their - never to be heard from again ...

Such is life.
Posted by Fallacious Reasoning, Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:55:24 PM
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Snake – I reckon the article although it may be factual, it in itself is one sided. The money that pays for all the things we receive comes from productivity not the wealthy. It is a fact that the wealthy get a disproportionate share of this countries productive wealth and the majority of them produce none of it. While we have dairy farmers going broke and the supermarkets that sell their produce making a fortune it will forever be ground hog day.

Wobbles and 579 – It’s all very well to have a good whinge, describe the symptoms but you offer no treatment or cure?
Posted by Producer, Thursday, 22 May 2014 1:27:58 PM
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I do not understand, I thought that the student did not have to pay
anything to the university until after graduation and they are
earning more than $50,000 a year, indexed.
Is this not correct ? If so I just cannot see how rich students are advantaged.

Well here we are now borrowing more money so that we can pay the interest on our borrowing !
If that is not an indicator for cut backs then we will never have one.
If we end up in default on our borrowings I guess China will take half of Queensland in lieu unless they press for all of it.

How does them apples grab you Ludwig ?
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 22 May 2014 2:28:15 PM
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The chairman of a Sydney design college has insisted he had no part in awarding a prestigious scholarship to Frances Abbott, the daughter of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, but conceded he "probably" mentioned she would be a good candidate for it.

Les Taylor, a noted Liberal Party donor and long-time friend of Mr Abbott, is the chairman of the board of governors of the Whitehouse Institute of Design.

On Wednesday, he said he had no part in awarding a scholarship to Ms Abbott, worth a reported $60,000.

Rotten to the core,
Have you conceded there is no other way of putting the budget together.
It was done this way for Abbott's own agenda, which he told no one about. He is not interested in cutting the deficit like he told every one about.
The man is dangerous, and can't see any mistakes in what he has done.
That many lies told to the voters, i can't see his own party putting up with him. Their own backside is at stake.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 22 May 2014 3:02:58 PM
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Hi Producer,

The article may very well be one sided. I was just trying to put the opposing view which should also be considered in this debate. It is not generally understood that there are a considerable number of people who make more than their fair share in contributions already and are now being asked for more. All sorts of assumptions are made about people that appear to be rich and love to flaunt their new cars and large houses which could be hocked to the hilt. I also know people who put some of their assets into the names of their children so they can get a higher marginal pension when they are a border-line case.
It's very easy to find all sorts of individual examples to amplify a case. As I said before, everyone has an objection when it affects them personally.

I am not quite sure what you mean when you say "The money that pays for all the things we receive comes from productivity not the wealthy" Are you saying the wealthy are not productive? How do you define "productive"? Are you referring to people like Nichole Kidman who make millions for a film, or the sports stars that also make fortunes on the sports field with endorsements and advertising ? I have to agree, these people never seem to get pilloried the way CEOs in industry do.

All I am trying to point out that it is so easy not to look at the big picture, but only the personal experience and how it affects you.

This is a great country and I am proud to live here and sometimes wonder about the past hard work and entrepreneurial effort that made it great. I just don't want to see this all disappear through an attitude of entitlements. I talk to people who say I've paid tax all my life and now I want some back in my old age. Well obviously we didn't pay enough in the past, or it's been wasted or demographics have changed to a point which is not sustainable.
Posted by snake, Thursday, 22 May 2014 4:14:17 PM
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All these people following the fashion of bashing Tony Abbott will
discover at sometime in the future that they have missed the point.
When the next GFC, expected shortly after 2017, arrives it will make
the 2008 one look like holiday.
The crash will be very severe here as we will have to absorb ALL the
cost of liquid energy sources. Due to the determination of governments
to ignore the problem of liquid fuel security the crash is likely to
be much worse in Australia than in most other countries.
The only reason we may not have the high cost of liquid fuels will be
because we cannot buy it.

We will not be able to buy fuel unless others agree to surrender some
and go without themselves.
We will in the next couple of years have no operating refineries and
will be importing 100% of our petrol and diesel.

And here you are all raving on about someone trying to get rid of our
debt which if we still have it by 2020 will be unrepayable.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 22 May 2014 4:50:19 PM
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Bazz the budget is not about repaying debt, Abbott is not into repaying debt. If Abbott said such a thing it was a lie.
All the budget will do if any gets passed will pave the way for Abbotts agenda.
So don't be fooled Bazz it ain't gonna happen.
The states have been banned from paying down debt. It's all about what Abbott has in mind.
With QLD 85 billion down the hole and Vic in surplus, there is only one state in AU that can survive abbott's onslaught.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 22 May 2014 5:00:58 PM
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Snake – I find the easiest way to define whether someone is productive is to look at what that individual does and imagine how a world full of them would look. If we had a world full of Nichole Kidman’s, we would have a lot of naked, hungry, women with nowhere to live. Nichole Kidman is not productive!

If the same world was populated by dairy farmers, because they produce milk, meat and hides, they would be feed and clothed. Dairy farmers are productive!

Why is it that in our country the productive dairy farmer struggles yet the non-productive actress is doing very well?

I realise this example is very simplistic and there are very complex nuances across a complex global community. The entertainment industry is an ancillary one and can only exist and prosper because other productive ones.

I am not saying that Nichole Kidman should not do what she does, nor am I saying what she does not enhance our society. I do say that she is not entitled to the proportion of the productive wealth she currently receives.

I also say the Dairy Farmer is entitled to more than he currently gets, subject to real (not fiddled with) free market principles. Our current budget position is a direct consequence of this country spending more than the country produces. It is getting worse because it is more rewarding to be a parasite than a producer.

The fundamental issue is the disproportionate distribution of wealth
Posted by Producer, Thursday, 22 May 2014 6:04:37 PM
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Ok, so what's the alternative?

We tried the labor way, they wasted hundreds of billions and left us with unsustainable debt.

So, rather than complain about the budget, why not come up with alternatives.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 22 May 2014 6:36:32 PM
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The unemployed ex butcher wrote, "why not come up with alternatives?".

OK here's a great, final alternative ...... AN ELECTION.

Let's have a election NOW.

You'll get all the alternatives spelt out, and the public can make their choice.

This is an "election emergency", because of the *RECORD* lying and deceit of the coalition pre election. The coalition is corrupt regarding honesty.
The last election is morally null and void because of coalition corruption/dishonesty ... the most dishonest government in Australia's history. Let's have a new election, and let the public judge the dishonesty.
Posted by Nhoj, Thursday, 22 May 2014 6:57:54 PM
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Rehctub and Nhoj – We need proportional representation so we get the politicians we vote for. An election under the current system will more than likely end with another minority government with majority power and it will be red or blue.
Posted by Producer, Thursday, 22 May 2014 8:17:25 PM
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Proportional representation is an equally bad system. It can easily be manipulated, corrupted, misrepresented and end up just as unrepresentative, biased and "crony" driven as the current system.
Posted by Nhoj, Thursday, 22 May 2014 8:30:54 PM
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If the budget was so bad why does the ABC and other media outlets need to drag in highly paid relatives and Rudd campaigners and paint them as poor and under priviliged. No apologies once exposed just typical socialist propaganda. Notice no one answered Bazz about when students need to for their fees. Oh it feels so good playing the victim card. Everyone owes Me Me Me.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 22 May 2014 8:42:18 PM
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Nhoj – You said

<<Proportional representation is an equally bad system. It can easily be manipulated, corrupted, misrepresented and end up just as unrepresentative, biased and "crony" driven as the current system.>>

That’s a very big bone with no meat. No system is perfect and we must be forever vigilant.

