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political censorship in Australia
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Posted by BAYGON, Sunday, 4 May 2014 9:58:13 AM
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I can't see why the government would censor information on Ukraine, how would they do it and what would they gain from doing so? What's the context here? Could you give us some indication of the type of material you think is being censored because in my experience it's impossible to totally block or scrub information from the web, even if a controversial page is taken down people always take screenshots or download the information first. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 4 May 2014 11:35:45 AM
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I have been forwarded links to two sites (you tube videos) that purported to tell what is "really happening" in Ukraine - in both instances I was blocked - I deleted the file and thought no more about it. Until today I was sent this link via facebook:
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne Again it was blocked - easy to get access by going to the Guardian direct. I suspect that the real culprit is the USA. It is a pretty stupid tactic for it only serves to lend more credibility to the claims being made. (Russia too has been rather clumsy in the way it reports on events - the same woman was interviewed in a number of different places about her opinions, this salt of the earth innocent bystander was either a time traveller or working on a film set. Regardless of who is responsible I would want our Govt to make it clear that it does not condone any interference with free speech. Posted by BAYGON, Sunday, 4 May 2014 11:57:58 AM
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It's a layman's "myth" that Western countries live free from political censorship.
Politics has ALWAYS been censored, and our population is just too dumb to realise it. We get told what our governments *WANT* to tell us, and this is often dictated to us by our masters, the USA. The easiest thing in the world to do, is for governments to brainwash the people. Look at what happened in Germany prior to WW2 -- a Christian nation that was utterly brainwashed. After 9/11 the USA people were brainwashed, via a tsunami of emotion, into supporting the invasion of Iraq, and accepting that the murders of dozens of thousands of innocent Iraq civilians in the initial bombing raids were just mere "collateral damage". There's thousands of other examples throughout the pages of history. The fact is, what we know is *ONLY* what we're told. If anyone believes we live in a free society, where all information is freely available to all, and political censorship doesn't exist, they are living in utter delusion. Posted by Nhoj, Sunday, 4 May 2014 1:34:38 PM
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If anyone believes we live in a free society, where all information is freely available to all, and political censorship doesn't exist, they are living in utter delusion.
Nhoj, Yes & it's the likes of you who are the cause of this lamentable situation. I still recall a world before you lot evolved, it was great then. I'll never forgive Goaf for handing them the keys. Posted by individual, Sunday, 4 May 2014 6:23:59 PM
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Individual, please give up the LSD. Maybe try cocaine instead -- you'll be less delusional.
Posted by Nhoj, Sunday, 4 May 2014 7:08:33 PM
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I think they may just be targetting you, BAYGON.
>>Until today I was sent this link via facebook: It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne Again it was blocked - easy to get access by going to the Guardian direct.<< Fortunately, They haven't got around to blocking me yet. So why don't you post the links here, I will fetch them for you, and pass them on. Here to help. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 4 May 2014 10:51:57 PM
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All of those events occurred before the widespread uptake of the internet, before smartphones and social media, now everyone carries the "truth" around in their pocket and these days lies don't last long when they appear in public. Look at Kony 2012 for example, that was de-bunked in a day and over in a week, as soon as it appeared we saw Ugandans posting videos on Youtube telling their version of events and all the founder of the movements dodginess was exposed. Any attempt at brainwashing is now made a laughing stock in minutes, in the 1990's there was a futuristic novel by Neal Stephenson called "Cryptonomicon" which featured a sub plot about an Anti genocide group who were distributing communications equipment to at risk populations and the blueprints for an "open source" gun which could be quickly assembled from available parts. Any of that sound familiar? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 May 2014 8:26:59 AM
