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political censorship in Australia

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Individual wrote, "one competent". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh what blind subservience to political dogma from poor old Individual.
Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 7:51:39 PM
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jayb/quote..<<really meant/to add.into my post
that..*all self-inflicted injury,..must/be pay for any treatment ..administered.>>>or..needED.

sorry mate i wanted to the thread/but post Limits
plus..that blatent censure*..[QANDA]..of them..students/wanting free education

but thats sort..of why court 6 may tomorrow/court twenty
anyhow they.\was censured/not asked to explain..surly..a spoKesperson was needed

your issue..just rose to the top/baring politico censure
really...meant to add into my post..that all self inflicted injury, such as;..Illegal Drugs, ..<<

i wil reveal..that to be opinion..all drug use.*is medicinal
it helps us..sleep/switch off/relax..and peace

by what right..does a govt/avoid the fact/they cannot declare war..on those they...*exist to serve*..[their whole reason ..for being] service/not self service..nor sin tax.moralisation..

yes user pays..but not..for capitalist gain/damages/bailout.

when/govt dont do..its job/we get sick/ripped/off injured looted/plunderd/raped cunned endebited and ripped-off./

gove allowed..the pollution/hazards asbestos ddt dioxins and carcinogens/ our unleaded fuel..govt allowed fithy muck[..that was too polluted to be called safely d.sposed/of ]so they rename is patent mix to pump the most fowl pollutants into our fraking wells..and freaking water sources

why is imf..chasing water rights globally?
without water we die..the un must resign..become sun..see [s.u.n/treaty]


lets see.where the curatorships..duties lay
by what right..does a govt declare war..on me..[by royal concent?}

i want..the nederlands embassy/..i my ancsestorial queen/willhamina?..get it together..we came here\first/why did you send my parents..into other peoples lands?

i want my native\land/rights
huise van oranya..i paid a child..thumb printed with my child thumBs..AND WAS PAID IN SILVER COIN/but your magesty im sure thyne coin too has been debased/thyne sovereign assuages erraised by dissgrace

mamm and two queens
by what right doth..*thyne govts/servants.declare war .on their charge[the\REST/..of/us]

really hrh..order those..sworn to serve..and protect
to serve..with honur and protect/preserve and restore..our collective [COM*MON]..wealth..FOR THE GREATER GlORY.OF THE ONE TRUE \GOOD/A god

ahh men
ahh maan and mother/
lets get it together and gather the name of king george pope of the common weal...and/the realm/of\peter/blossum

lets real
[g20 seal..the deal?]
the rule/by whic\we maybe..governd
Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 10:38:46 PM
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Ok, easy now, we get the point, you know how to spell ha. Very good.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 6 May 2014 6:49:48 AM
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YESTERDAY..IN THE COURT 20/BRIsie maggi court
i was politically censored..on the record

should i make iT AN APPEAL POINT?

THATS IS NOT only wrong/but wrongly APPLIED TO INJURE THE INNOCENT WHILE THE ELite go on raping pour savings AND OUR FAMILIES

the point is THE System is designed to protect its arS..buT
thing is i sought to speak of a plant one plant..ammoung a 20 PAGE list of extracts/CONCENTRATES..judged a Drug/via being put upon the SCHEDULE WRONG

how to set that plants free
INDEED HOW TO FREe THE POLICE FROM CRIMINALIZING 35,000 KIDS A YEAR FOR A JOINT..OR.that them pleading guilT AT THE RATE..of 20out OF 21..IS THE ONLY REASON THESE ABuses of omnipotent govt enforced commerce goes on

ignoring all the rues
COVERING OVER the sloppy police paper work/and false witness as they mix their reality with the COP SHOWS AND OTHER excuses to yell at us where we are futile TO REPLY.. its criminal/but till i can geT LAWYERS AND BARRISTERS TO AUDIT MY CASE[ or i figure/..out how to initiate law suit for the injuries the SYSTEM Sustains to enforce as a 'service' on the few the poor AND Oppressed

hell im angRY..A DIABETIC Needs their drugs
my anger drugs at leasT STILL AlLOW...interaction with oTHER
AND GOVT WOULD EVEN seek to end those pers/the thing is i can appeal alL the way to the haigE..[IM a stolen generation dutch]..A DUTCH CITISEN CAN initiate..tHE COURT.

THATS THE Next huge 'stolen generatrion'..thing..we take it globally
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 6:42:50 AM
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every proof of why i done it

my why is key to me..yet i cant put it into.MY OWN CRIMINAL RECORD..


WHY ARE THEY Censoring me..out of the official record
[ya know they bEEN 'CLEANING OUT'..THA ARCHIVES/FOR A lONG Time..yet still MUCH Falls between the cracks]

freedom of information/THEN SUE..SEND EM BrOKE PAYING legal FEES
JUST LIKE THEY SEND us broke paying medical. and service fees.

we have proof their CORRUPT/ collectively
now send them into exile seLECTIVLY
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 1:04:16 PM
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To one under god,

has anyone apart from your mum ever told you that you have a talent for poetry and other political sarcasms in succinct advertisement-like writings?

Probably not hey?

Well, at least stop it, your posts are not clever or good in any way; in fact they often make no real sense to any trained person in reading and writing at a high level (philosophy, literature etc.).
Like many other self-important and self-appointed artistic genius who is one of those “chosen few” who “actually DO KNOW for REAL" the actual “TRUTH” and all the complex layers of intellectually organized perceptual horizons.

Like a typical teenager or other fool who smokes pot or takes a trip first time and believes that they have discovered the real truths and secerets to the universe – often they either grow up and realise after how dumb they were to be so self-superior . . .
. . . OR . . . they grow up to become a fanatical left-wing nut whose arrogance and self-granted position as truth knower and also “moral law enforcer” – the LEFTISTS.

Re the Nazis who used guilt and nationalism propaganda to shame people to support them by threats of traitor etc.;

Leftists uses shame and guilt even more like a religious group by claiming they are the highest moral and intellectual authority and to disagree means your soul and very being has mud, filth and immoral slime all over it.

This is why people are in fear in work and school etc. to say anything that might go against the leftist doctrines, such as maybe the working class Aussies in western Sydney have some point to hear about their grievances over their experiencing the biggest economic and demographic and job restructuring changes in history over the last few decades? Instead anyone found to even likely think this though is shunned and branded lepper, resulting in either capitulation or silence.

Nazis at least did not pretend to be non-violent, freedom loving, debate and free debate, Marxist-Socialist hippies or Jesuses.

Leftists do YET are in fact dictators.
Posted by Jottiikii, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 11:55:02 PM
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