Please explain how getting those for whom you vote is equally bad as a system that guarantees a misrepresentative minority government with majority power
Posted by Producer, Thursday, 22 May 2014 9:11:18 PM
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Don't be silly 579.

Producer, proportional representation as can been seen in the senate
sounds fine in theory but produces unworkable results.
Preferential voting makes sure that the candidate that the most DO NOT
want does not get elected.
First past the post means with more than two candidates that almost
certainly someone gets elected that the majority DO NOT want.

Too much Hate Abbott, Hate Abbott, Hate Abbott going on here.
Any more photoshopped pictures of Abbott around today or poor working
girls complaining how tough life is on radio and then getting into
their party funded cars.

Gawd you whingers are sick.
Not a constructive criticism among the lot of you !
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 22 May 2014 9:31:15 PM
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Bazz – How wrong you are. It is the preferential component of the senate voting system that corrupts the process. It allows a party with a very small proportion of the vote to gain a seat. It is further corrupted due to the variation in population in the states and territories. The Senate voting system is not proportional.

For a working proportional system you need to look at NZ and Germany.

I do agree broadly with you overview of preferential and FPP.

I don’t cheer for any team but you got to admit the Rabbott is getting exactly what he dished out in opposition.
Posted by Producer, Thursday, 22 May 2014 9:49:59 PM
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A proportional system allows a small segment of the vote to gain the balance of power.

A really dreadful system. Just look at Tasmania, a basket case bludging of the rest of Oz, & refusing to harvest their own wealth.

Or New Zealand, where it gave power to that ridiculous woman, what ever her name was.

Or Germany where another foolish conglomeration have nearly destroyed their economy with a ridiculous policy of alternative power.

What we need to do is get rid of the senate, & allow elected governments govern. With no senate, if they get it wrong it will show much more quickly, & they will be chucked out more quickly.

The only thing wrong with this budget is it only went about a quarter as far as it should, in fixing Labors mess.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 22 May 2014 10:19:33 PM
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Not really it is much more vicious and indeed fraudulent.
I am not 100% for the government as on my pet subject they have been
totally stupid. However we could never go back to that disaster that
was the Labour governments. I am at a loss to know how we can get the
government to act for the future. It used to be that we had ten years
to get our act together, but we have wasted six years and everything is
firming up for 2017.
As I said earlier that loud sucking noise is the last of the milkshake
going up the straw.

Barnaby Joyce is the only one in the government that knows what the
situation is on fuel but he has been shut up on it.
The Labour govt suppressed the BIT&R report and had it taken off the
government web site the next morning, but a journalist at Le Monde in
Paris saw it and downloaded it during the night.
That is how we know that the government was well aware but did nothing
about it.
The Liberal government also knows and I gave a copy to a member but
got the usual blank glazed stare.
Not even the NRMA report stirs them up.
In reality if nothing is done people will probably starve before
they can fix it when the crunch occurs.

I am not into conspiracy theories, but cannot be but suspicious that
there is aconnection between the fuel problem and the establishment
of the IMF/G20 Financial Stability Board signed up to by Wayne Swan
in February 2013 at St Petersburg.

Oh well, not to worry, nothing I can do about it.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 22 May 2014 10:34:08 PM
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Correct me if I am wrong but it seems you have a desire for things to return to the way they were under the Labor banner.
Would you prefer we simply keep borrowing our way into the future?
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 22 May 2014 10:34:41 PM
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No I do not but I believe you can correct our problems without destroying our Social Justice system in the process !! Tony Abbott's Political Idol is non other than Margaret Thatcher "The Iron Lady" Her Legacy pulled apart the social justice system in England and is still up until today despised by many !As I said I have always have been a swinging voter but I despise Tony Abbott's treatment of the Australian people ! My vote goes to whoever appears to me will give Australia what it needs at that particular moment in time, Pre-Election lies and deception inherently destroy the trust that voters put in them ! If you are a stalwart Labor/Liberal voter then that may be fine but when you are a swinging voter it matters and it matters a lot ! I do not see how no matter how much you like anything say If you love apples would you still eat a rotten one ? Or would you throw it out and wait till you get a better one ? remember it still means you love Apples and will keep on eating them in the long run but at least if you reject a bad one it shows you still have some discernment about how far your obsession will allow you to go ! You do not have to partake of Abbott just because you are a loyal Liberal, you can simply wait for a better one to come along I am not hamstrung like you, I choose what I feel is the best for that moment in time then I vote ! I certainly dislike the attack on the university protesters as they have every right o show their dissatisfaction of Abbott's policies,considering its their future in jeopardy ! And also considering that Abbott was renown for being a very virulent University protester in his time when he was at university both in Australia and also in England ! The pot calling the kettle black me thinks ! But then again that is tony allover,Different strokes for different folks !
Posted by trapdiocan, Friday, 23 May 2014 2:04:07 AM
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trappus-monk/quote..<<>.The pot calling the kettle black me thinks ! But then again that is tony allover,>>

thats funny/i read that tony roll-over
roll-over tony

<<..Different strokes for different folks !>>

eightee bucks-parrable..ignored.[im on strike].

vote none of the above
[this indicates govt is disolved
and all state debts revert to the state

its my idea of a non confidance motion/by the voters.

none/of\the too
because they are low ,lifes/but both mean/this level of govt is sacked.

hand over the books to your next level /of\govt..and wait for your pension/plan...amd maybe expulsion..or eternal bannishment..installed into a high tax state-mate.

you think you got budget/..'problems'
you now think fixed..[first they fix//roll=over tony
phony toney as fake as a two dollsr bill...who has been betrayed/by bankers..[and if he goes another banker steps in]

this is global collusion/to steal from the people/by unfair unrepresentaded taxation/burdens that thrust us intio the bankers...landless serfs/sharecropping the masters fields/factories jails and war

in the end/they could keep even that worth fightiong over

<<..The pot calling the kettle black me thinks ! But then again that is tony allover,Different strokes for different folks !>>

one strike their gone
vote none of the abouve
/ way\slash it the other
none of the above..or rather none of these down under.

we will take b ack our looted asset/but you retain your income flow
and use of up to two..but who pays the rent/gets the bed.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 23 May 2014 9:50:06 AM
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Hasbeen – You come across as a narcissistic, misogynistic fundamentalist Muslim that get his jollies from driving cars fast. I’m sure you are none of these, with the exception of the fast cars and perhaps a bit narcissistic and maybe even a bit misogynistic! By the way what religious franchise do you subscribe to?