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Ha! you got me early in the morning! Germans weren't "brainwashed",if you were one of the 60% or so of the population who never explicitly sided with Hitler and you said so in public armed Gestapo goons would burst through your door at 4 AM and drag you away for interrogation. There was a scale of responses to dissent, usually a three month prison sentence and a fine but if you persisted or had a history of anti Nazism it was off to prison or to Dachau for an indefinite term. "Nazism" was faux Nationalism which employed the usual Socialist terror to keep people in line, nothing like that occurred in 1991,2001 or 2003, the Western governments lied to be sure but only a minority of people bought into it. Since most people like to learn about WW2 via fiction I can recommend the mini series "Generation War", it's probably the most accurate depiction of the ordinary German's war experience that I've seen to date. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 May 2014 10:20:02 AM
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I THINk the mere fact i can blog
refutes yOUR DISSERTATION..[OK HEADING] anyhow here is stuff i should be cencord for even thinking let alone going to do tomorrow/for sure[uness im dead] brissie maggi COURT 20...6/5/14..[they think its a summery trial] but its a summer trail..that precedes a nuclear winter..[new clear whiner] ITS OK..IM USUAlY THE ONLY ONE IN COURT appART FROM THE PROSTITUTER AND THE MAGGI/ask me why it wasnT BEFORE A JUDGE?} ANYHOW FREE*SPEACH CONFIRMED..[or deney-ed..but everything has its cost]..too morra...goin tyo cost ya big time johan tomorrow..there wil be no more sorror we will bring you down to your knees. sorrow..and horror=sorror Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 11:44:17 AM
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dear pericules...its a worry for me too
but i think this time we are on the same side[see prev/post] reminds of the divide and conqueer/thesus i think in seeing..divide and con/..right here <<..Nhoj, Yes & it's the likes of you who are the cause of this lamentable situation. I still recall a world before you lot evolved, it was great then. I'll never forgive Goaf for handing them the keys. Posted by individual>> too cryptic/please explain? d <<..Individual, please give up the LSD. Maybe try cocaine instead -- you'll be less delusional. Posted by Nhoj,>> indy/dont sweat on it/ many of his 'rebuttals'..abuse most of us of one mental thingy or other..but thats divide and con[redirection/trolling to divide? then you..pericules? I think they may just be targetting you, BAYGON.>> again i must agree..with them...[dividevand/or well and yet/there is much well poisening [read disinfo..distraction/accessibility\accept-abiity.. mainly because i felt too [i note links redistricted or 404 constantly/sometimes delete/others times edited or 'CLEANED' UP..or sites simple gone i posted on 6 sites..OVER THE YEARS they just are gone/ but hopefully the watchers have it on assio i should demand the files be presented at trial/this is my notice of motion/publicly. point being..of course the media lies of course they are rewriting the written record[wasnt that in 1984/the plan/of\the man. Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 12:05:41 PM
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Jay Of Melbourne wrote, "now everyone carries the truth". What you totally fail to comprehend is that one's person's truth is another person's lie, and one person's lie is another person's truth. People can look at the same pictures, and listen in to the same conversations, and interpret these things in diametrically opposite ways.
You don't think the Russian people are brainwashed regarding the current situation? You don't think the Ukraine people are brainwashed regarding the current situation? If you really believe they are all well informed about the "truth", then you're living in Cloud Fairy Cuckoo Land. Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 1:33:20 PM
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Nobody is brainwashed "brain washing" doesn't even work when applied in controlled, clinical conditions by experienced torturers. I get so sick of this idea that people are "sheep" or that they are indoctrinated by the media, the reality is that very few people pay any attention to current affairs,usually because they have more important things to think about. Once again, all these examples you give are of governments acting of their own volition to carry out acts of aggression or subversion, they don't throw the process open to debate or seek the consent of the electors because they don't have to. Obama doesn't care what "Joe six Pack" thinks about Libya, Putin is similarly unconcerned with the opinion of "Ivan six pack" on Ukraine. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 May 2014 1:58:59 PM
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Jay wrote, "nobody is brainwashed". You're entitled to your "beliefs" regarding this, no matter how inaccurate.
Jay also associated brainwashing with torturing. That is just HILARIOUS. Jay my boy, brainwashing is the *OPPOSITE* of torture. You don't even comprehend what brainwashing is. People are brainwashed via intellectual methods that convince people of a perceived truth and correctness of a situation. That's why millions upon millions of Germans and Japanese fought for, and supported, their countries in WW2. They believed they were doing the right thing. Jay, "torturing" someone is NOT brainwashing. I blame your English teacher. Could you please give me her name, and I'll have a little chat with her? Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 2:36:53 PM
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Nhoj, please stop.
