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political censorship in Australia

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Nobody is brainwashed "brain washing" doesn't even work when applied in controlled, clinical conditions by experienced torturers.
I get so sick of this idea that people are "sheep" or that they are indoctrinated by the media, the reality is that very few people pay any attention to current affairs,usually because they have more important things to think about.
Once again, all these examples you give are of governments acting of their own volition to carry out acts of aggression or subversion, they don't throw the process open to debate or seek the consent of the electors because they don't have to. Obama doesn't care what "Joe six Pack" thinks about Libya, Putin is similarly unconcerned with the opinion of "Ivan six pack" on Ukraine.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 May 2014 1:58:59 PM
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Jay wrote, "nobody is brainwashed". You're entitled to your "beliefs" regarding this, no matter how inaccurate.

Jay also associated brainwashing with torturing. That is just HILARIOUS. Jay my boy, brainwashing is the *OPPOSITE* of torture. You don't even comprehend what brainwashing is. People are brainwashed via intellectual methods that convince people of a perceived truth and correctness of a situation. That's why millions upon millions of Germans and Japanese fought for, and supported, their countries in WW2. They believed they were doing the right thing.

Jay, "torturing" someone is NOT brainwashing. I blame your English teacher. Could you please give me her name, and I'll have a little chat with her?
Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 2:36:53 PM
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Nhoj, please stop.
All German and Japanese soldiers in WW2 were conscripts.
Nazis weren't allowed to join the Wehrmacht they had to join the SS and perhaps tens of thousands of men were jailed or shot for "defeatism" or desertion and some of them even defected to the Soviet Union. In the Third Reich the whole society was riddled with snitches, spies and fanatical Nazis who'd dob you in to the Gestapo for so much as grumbling or telling a joke about the bosses or the war effort.
Everything these regimes did with their people was at the point of a gun, speaking of education you should read Gulag Archipelago or Alive In The Killing Fields, then you might have some perspective on the issue of totalitarian regimes. When I was a cleaner in the early 90's used to work with a guy from Laos and a woman from Chile, the Laotian guy saw his father and uncle shot dead at a checkpoint for being out on the road after curfew, the Chilean woman's husband had been scooped up and tortured by a death squad.
There's no brainwashing needed,fear and intimidation do the job just fine.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 May 2014 4:01:44 PM
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JAY/quote..<<... In the Third Reich the whole society was riddled with snitches, spies and fanatical Nazis who'd dob you in to the Gestapo for so much as grumbling or telling a joke about the bosses or the war effort...Everything these regimes did with their people was at the point of a gun,>>

that reminded me of a conversation i over heard/about a natzye men in black/INTO Intimidation via dreams was its name ultra?/

nassa cia/mossad house of saud
bushe/ JP MORGAN..lording it over the pentagram
[PENTAGONG.. ya nong]..on behalf of the hex-0-gram..surrounded by 6 isolated trialgular reickes?

6 straight lines
sic six intersecting points
6 triangular fiefdom olliglock/ol*lies*

Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 4:21:52 PM
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Jay, please stop.

*OF COURSE* the Japanese and German military in WW2 were made up of "conscripts" as well as professional military. Duh !!


Guess what? Here's a little secret for you, prepare yourself as it may shock you .... the English, USA, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Italian (the list goes on and on and on) military in WW2 was also made up of "conscripts" as well as professional military.

Jay, do us all a favor and please read a book or two.

The German and Japanese war effort by their military "conscripts" and citizenry was not done at the point of a gun. Those guns were ONLY needed for the rebels who SAW THROUGH the brainwashing perpetrated by Germany and Japan (what is it that you don't understand about that factual historical fact?). The support of the populations of Japan and Germany was achieved through *BRAINWASHING* of the populace to gain their *WILLING* support. They actually *BELIEVED* in their cause.

Jay, please educate yourself about the "factual" reality of history.
Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 6:40:10 PM
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Nobody is brainwashed
Jay of Melbourne,
Well if that's the case then how would you describe the likes of Nhoj ? If not brainwashed it must then be just a plain case of the bluntest knife in the drawer.
How else could one explain it's retorts ?
Getting away from utter nonsense to the real issue here, calling people liars. Some people are simply too stupid to comprehend that there are times when people have to change their views, approaches, tactics, promises etc.
When Abbott said he'd stop the boats & it appears he actually achieved that thus far. When Rudd/Gillard said that the mining tax was going to be good for Australia they too were telling no lies but it had the reverse effect to what they believed. The difference here is one competent & two incompetent leaders who believed what they said & said what they believed.
Posted by individual, Monday, 5 May 2014 7:44:51 PM
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