I would suggest that your opposition to a proportional system might have more to do with the fact that at some point they had or still have female leaders. Your so called “ridiculous women” was Helen Clark. She was and is far from ridiculous, which is more than you can say for the Rabbott.

You said << A proportional system allows a small segment of the vote to gain the balance of power>>

Might I suggest the reverse is the case? A proportional system does not give majority power to a minority which is the case we currently have. The proportional system is less adversarial as it is very difficult to get a majority. This encourages haggling and compromise, not the like it or lump it policy we are exposed to from both sides of our current system.

I hope you are sitting Hasbeen. I agree providing we had a proportional representation in the House of Representatives the senate would be redundant. I would go further and get rid of state governments, which would be another reason to get rid of the senate. Proportional local and federal governments would be better than the four tier system we currently have.

Bazz – Surely you must agree irrespective of anyone’s individual view, that voters at the very least deserve the politicians they voted for. A proportional system delivers this and the current system does not.

Trapdiocan – No matter how you swing and who you vote for the current system will not allow your vote to have any weight. Being a swinging voter is a bit like pissing your pants. The warm feeling quickly disappears and you are left wet and cold. I believe the system is the thing we have to change
Posted by Producer, Friday, 23 May 2014 10:08:12 AM
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How can you protect fraud no matter what party you vote for. This is not what was voted for. This govt; can't survive because the fraudulent lies that Abbott told.
The word was out that Abbott was a dismembered figure from Howard, now Howard wants nothing to do with him.
Pushing 80 billion on to the states with out discussion is unbelievable.
The budget will never be settled with that hanging over their head.
I believe the only way is to block supply, and vote.
Posted by 579, Friday, 23 May 2014 10:43:22 AM
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I believe the senate should block supply to the Government,all that gets in the way is the Independents ! They may worry that another election may cause them to loose what seats they already have,not because the public is against a double dissolution but because the public may very well go for a very decisive vote with no shades of grey to get their message through, loud and clear, because of the amount of anger they now feel ! So I can imagine there is a lot of bartering going on behind the scenes at the moment ! To me the independents are only going to prolong their certain demise until the next election anyway, and it would better serve them and the Australian people to end the misery now and save Australians any further suffering under this government At least they can walk away with their ethics intact and with a clear conscience ! Something that this present Government lacks completely !
Posted by trapdiocan, Friday, 23 May 2014 12:42:32 PM
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Producer the only decent electoral system is first past the post. That gets rid of all the rubbish & riff raff fluttering around the edge of politics, with their ideas of grandeur. It would get rid of the fat fool from QLD hopefully.

Drive cars fast, I leave that to the hoons, & despise the fools. If they want to show how good they are, try racing at Bathurst. I still hold a Bathurst lap record I set in 1967. I have nothing to prove. Incidentally my daily driver is 34 years old, has less power than a Corolla/ Mazda 3, & is the best car on the road in my eyes.

Misogynist! I once had a girlfriend, [true I did have one], drive up the back of my new car, in my old car, on the way home from picking it up, & I still kissed her good night. How gentlemanly do you want? Oh & I loved Maggi, she left Churchill for dead. She actually did save the UK.

Fundamentalist Muslim! As a new chum here you have not heard about the Leb thugs who attacked my son as he walked home from the train fracturing his skull in 4 places. I'd kick every one of the garbage out of the country.

Narcissistic! What for, I leave it to the ladies to love me.

Religious franchise! You've got to be kidding. I find it hard to believe there are people foolish enough to believe in some God. Not for me thanks.

Why wouldn't I believe you would want to get rid of the senate. I don't think you're stupid, just a bit misguided, & a little brainwashed perhaps. Nothing a good term of peacekeeping in the middle east couldn't knock out of you.

Now your turn. What religion do you report to, & where did you go to be brainwashed. Were you one of those arts students we were engineering students were throwing eggs at during the moratorium marches by any chance, or are you just a kid?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 23 May 2014 2:49:56 PM
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It's difficult to find words to adequately describe the spectacle of the Abbott Government setting about hiking income taxes and fuel excise in its first budget, writes Senator Penny Wong.

"Beyond belief," as one of the Prime Minister's colleagues quipped, comes close.

From the man who promised no new taxes, and argued that "no country has ever taxed its way to prosperity," here come the new taxes.

But this reveals more than a Prime Ministerial hypocrisy.

It also makes clear the lie that is the "Budget Emergency."

If the Budget were replete with wasteful Labor spending that could be cut, as Tony Abbott kept telling Australians before the election, there would be no need for tax hikes.

The Coalition appeared to believe their political lines actually constituted fiscal policy.

But they didn't and they won't.

Mr Abbott's addiction to scare campaigns is well known. From claiming whole cities would be wiped off the map to the Budget Emergency, facts are sacrificed in pursuit of a political objective.

But not one of the Prime Minister's claims about the Budget stacks up against a simple fact check.
Posted by 579, Friday, 23 May 2014 3:53:01 PM
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Hasbeen – You can win with 2% of the vote with FPP if there are 99 candidates. This is not representation. I reckon FPP would cement Clive in.

I agree (got to stop saying that) speed should be restricted to the track. I did a bit of speedway work in a past life, mainly TQs and stock.

As far as the sheilas go you do spruke some very hard to take it any other way statements from time to time. I will continue to point them out. Maggie didn’t save the poms, she sold the country. There is a bit of that happening here.

A thug is a thug whether they are Irish catholic or Lebanese Muslim. They should be condemned for their thuggery.

My god is the one true god, Little Wooden.

I have been elected to public office as an independent beating the red and blue teams. A thankless job and didn’t stand for a second term.

Served in the RAAF but was fortunate not to see active service. Just too young for Nam and didn’t hang around long enough to get involved in what followed.