All German and Japanese soldiers in WW2 were conscripts. Nazis weren't allowed to join the Wehrmacht they had to join the SS and perhaps tens of thousands of men were jailed or shot for "defeatism" or desertion and some of them even defected to the Soviet Union. In the Third Reich the whole society was riddled with snitches, spies and fanatical Nazis who'd dob you in to the Gestapo for so much as grumbling or telling a joke about the bosses or the war effort. Everything these regimes did with their people was at the point of a gun, speaking of education you should read Gulag Archipelago or Alive In The Killing Fields, then you might have some perspective on the issue of totalitarian regimes. When I was a cleaner in the early 90's used to work with a guy from Laos and a woman from Chile, the Laotian guy saw his father and uncle shot dead at a checkpoint for being out on the road after curfew, the Chilean woman's husband had been scooped up and tortured by a death squad. There's no brainwashing needed,fear and intimidation do the job just fine. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 May 2014 4:01:44 PM
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JAY/quote..<<... In the Third Reich the whole society was riddled with snitches, spies and fanatical Nazis who'd dob you in to the Gestapo for so much as grumbling or telling a joke about the bosses or the war effort...Everything these regimes did with their people was at the point of a gun,>>
that reminded me of a conversation i over heard/about a natzye men in black/INTO Intimidation via dreams was its name ultra?/ nassa cia/mossad house of saud bushe/ JP MORGAN..lording it over the pentagram [PENTAGONG.. ya nong]..on behalf of the hex-0-gram..surrounded by 6 isolated trialgular reickes? 6 straight lines sic six intersecting points 6 triangular fiefdom olliglock/ol*lies* apEpolLIo\geezzze. Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 4:21:52 PM
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Jay, please stop.
*OF COURSE* the Japanese and German military in WW2 were made up of "conscripts" as well as professional military. Duh !! THEY WERE AT WAR. Guess what? Here's a little secret for you, prepare yourself as it may shock you .... the English, USA, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Italian (the list goes on and on and on) military in WW2 was also made up of "conscripts" as well as professional military. Jay, do us all a favor and please read a book or two. The German and Japanese war effort by their military "conscripts" and citizenry was not done at the point of a gun. Those guns were ONLY needed for the rebels who SAW THROUGH the brainwashing perpetrated by Germany and Japan (what is it that you don't understand about that factual historical fact?). The support of the populations of Japan and Germany was achieved through *BRAINWASHING* of the populace to gain their *WILLING* support. They actually *BELIEVED* in their cause. Jay, please educate yourself about the "factual" reality of history. Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 6:40:10 PM
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Nobody is brainwashed
Jay of Melbourne, Well if that's the case then how would you describe the likes of Nhoj ? If not brainwashed it must then be just a plain case of the bluntest knife in the drawer. How else could one explain it's retorts ? Getting away from utter nonsense to the real issue here, calling people liars. Some people are simply too stupid to comprehend that there are times when people have to change their views, approaches, tactics, promises etc. When Abbott said he'd stop the boats & it appears he actually achieved that thus far. When Rudd/Gillard said that the mining tax was going to be good for Australia they too were telling no lies but it had the reverse effect to what they believed. The difference here is one competent & two incompetent leaders who believed what they said & said what they believed. Posted by individual, Monday, 5 May 2014 7:44:51 PM
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Individual wrote, "one competent". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh what blind subservience to political dogma from poor old Individual.
Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 7:51:39 PM
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jayb/quote..<<really meant/to add.into my post
that..*all self-inflicted injury,..must/be pay for any treatment ..administered.>>>or..needED. sorry mate i wanted to the thread/but post Limits plus..that blatent censure*..[QANDA]..of them..students/wanting free education but thats sort..of why court 6 may tomorrow/court twenty anyhow they.\was censured/not asked to explain..surly..a spoKesperson was needed your issue..just rose to the top/baring politico censure really...meant to add into my post..that all self inflicted injury, such as;..Illegal Drugs, ..<< i wil reveal..that to be opinion..all drug use.*is medicinal it helps us..sleep/switch off/relax..and peace by what right..does a govt/avoid the fact/they cannot declare war..on those they...*exist to serve*..[their whole reason ..for being] service/not self service..nor sin tax.moralisation.. yes user pays..but not..for capitalist gain/damages/bailout. when/govt dont do..its job/we get sick/ripped/off injured looted/plunderd/raped cunned endebited and ripped-off./ gove allowed..the pollution/hazards asbestos ddt dioxins and carcinogens/ our unleaded fuel..govt allowed fithy muck[..that was too polluted to be called safely d.sposed/of ]so they rename is patent mix to pump the most fowl pollutants into our fraking wells..and freaking water sources why is imf..chasing water rights globally? without water we die..the un must resign..become sun..see [s.u.n/treaty] EDITED ..SYSTEMATIZED OPPRESSION OF A free-borne..DUTCH MAN lets see.where the curatorships..duties lay by what right..does a govt declare war..on me..[by royal concent?} i want..the nederlands embassy/..i my ancsestorial queen/willhamina?..get it together..we came here\first/why did you send my parents..into other peoples lands? i want my native\land/rights huise van oranya..i paid a child..thumb printed with my child thumBs..AND WAS PAID IN SILVER COIN/but your magesty im sure thyne coin too has been debased/thyne sovereign assuages erraised by dissgrace mamm and two queens by what right doth..*thyne govts/servants.declare war .on their charge[the\REST/..of/us] really hrh..order those..sworn to serve..and protect to serve..with honur and protect/preserve and restore..our collective [COM*MON]..wealth..FOR THE GREATER GlORY.OF THE ONE TRUE \GOOD/A god ahh men ahh maan and mother/ lets get it together and gather the name of king george pope of the common weal...and/the realm/of\peter/blossum lets real [g20 seal..the deal?] the rule/by whic\we maybe..governd Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 10:38:46 PM
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Ok, easy now, we get the point, you know how to spell ha. Very good. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 6 May 2014 6:49:48 AM
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YESTERDAY..IN THE COURT 20/BRIsie maggi court
i was politically censored..on the record should i make iT AN APPEAL POINT? I WAS PREVENTED PRESENTING 'THE REASON FOR THE OFFENSE THATS IS NOT only wrong/but wrongly APPLIED TO INJURE THE INNOCENT WHILE THE ELite go on raping pour savings AND OUR FAMILIES the point is THE System is designed to protect its arS..buT thing is i sought to speak of a plant one plant..ammoung a 20 PAGE list of extracts/CONCENTRATES..judged a Drug/via being put upon the SCHEDULE WRONG how to set that plants free INDEED HOW TO FREe THE POLICE FROM CRIMINALIZING 35,000 KIDS A YEAR FOR A JOINT..OR.that them pleading guilT AT THE RATE..of 20out OF 21..IS THE ONLY REASON THESE ABuses of omnipotent govt enforced commerce goes on ignoring all the rues COVERING OVER the sloppy police paper work/and false witness as they mix their reality with the COP SHOWS AND OTHER excuses to yell at us where we are futile TO REPLY.. its criminal/but till i can geT LAWYERS AND BARRISTERS TO AUDIT MY CASE[ or i figure/..out how to initiate law suit for the injuries the SYSTEM Sustains to enforce as a 'service' on the few the poor AND Oppressed hell im angRY..A DIABETIC Needs their drugs my anger drugs at leasT STILL AlLOW...interaction with oTHER AND GOVT WOULD EVEN seek to end those pers/the thing is i can appeal alL the way to the haigE..[IM a stolen generation dutch]..A DUTCH CITISEN CAN initiate..tHE COURT. THATS THE Next huge 'stolen generatrion'..thing..we take it globally Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 6:42:50 AM
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every proof of why i done it
was met with THATS NOT ADMISSIBLE..ITS POLITICAL I CANT EVEN GET IT PUT INTO..tHE WHy my why is key to me..yet i cant put it into.MY OWN CRIMINAL RECORD.. the WHY IS KEY WHY ARE THEY Censoring me..out of the official record [ya know they bEEN 'CLEANING OUT'..THA ARCHIVES/FOR A lONG Time..yet still MUCH Falls between the cracks] freedom of information/THEN SUE..SEND EM BrOKE PAYING legal FEES JUST LIKE THEY SEND us broke paying medical. and service fees. we have proof their CORRUPT/ collectively now send them into exile seLECTIVLY Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 1:04:16 PM
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To one under god,
has anyone apart from your mum ever told you that you have a talent for poetry and other political sarcasms in succinct advertisement-like writings? Probably not hey? Well, at least stop it, your posts are not clever or good in any way; in fact they often make no real sense to any trained person in reading and writing at a high level (philosophy, literature etc.). Like many other self-important and self-appointed artistic genius who is one of those “chosen few” who “actually DO KNOW for REAL" the actual “TRUTH” and all the complex layers of intellectually organized perceptual horizons. Like a typical teenager or other fool who smokes pot or takes a trip first time and believes that they have discovered the real truths and secerets to the universe – often they either grow up and realise after how dumb they were to be so self-superior . . . . . . OR . . . they grow up to become a fanatical left-wing nut whose arrogance and self-granted position as truth knower and also “moral law enforcer” – the LEFTISTS. Re the Nazis who used guilt and nationalism propaganda to shame people to support them by threats of traitor etc.; Leftists uses shame and guilt even more like a religious group by claiming they are the highest moral and intellectual authority and to disagree means your soul and very being has mud, filth and immoral slime all over it. This is why people are in fear in work and school etc. to say anything that might go against the leftist doctrines, such as maybe the working class Aussies in western Sydney have some point to hear about their grievances over their experiencing the biggest economic and demographic and job restructuring changes in history over the last few decades? Instead anyone found to even likely think this though is shunned and branded lepper, resulting in either capitulation or silence. Nazis at least did not pretend to be non-violent, freedom loving, debate and free debate, Marxist-Socialist hippies or Jesuses. Leftists do YET are in fact dictators. Posted by Jottiikii, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 11:55:02 PM
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i must sAY//YOUR..A POOR WINNER/BUT MATE..IM JUST FINE LOOSING 300 BUCKS/TO WASTE AS MUCH POLICE TIME/MONEY/personal-TIME..AS I just funny like should fine..attackers/ya stupid sgt/rummy core corpse I DISLIKE..A BASH artist walking out of couRT.*SCOTT FREE FOR PULLING A 80 YEAR OLD..from a cab and bashing hiM..AND INJURING HIM TO THE STAGE OF NEEDING STITCHES...GETTING ONLY 4 MONTHS SUSPENDED/..with a legal*aid mouth/PIECE/..REPRESENTATION\..AND ME GETTING PUNITIVE DAMAGES/for a victimless crime/unrepresented/ own govt/DECLARED..*A..REAL WAR..ON ME PERSONALLY HE..[MR/BASHER]..HASNT EVEN PAID.A FINE/..AND..THE costs..of the 10 THUGS SITTING IN COUrt..likey..can go to him/the court was empty when it was just me/ time its clear..i must fight back/ if A NUTTER CAN BASH..[INITIATE AN ATTACK..ON AN 80 YEAR OLD..GET OFF 'Suspended'/..[ie/scott-free]..mainly because..the jail quota is full..OF DRUG USERS. LOOK..YA RETARDED/poMMY..YOU won yesterday you got one of them..[DEMEANING nAME DELETED].4..[me]..? ACCORDING TO YOUR OTHER MATE/.both/of-YA..ARE..cowardly/THUG$ AND..YOU/now\KNOW..WHAT YOU ARE/ AND IM TELLING..THE SYSTEM WHAT YOU Collude/ do...THAT HAS CRIMINALIZED..Over 3 million AUSTRALIANS..KIDS..and getting on 350,000..QLD-kiDS DURING ITS Malfeasance/existant but education YOU..GOT FRIENDS/YOUR..DRUNKEN abusive-VIOLENCE..IS JUST FINE/but me smoking a joint/ the great danGER..LOL..oNE DAY..YOU AND Yours will get..'yours' stuff you/..i wish we could fight it out/PHYSICLY so angry/#/anger is better comprehended/THAN A DRUG NOT BEING A PLant.. get it through..ya..BIGETED/biased little mind/your done/ the drug war*..has BEEN WON..NOW ITS..JUST PLAIN Abusive. its official MALFEASANCE/.. whats the difference..beteeen detained and arrest/..both handcuffed me/but..i suspect..under detainment no handcuff/..but yoU YA THICK LUNK HEAD/..WITH 8 OTHER COPPERS FELT Threatened?..enough/somehow to handcuff me 30..seconds after meeting me fuc u mate i havnt talked..of damages/from being hounded/by a police force for over 30 years/and along come you..who sustain A LIE*..OF A PLANT BEING CORRECTLY..ON A LIST Of chemicals..[wtf] im so to pull..a armed cop..FROM HIS TAXI/BASH HIM..AND GET..A JAIL SENTENCE/THE COURT MUST suspend..because the full..of druggies..[SE/ya.on the road/ya FAT-toAD BUT YOU Trolled ME/..]so see you soon/2B/CTd..maybe. [PS..SORRY[o-song/wU.].. but..I MUST REPlY Posted by one under god, Thursday, 8 May 2014 4:08:34 AM
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to reply ya delusions that coppers dun good beating up a NO DOUDT NOW FEEL Safer/knowing one less fool is killing himself in secret hiding because im unfit tO GET PROPER LAW OR PROPER DEFENSE..OR PROPER SERVICE.