I’m a lot younger than most my age.
Posted by Producer, Friday, 23 May 2014 4:44:46 PM
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Apparently when Tony Abbott used to box when he studied at Oxford University he used to go into the ring swinging away as hard as he could with his eyes tightly closed ! Good to see nothing has changed !
Posted by trapdiocan, Friday, 23 May 2014 5:03:20 PM
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Social justice is a myth.
No individual is entitled to anything, especially other peoples earnings, unless they themselves earn it.
My parents paid in excess of $100,000 for each of my siblings uni degrees but only after exhaustive learning curves in our respective high schools.which happened to be private in nature but public in competitiveness.
We competed head to head against other students for our matriculation levels, in subjects that are today considered too hard for the contemporary student culture and won access to the best unis of the day.
Today entry is unearned and paid for by the public purse and it all comes back to bite the hand that feeds it.
Most of them will never repay their debt which I believe now is well over the ten billion dollar mark.
If something is unearned then it is not respected.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 23 May 2014 6:44:35 PM
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First past the post is the only system.
The best win and there is no prize for failure.
Education at the higher levels is based on need and not ability and the wrong people are being elevated to social ranks that do nothing for the society.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 23 May 2014 6:48:00 PM
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It's like a return to the failed Thatcher/Reagan neo-conservative policies - but worse.
If it is, which i think it isn't then there's only one lot to blame & that's the previous government. Had they had just an ounce of competence they could have done then what they now promise to no end in opposition.
Posted by individual, Friday, 23 May 2014 8:21:18 PM
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chrisgaff1000-Your success was very much brought about by the financial standing of your parents.I acknowledge that you may be academically inclined, but, there were probably many more young people during that time, that were smarter than you,but could never achieve what you achieved because of their financial standing.Your parents wealth gave you wealth ! Appreciate that but also acknowledge that not all of us are so fortunate as you ! You are right when you say nothing is for free,that's why we pay tax to cover health,welfare and EDUCATION ! There is nothing free about that :)
Posted by trapdiocan, Friday, 23 May 2014 10:34:21 PM
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Listen all you Lib/Coalition bashers;
It doesn't really matter whether you believe the government lied or
shaved the meaning of their promises or kept close to what they

What really matters that the debt has got to be reduced and quickly.
The government is not doing it fast enough and they will get into trouble if they don't crack down harder.

You are raving about he said, he said, who lied and who didn't about
this that or the other.
The crux of the matter is:-


Posted by Bazz, Friday, 23 May 2014 10:53:30 PM
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Do you really believe that you, or any other, has any right whatsoever to anything that I own, earn or create?
Get off your ass and work for what ever you can get otherwise starve and die like they do in the third, forth, fifth world countries.
I pay for production not because you are hungry or can't pay your energy bills.
If I make money then you get a share but that share is what I think you have earned not what you believe you need.
Crap like paid parental leave for self inflicted wounds (having children)simply meant that I employ no women at all.
Read Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' maybe then you'll have a clue.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 24 May 2014 12:17:29 AM
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BAZZ/BASH/QUOTE..>>//<<..You are raving
about he said, he said, who lied
and who didn't about/this that or the other.>


<<>.The crux of the matter is:-


NO THE crux of the we got the moneY
And the money changers seek to DEVALUE ITS WORTH/YET AGAIN

that can never be re[aid/by those deemed tpo carry the burden

like the poor/cant afford even an aircon
yet its we who carry the burdEN..[READ COST]..of gold plating
the systeM/POLES/PIPES/WIRES..we never actually get to use..yet those scamming the govt to sell power at 3 times real peak price//the bLudgers use solar[input]/to blow up neighbors appliance with too much over-load supply/when the sun shines..and lech back/off the grid..[at off peak] nights

We HAVE A TOTAL GOVT DEBT BURDEN..many times the federal debt
who set up the debt burden..with easy credit from bAnkers/SO THAT BANKERS CAN STEAL THE assets/WHEN WE INEVITABLY DEFAULT.WE CAN KEP FEEDING BABY HUEy/the bwanker..or eAT THE DUCK DINNER

IN the end..the poor will eat the rich
who for to long have reaped into private trusts/the looted plundered booty of our common wealth stolen...
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2014 7:47:17 AM
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aND STILL I SEE THE BLINDED LEADING THE EVEN DUMBER..INTO ENSLAVEMENT/TO BANKERS/who having stolen every bailout dollar/HAVE NOW LEVERAGED REAL DEBT..INTO INevitable default..[all levels of private/govt debt..will default..en mass shortly

any assets you thought You had
ypi have these cuntry bumpkins..selling us their colluded treasons

govt issues money..[if govts spend/too much/the buying worth of it goes down/but rigged.]..the libore a cON/COLLUDED on a soon will SEE has set us up/for massive they bail-in//your savings[they allready taken ya super.

THE BIG TREASAON..IS GOVT..its forbidden from borrowing..

yet bankers lend it back to govt?
when govt needs only print more/not spend more on useless yanki junk][just to keep the dollar 'low.

[if govt wants a Lower dollar print some more
freaking..EASY-money/spend it..not PAY IT OFF.WHICH/WILL ONLY..CAUSE.the dollar..TO RISE...

SO WE NEED GET MORE DEBT..TO BUY more over-engeneerd hanger decorationS..


LOCK-UP GOVT..any govt lending is personal debt/by the treaasioners who lent it..on our card..but its odious debt..irrecoverable..becAUSE ITS CRIMINALY COLLUDED.BUT..they got the guns/jails..assasins.
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2014 7:51:05 AM
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"Listen all you Lib/Coalition bashers;
It doesn't really matter whether you believe the government lied or
shaved the meaning of their promises or kept close to what they

What really matters that the debt has got to be reduced and quickly.
The government is not doing it fast enough and they will get into trouble if they don't crack down harder.

You are raving about he said, he said, who lied and who didn't about
this that or the other.
The crux of the matter is:-




"Shaved" the meaning of their promises?

Lol!...if you think what they've done is "shaved", I won't be recommending you as a barber.

They've taken their so-called "promises" and obliterated them with a ray gun....

(and don't ya love it when LNP supporters who spent years banging Gillard on the head for semantics over a carbon price or tax dismiss as of no consequence a govt who pretty much told us "nothing but lies" in the lead up to the election)

On reducing debt, here's what economist Stephen Koukoulas stated:

"You may be interested to know that the net interest cost of Govt was $8.3 billion in 2012-13. After the Hockey budget, interest cost rises to $12.9 billion in 2017-18."

Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 May 2014 8:32:00 AM
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I think tony and joe really do believe they are doing the right thing
That is if we want to become another american state
I think you need to realize tony and joe and bill you guys are playing the wrong game, Get out of America's pocket and start standing on our own feet, As far as i can see we have made no progress since the early 70's its been a backward slide since then for the Australian People.
Posted by Aussieboy, Saturday, 24 May 2014 8:54:47 AM
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Doesn't this quote describe Labor voters absolutely perfectly ?

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
George Bernard
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 May 2014 9:33:19 AM
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Abbott's budget has run off the rails. He has so far alienated himself he is on his own. A move against him is brewing. We may see a return of Turnbull.
Abbott has tweaked his budget screws to far to the right, and broke it.
All for Abbott's agenda.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 24 May 2014 9:38:58 AM
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Turnbull ?
I find it interesting that you didn't promote labor's Silly Billy & his incompetent circle of friends as a potential alternative ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 May 2014 10:06:42 AM
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HEY-YOU[A-U/BOY]..QUOTE..<<..I..think tony
and..joe believe..they are doing..the..right thing>>

SADLY/THEY ARE..[when inevitable]..they lied down
they took..the orders from..the unelected elites/un\wto/eu/world/bank/wwf..etc/etc..who took*over govt/laws..via various treaties..

these treaties.are contracts/made.between two SERVANTS be able/to bind..all ELECTED..govts..'thereafter'

but.ITS-ALL..a..contracted treason/THAT.isnt..a fair treaty/TERM
the treaty..has unfair/terms...NOT..EXCLUSIONARY/MADE..BUT COLLISIONAL..[plus]..the people..never ratified..*it]..

yet the/public service


<<>>That is ..if we become..another american state>>

lol..usa..=a corperation/
that subverted..a group of british colonies/
they actually ..'bought'.up huge chunks..of landed/terror-tory..[but its a..freaking business-model/much like..all other aborigonal land theft

its..marfia/like..organization's of pirates
boarding..the board rooms..and the nominations/front running..the grand scam/of printed paper..usE MINE..OR DIE..[now im confused..if your words..or mine]

<<>.I need/to realize..[WHO>>>,,..<<..tony and joe and guys..are playing..the wrong game,>>


THey allready sold their soul..[as witnessed/by the fruit[and qld state debt/feds dont*..want paid off/..cause then govt..could take the peoples-assets back..FROM/.*(MERCANTILE/CONSUMERIST\MILITARISED/ rote/NOT..CAPITALIST]

<<..Get out/of]America's pocket>>

just stop/ yanki dollars
AND TALK..about new..[r4v]..monetization projects[as we get better services..OUR MONETARY..WORTH SHOULD RISE/not be..[yet/again].. manipulated by hyper inflation..[OF PRICE/IN..FIAT-PAPER]..[while our wages stagflate]

<<>.and start..standing on/our own feet,>>

begin with paying our own bonds off in our own money
all pension funds should be held in govt bonds[assuring SEEDS OF Ife interest return].. like holding a share/voting australia inc*

you cant get anything from the dead/au-inc may go broke/but locally we are..survival clusters/organized..via schools[MEET/OVER..the-bacK/COMMUNAL/YARD.

we solve any issue over night/with a simple letter home/returned..collated in Class and posted..ONLINE..before.nap time

govt work=done/ everyone

<<..As i can see..we have progress..since the early 70's its been a backward...slide since..then for the Australian People.Y..\QUOTE..<...

yes your..correct went wORSE..POST WW2


Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2014 10:22:11 AM
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If they don't pick another leader, it will have to go to the people.
If bill is the popular elect so be it, or Clive.
Some times i think some of you put me in the wrong camp.
Abbott is not a leader and never will be, even his own will tell you that. Can't i criticise someone and not be put somewhere else.
This is not a liberal party, it's an Abbott party, he has a private agenda.
The more you stick up for Abbott the worse they will be, so get with the crowd and get rid of this git.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 24 May 2014 10:49:37 AM
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HERE IS HOW THE SYSTEM WORKED..before it was stuffed up
govT MINTED ITS the gold was was 'taxed'//by the mint/who used the taxation of pay for govt service[ie a marshall/who ruled over city law/with deputies..there to keep people in a job provided home..etc..a judge if the marshal was doing right..and a dunny man to collect the horse poop and the weekly dunny can.

in time we evolved councils/or business men..who sought/betterment of mainsTREEET.. FOR MORE CUSTOM..these evolved from many to few owning the malls/today

our last centuray..consisted of control moving from the the few

once many shopkeepers owned..their shops
now some clever few own the shoPPING CENTER
actualy pay huge rents..intoi tax free off shore trusts

the problems with the budget is its not including all govt debt

CHAPTER 5 FED CON..84/..96./..97../..105.a..
man's.greatest danger is a fool protected by clever lawers

informed consent is mandatory..recall/that sin of ommision..

MISPRISion..;FAILURE to report
[by a person/of\warranted response-ability.]..due'T'[DUTY].

Invalid cause/lacks\ act
invalid cause.of action//asks..[is that..a order/here is your bill]
a bill-is a security/proof of valid service\..MAKES IT UNDERWRITTEN

PUT A LINE..through get an insured/security/..[$]

lack/of\standing..and the court his without subJECT MATTER JURISTICTION/TO\DETERMINE cause\THUS/COURT LACKS JURISDICTION..TO EVEN CONSIDER THE MERITS OF THE CASE.OVER WHICH IT IS WITHOUR JURISDICTIONAL Standing[a govts duty=to establish protections that maintain personal right privileges but not duties[we elect a govt to serve all/by oppressing NONE.


ITS NOT..ITS PEOPLE..GOVT IS OURS..we are not govt's
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2014 11:05:48 AM
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Do you really believe that you, or any other, has any right whatsoever to anything that I own, earn or create?
Get off your ass and work for what ever you can get otherwise starve and die like they do in the third, forth, fifth world countries.
I pay for production not because you are hungry or can't pay your energy bills.
If I make money then you get a share but that share is what I think you have earned not what you believe you need.
Crap like paid parental leave for self inflicted wounds (having children)simply meant that I employ no women at all.
Read Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' maybe then you'll have a clue.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 24 May 2014 12:17:29 AM

I think what is written above says it all ! No empathy or compassion for others,just greed pure greed. This is the mindset of people who rule third world countries who live the lavish life while their people starve in the streets. People who judge others by their dollar value and not by their inner worth. Money was created for peoples needs, not people for money ! If this is the mentality that is behind who are now in control of our economy, then heaven help us all, Humanity is lost !
Posted by trapdiocan, Saturday, 24 May 2014 11:08:12 AM
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Trapdiocan – the thing that chrisgaff1000 does not address in his tirade is; do the people with the money deserve it in the first place. There are lots of parasites that produce nothing but have access to wealth; conversely there are a lot hard working productive people who are poor.

chrisgaff1000 – If your only litmus test is access to wealth you are wrong, wrong, wrong.

By the way Trapdiocan there is no heaven therefore any possible help!
Posted by Producer, Saturday, 24 May 2014 11:21:45 AM
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"I think what is written above says it all ! No empathy or compassion for others,just greed pure greed. This is the mindset of people who rule third world countries who live the lavish life while their people starve in the streets. People who judge others by their dollar value and not by their inner worth. Money was created for peoples needs, not people for money ! If this is the mentality that is behind who are now in control of our economy, then heaven help us all, Humanity is lost !"

Hear, hear....
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 May 2014 11:34:41 AM
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I don't like it all that much either what this Government is doing but, had the previous loose assembly of incompetent morons not stuffed Australia so badly than Abbott's Government would be able to make less harsh choices. It IS all due to the previous ALP government that we now have to cop the crap we're copping. Abbott told Australians BEFORE the election that it wasn't going to be an easy ride yet people still preferred his alternative to what was in place.
C'mon morons, let him make the right decisions which you wouldn't recognise if you fell over them & let him get on with the much needed recovery of Australia. You caused the problem & now you're blaming Abbott, get a brain.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 May 2014 11:56:16 AM
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Some Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade staff are annoyed Prime Minister Tony Abbott's daughter Louise is working at Australia's embassy in Geneva, which is headed by former Coalition staffer Peter Woolcott.

But a spokesman for DFAT said the job helping represent Australia to the United Nations was awarded on the basis of merit.

Jealousy over plum jobs in overseas locations was a staple of workplace life at DFAT, but departmental insiders said there were concerns over Ms Abbott being hired in Geneva, given the political connections of the mission's boss.
One gets a scholarship and another working for AU in Geneva, incredible coincidence.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 24 May 2014 12:19:07 PM
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" It IS all due to the previous ALP government that we now have to cop the crap we're copping. Abbott told Australians BEFORE the election that it wasn't going to be an easy ride...."

Actually, it's all due to the Abbott/Hockey et al confected "Budget emergency" that "we have to cop the crap we're copping"...Gawd, how gullible do you have to be to keep on buying that? Australia was in very good financial nick (according to most prominent economists) before this mob of wreckers took over. How to douse consumer confidence - at it's lowest since the GFC.

Australian consumer confidence has fallen 17.7 points since the election - that's 16 %.

Hello recession?

Hockey doesn't even seem to understand his own sneaky budget.

I take issue with this particularly "...Abbott told Australians BEFORE the election that it wasn't going to be an easy ride..."

What Abbott told us "the day before" the election (and earlier) was this:

"There will be not cuts to health, no cuts to education, no changes to cuts to the ABC or SBS".

That's what he said.

During the debate, Abbott says after Rudd accused him of planning to chop Medicare Locals: "We're not going to shut any Medicare Locals"

Guess what? They're shutting them (surprise, surprise!)

And that's aside from serially omitting to inform us that what they really had in store was to cut everything in sight, especially if Labor had had anything to do with setting it up.

Far from telling us it's not going to be an easy ride, Abbott and Co assured us that we'd be practically the same (except for boats and carbon tax)...and that all their spin was costed.

Wall to wall lies, so that they could come to power.

So much for our democracy...the LNP just trashed it.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 May 2014 1:10:00 PM
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And step up a bit, individual.

Your habit of continually referring to fellow posters as "morons" merely displays your lack of class and maturity.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 May 2014 1:15:22 PM
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people who rule third world countries who live the lavish life while their people starve in the streets.
yes and, in the western first world this mindset is specific to leftist bureaucracy.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 May 2014 1:51:21 PM
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fellow posters as "morons"
Well, offer me another word which is equally descriptive for those posters ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 May 2014 1:56:55 PM
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Posted by Luciferase, Saturday, 24 May 2014 2:15:53 PM
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step up a bit ?
I gather you mean lowering my standard & lessen my integrity so that the morons (for want of a politcally correct description) to please you ? How about ask them to step up ?
It's about time they did.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 May 2014 2:18:57 PM
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Individual – Might I suggest “Moroffs”.

Clearly a number (not the majority) of the posters are one eyed political toadies, that spruke the party propaganda and are void of all semblance of free and original thought or suggestion; they criticise yet offer no alternative or solution.

To describe these posters (almost said individuals) as “on” is misrepresentative. If only the on switch could be found, OLO would be the better for it.
Posted by Producer, Saturday, 24 May 2014 3:01:42 PM
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"I gather you mean lowering my standard & lessen my integrity..."

Yes, individual, you're so exalted in the standards and integrity department, that we forgive you for only having "one" retort

(the one and only - stock standard - in lieu of real argument)

Drum roll....

Wait for it...

Individual says:..... "You're a moron"!
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 May 2014 3:21:16 PM
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you're making me proud of you, you're starting to see a glimmer of light in the tunnel full of those m.... well, whatever they call themselves nowadays.
Tell me one thing, why is it that the M's are the ones who believe they're God's gift to society whilst riding on the back of the working class ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 May 2014 3:57:15 PM
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The ACOSS analysis shows that sole parent families with children aged over 12 will be $58 a week worse off under the tightening of Family Tax Benefit Part B.

Eamon Waterford, director of policy and advocacy at NSW youth services peak body, Youth Action, said the six-month dole freeze would affect 100,000 young people.

Mr Hockey said the measures would provide a greater incentive for young people to either seek work or enrol in further education.

"We don't have some ideological determination to hurt young people," he said. "That's crazy stuff."

The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) has also released figures showing how heavily the burden of budget consolidation has fallen on those less well-off.

The NATSEM figures show the poorest 20 per cent of Australian families will pay $1.1 billion more into government coffers than the richest households as a result of the budget, highlighting the huge inequity in the government's four-year blueprint for fiscal repair.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 24 May 2014 4:12:47 PM
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"... whilst riding on the back of the working class ?"

Why don't you ask the Abbott Govt about that.

They've just saddled up "the working class" and intend to ride 'em into the ground over the next two years...and beyond.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 May 2014 6:45:57 PM
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They've just saddled up "the working class" and intend to ride 'em into the ground over the next two years...and beyond.
I know Labor did that & many people including yourself now think that the Coalition will stoop that low as well. Let's see what happens & what the situation will be by the next election.
The $7 up front co-payment in the health system will prove hard to deal with by some & for the genuine needy there will be help. It's the hypochondriacs & those too lazy to live a healthier lifestile who abuse & clogg the system who will be sorted. I'm going to be a pensioner in the very near future & I don't believe that the Abott Government will let me down as much as every Labor Government did except Hawke's.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 25 May 2014 7:20:25 AM
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One such measure is that Israel informed the Palestinian side that it would no longer allow Palestinian banks to transport their surplus Israeli currency to the Israeli Central Bank, an act that is unheard of in the world of banking. Israel is refusing to serve its own currency. In effect, Israel is declaring war on the Palestinian economy, risking the collapse of the thriving Palestinian banking sector, and disrupting the flow of basic goods such as electricity, petroleum, and natural gas into Palestine. Introducing “Subprime Business Lending” – Loans with 125% Interest Rates Are Being Securitized and Sold to Investors

From yesterday’s Bloomberg article, Wall Street Finds New Subprime With 125% Business Loans

The following story represents one of the most mind-bogglingly disturbing reflections of what is really happening beneath the lipstick pigged representation of the U.S. economy the mainstream media regularly portrays. At the center of the story is a company called World Business Lenders LLC, which is staffed with veterans of Jordan Belfort’s (the Wolf of Wall Street) boiler room firm as well other former brokers banned from the securities industry. It sports a business model that lends money at 125% annualized interest rates to small businesses.

Oh, but the story gets better, a lot better. Large Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs and corporations such as Google are also naturally getting into the market.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 May 2014 7:29:28 AM
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No matter what you lieberal lovers say the rabbott has proved himself to be the LIAR of the century.
No one is listening.

Posted by mikk, Sunday, 25 May 2014 7:36:01 AM
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NIMBI/SAID..<<..The $7 up front co-payment in the health system will prove hard to deal with by some & for the genuine needy there will be help. It's the hypochondriacs & those too lazy to live a healthier lifestile who abuse & clogg the system who will be sorted.>>

its funny/a agree..buit also refute the concept[because the 7 dollars wasnt goiNG TO THE DOCTor/nor to hospitals nor dental/here we gopt a new tax..going where?..big pharma slush funD[to find a cure for cancer[not]




<<.. I'm going to be a pensioner in the very near future & I don't believe that the Abott Government will let me down as much as every Labor Government did except Hawke's...>>

IF YOUR A GO0VT WORKER/YOU WILL LIVE THE LIFE OF RILEY..public sereviants are better caterd for that we the peopler who they arer suposed to cater to.

our swevants life better fdirst person living/that we the 'served'
i think police army..etc get the same[some even have their own 'private hospitals clinincs[bought with many slush timers past

they new slush fund will need a building[lok at HOW MUCH TAX FREE/CANCER AVOIDANCE..STUDDY/CENTERS HAS invested IN BUILDINGS..[ITS A huge CON]

BUT ANYHOW THAT 7 DOLLAR BAilouit to big pharma seems gone

but as a deNtal subsidy..[exclusivly] couLd live on/
our workers teeth are a meSS..we urgently need fill the simple pot Holes in our nations teeth..[there ya go clive] TO ME.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 May 2014 7:59:16 AM
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"....It's the hypochondriacs & those too lazy to live a healthier lifestile who abuse & clogg the system who will be sorted...."

It's the ones who put off going to the doc because of the co-payment who are more likely to need greater and more expensive care when they do finally present who are likely too "clog up the system".

Dumb thinking by govt.

Tell me also, how cutting support for under thirties is likely to improve their nutrition regimes? Tell me how targeting poor people with high costs is likely to enable them to go for more expensive nutritional foods instead of less expensive high fat/sugar junk food options? You've seen how obese and diabetes prone the American poor are...why is it a good idea to follow that path?

And can you explain to me why such a small percentage of the co-payment is going to bolster Medicare, in favour of the hastily confected "Medical Research Thingy"?

You're being spun like a top by this govt - and you can't even see it.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 25 May 2014 8:34:06 AM
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Poirot, I think the "medical research thingy" is nothing more than another bit of Coalition BS with Tax Em' Tony thumping the ordinary bloke once more! The 'Usual Suspects' can't see pass their noses on this one, but that's not unusual for them.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 25 May 2014 9:19:10 AM
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a small percentage of the co-payment is going to bolster Medicare,
That's what you think, may I suggest you spend a day in the waiting room of a public hospital, take notes & return a week later & tell me who you see.
Medical research overhauls are desperately overdue because of the blatant bandwagon mentality & bandwagon outcomes.
best to start anew.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 25 May 2014 11:42:24 AM
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"It's just shock," one excitingly candid MP told Fairfax. "There was no communication from the leader's office. We're all just scratching our heads. It's the biggest lie we've had in a long time. I can't say anything on the record because it's just too stupid. If it's wrong, then it's lies, because why would you scare the electorate? And if it's right, then it's even worse because we said before the election there'd be no new taxes."
Is Abbott a liar or just an idiot or both.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 25 May 2014 12:24:33 PM
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you're a liar & an idiot if you can't see that there is presently no other way to remedy the Labor mess. We could do what mikk suggested on the other thread & do away with negative gearing etc. but not even the likes of yourself would want that so, what other way is there now ? People who have done it hard under Labor will get a break & they're not whinging. It's the ALP mentality hangers-on who are panicking because their bandwagon is pulling to a stop. I say good !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 25 May 2014 3:03:37 PM
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Tax Em' Tony only has to say "The sky is falling" and all the 'Usual Suspects on OLO fall into line. According to them Oz as we know it is about to end,unless Tax Em' is allowed to kick the crap out off the battles and ordinary hard working Australians. Fella's your being taken for mugs and you can't see it.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 25 May 2014 3:36:13 PM
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Credit where credit is due, "Tax 'em Tony" (TET) did forego the pay rise that he wasn't going to get, can't get fairer than that, at least not in the 2014 TET Offensive.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 25 May 2014 3:51:35 PM
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you're a liar & an idiot if you can't see that there is presently no other way to remedy the Labor mess..."

Actually you are prohibited from calling people liars on this forum (just saying).

If you wish to go on believing Hockey's confected fiscal fairy stories, that's your prerogative...but calling people names because they don't agree with you is very immature.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 25 May 2014 4:25:15 PM
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The $20 Billion dollar "Health research Foundation" Although outwardly is not a bad Idea, but to conceive that you lower the overall health budget in the meantime, is absurd to say the least ! Although $20 billion is a large amount of money you cannot insinuate that it may find the cure for Cancer or anything, countries throughout the world for decades have put so much time and money into medical research; $20 billion is not even a scratch on what has already been spent !Do not get me wrong it is a good Idea but don't expect a miracle from it ! we have to worry about our own medical treatment at this moment in time! the right thing to do would be to get our current Health system up to scratch then work on the research development side ! Tony has budgets for the future and health for the future as a matter of fact all his policies are for the future, But what about the now ? take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself ! Plan for the future Tony but not at the sacrifice of today !
Posted by trapdiocan, Sunday, 25 May 2014 7:50:21 PM
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There is another way to fix up the mess left by labor both in the federal and state areas.
The GST raises an incredible amount of revenue each year.
At the moment to bulk is returned to the states.
At the moment the cash economy grows exponentially and the ATO has no plans of collecting any more than it does.
There is a rising debate which suggests that a rise in the GST is on the way.
Many countries have 15% and higher.
Sweden has 25%.
If we jump the gun now and put a temporary rise in the GST to 10% and we quarantine the extra 5% for use in removing the outstanding federal and state debt we could wipe out all the financial problems in a very short period of time.
The whole nation would be inclusive and by the time the problem is resolved the populace would be used to the 10% anyway and the extras could fund all sorts of 'Future Funds'
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 25 May 2014 8:29:30 PM
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Firstly, Silly Billy the Blocker & Co would block any suggestion by the Coalition no matter how beneficial to Australia. Secondly, there's no point in dreaming up schemes which do not lower public service salaries & benefits because that's where our economic dilemma is.
Thirdly, to get people to warm to the idea of raising the GST we'll need a two year national service first so that they can comprehend why some discipline is necessary. Also negative gearing is a huge stumbling block to our economy despite the greedy's protests. the greedy being the public service bureaucrats & the australian businesses exploiting the asian sweatshops. Expensive hospitality here is sending massive holiday dollars to other countries because they also offer more interesting holidays for less money.
Posted by individual, Monday, 26 May 2014 4:04:58 AM
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Small business would be right behind an increase in the GET. Another Opp for SM to pocket more billions of our hard earned. Small and Big Business has been guilty of ripping off the tax system since the year dot.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 May 2014 7:55:27 AM
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The budget has problems. Joe said he is not going to back down on the med;co payment ,but the amount of payment is negotiable.
We have a negotiable budget, who is in charge here. Is three word rabbit still around.
It is a mess, best start again in consultation with the rest of parliament, without the lies.
Joe is looking forward to the return of Sinodis, i think he has had enough, of the rabbit.
Turnbull must be in stitches watching the shenanigans going on here.
How can so many people be taken for three word slogans.
Coal power Generators are doing it tough with the proliferation of solar, which rabbit and joe are trying to protect, by dismantling the RET, ETC;
But there is no collusion going on with pay for an ear at fundraisers.
Coincidence that.
Corruption is rife but now its ok since they upped the fundraising amounts without being made public.
You could say corruption goes all the way to the top.
Posted by 579, Monday, 26 May 2014 10:49:12 AM
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Funny you should say that.
I just watched, eating my subway paid for with efpos, a total of five take away eateries
all linked together and operated by the one Asian family moving with the times.
The head of the family was removing all the efpos signage and replacing it with large new
signs that read "CASH ONLY'
Now why would you do that?
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 26 May 2014 12:32:06 PM
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Now why would you do that?
Sounds to me like a Labor supporter avoiding tax.
Posted by individual, Monday, 26 May 2014 12:49:42 PM
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So trapdiocan,what is it Australia needs exactly.

We tried the labor way and you don't like the Abbott way, so what is the way.

579, the budget was only ever a worst case option, open for negotiation.

As with any negotiation, the one holding the cards (Abbott) has to start at a high point, then work down. No difference here. If we don't find common ground, we will have an election.

Just wait and see.

Either way, the way we were headed, we were doomed.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 26 May 2014 1:16:40 PM
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Problems with the budget is its foundations. Built on untruths and BS.
Stop the boats, lets stop reporting the boats.
No new taxes, only if they are not a tax. Someone has been pulling the wool over the eyes of the AU people. Who can it be.
The AU debt is expected to rise 40 billion by this time next year, even though we have just had a budget.
This govt; has got serious problems, they need to be addressed now.
The budget needs scrapping it's an Abbott agenda. Scrap the budget and raise the GST x 1% / year ongoing for a few years. Trying to change the lifestyle of AU people is not on.
Posted by 579, Monday, 26 May 2014 1:25:43 PM
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o trapdiocan,what is it Australia needs exactly.

We tried the labor way and you don't like the Abbott way, so what is the way.

579, the budget was only ever a worst case option, open for negotiation.

As with any negotiation, the one holding the cards (Abbott) has to start at a high point, then work down. No difference here. If we don't find common ground, we will have an election.

Just wait and see.

Either way, the way we were headed, we were doomed.

Well since you asked,,the first thing we need to do is get a Government that we can trust and then work on from that !
Posted by trapdiocan, Monday, 26 May 2014 10:50:49 PM
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.....Well since you asked,,the first thing we need to do is get a Government that we can trust and then work on from that !
Posted by trapdiocan,

Is that it! Is that the best answer you can give!

Oh dear!
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 5:50:47 PM
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"As with any negotiation, the one holding the cards (Abbott) has to start at a high point, then work down......"

You think the Abbott govt budget is a high point?

And he's holding the cards.


His back's against the wall...he's almost universally hated and ridiculed (now internationally) as a lying disingenuous rogue of a Prime Minister.

Oh dear!....
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 6:18:04 PM
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Has anyone noticed a change in Joe Hockey’s approach to the economy? It seems we are not in a budget emergency after all. It seems the latest national accounts figures suggest things are on the improve.

The latest national accounts figures show a growing economy; 0.8% for the December quarter. That’s a much better result than the September quarter’s 0.6%. The Treasurer says it is still below trend of 3-3.25% per annum but he was being cautious. Considering all the doom and gloom he was predicting prior to the election one would expect him to be guarded in what he said but, given this unexpected upturn, he must find the latest figures something of a dilemma. He should be over the moon but he knows he can’t take any credit for them because he hasn’t done anything yet. They belong to Labor. And, if you multiply December’s 0.8% by 4 you get 3.2% per annum which if it continues at that rate, is bang on trend. And none of it will have anything to do with Joe Hockey. It will all belong to Labor.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 28 May 2014 10:10:02 AM
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Federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne is considering targeting the estates of deceased former university students to recover outstanding HECS debts. Nine News.
Federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne has floated the idea of collecting student debts from the dead as a way of boosting the budget bottom line.
Mr Pyne told Fairfax Media on Wednesday he had no "ideological opposition" to collecting debts from the estates of former students who died owing money to the govt;
Proposed the idea of collecting HECS debts from the dead as a way to boost the budget bottom line: Education Minister Christopher Pyne. Photo: Andrew Meares
"[If] an elderly person passes away with a HECS debt, they wouldn't be able to say to the bank, we're not paying back our mortgage, yet they are at the moment entitled to not pay back their HECS debt," Mr Pyne said.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 29 May 2014 9:31:14 AM
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Indy, was that a joke; "Sounds to me like a Labor supporter avoiding tax." These small business types see themselves as a cut above those rough Labor types, and by and large, like you, vote for Tax Em' Tony and those of his ilk. If every cent of GST was paid, LOL, and every cent of company tax was paid, LOL, there would be no so called "budget emergency" with that estimated $7 billion that is ripped off every year, a decent government, not one lead by your man Tony, could do a world of good. Do you not agree?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 29 May 2014 11:03:47 AM
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THE PROBLEM/WITH THE enough govt debt
too much private debt..[do the numbers..govt lends at under 4 percentwe consumers pay maybe 8percent..[if we mortgauge our house]

or what 12 percent..iF LOAN..OR HEAPS MORE

govt wants to sell off the asstets cto it maTES

SEQULAR..VIA JP MORGAN/ gods incarnate
there are 7000 imbred elites that hold half the worlds wealth/they hife in that one percent/of moneyed/or otherwise empowerd..elites hiding wealth in family trusts tax free/much of it ooted from drug dependency..and other moral/civil levels/of\criminality
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 29 May 2014 7:37:10 PM
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Turnbull is the front runner. When leadership challengers are denied it is in the offering.
Posted by 579, Monday, 2 June 2014 8:42:40 AM
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According to Mungo MacCallum, we have already seen denial and anger from the Prime Minister, who is currently in the process of bargaining (which will doubtless end in depression). The only question remaining is, what sort of acceptance will we see come 2016?

The one certain thing about Tony Abbott's first budget is that it has produced a lot of unhappiness, and not only among his political opponents; many of his supporters have been weeping quietly in their electorate offices, and among the public at large there has been general wailing and lamentation.

So it is entirely appropriate that Abbott is taking a methodical approach to dealing with the outbreak of grief; he is apparently working his way through its five stages, as identified by the Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.

Fortunately for our Prime Minister, the first of these is a response at which he is both practised and accomplished: denial. Having summarily dismissed the science of climate change as "crap", he had no trouble in declaring that his own unequivocal and well-documented election promises were equally irrelevant: what mattered was his commitment to tackle Labor's debt and deficit crisis and bring the budget back to surplus.
Posted by 579, Monday, 2 June 2014 4:52:00 PM
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