AND YOU CANT make sense of my anger/ never been betrayed but by the veRY ACT OF BETRAYL FACE 7 Times the betrayal/so i will need do nOTHING..IN THUS REALITY/..BUT I KNOW I HAUNT THE LOT OF EM IN THEIR DREAMS..see you tonight..I WILL BE THAT DARK FORCE CHEWING AWAY AT YOUR SOUL. MY MOTHER HAS NEVER/READ A SINGLE LINE I HAVE BLOGGED/SHE HAS A life <<>>your posts are not clever> NOR YOURs LOL/GREAT..scott\[NOT]..<<>...or good in any way;>> only god is good <<>>often make no real sense>> of course/IF YOU HAVNT EXPERIENCED/THE FPORCe..of law/you will think i delusion/and thus deafen your ears/refuse to listen..or even see how bashers/ the greater danger/not no hoper dopers << any trained person>> use ya writing skills to amuse.not victimize..SCOTT <<>>self-appointed artistic genius who is one of those “chosen few” who “actually DO KNOW for REAL" the actual “TRUTH” and all the complex layers of intellectually organized perceptual horizons.>> no idea what your trying to say <<a typical teenager> Im no 60 TENS ARE fools?..<<or other fool who smokes pot>> its ok to drink 'pots'/but smoking the differenCE?.WELL FOR ONE I WASNT AN ABUSIVE DRUBK/I WAS SIMPLY SITTING SMOKING IN CEREMONy <<>.or takes a trip first time>> oh right/sorry mATE THE GATEWay theory is void I NEVER TRIPPED..the system sURE HAS..BUT CLEARLY YOU HAVE DONRE BOTH but didnt 'inhale' <<>.they either grow up and realize..after how dumb they...were to be so..self-superior>> i know..what..your saying/reflects direCTLY BACK/IPON..YOU.ya poor dumb bruTE [BUT YOUR CORRECT/I DID/FIRST\TRY..TO BECOME A COPPER but then/went biker.. <<OR..they grow up to become a fanatical left-wing nut>> you use woRDS..thAT YOU DONT/KNOW/HEARD..but not grASPED what=left?..RIGHT YA wrong-WING left-NUT righteous/right of center MUG FANATIC SLOPPER 2Bctd Posted by one under god, Thursday, 8 May 2014 4:27:34 AM
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<<>arrogant..and self-granted posittion>>..GUN/TAZER/handcuffs..and radio/make..a brave 'man'...into..a wossy][girlie gIRL..[YA SISSY]
<<>.as truth..knower..and also..“moral law enforcer”>> its..funny/you shopped/the copper*attitudes perfectly..EN-FORCE*/arrogant-SElf.=U <<.–the LEFTISTS.>> NO..THE nasty/black-hearted/bACK-BITERS..IN BLACK/BLUE YER dOpp..are scuM/NOT LAWYERS [RIGHT...BACk at ya..][TALK=CHEAP]..ITS..SAD' your/Right\of right/*night\R/MITE its..SPITE*liTE..YA..[BNB]...[numbNbutt] <</the Nazis...used guilt...nationalism..propaganda/shame,,..threats,,>> and..the hitlER/YUGENen-forceers....THE COURTS/JAILs..AND TOUGH THUgS/ SAME/RIGHT WING...FEAR*BIASED..GOVT KNOWS BEST..OPPRESSION? .. same private for PRISON-camps /SAYING\come..WORK,,FOR FREE/for/ <<>>uses shame..and guilt>> rather than fear?..AND..INTIMIDATION? USE LAW..NOT FETTERS? lue..of courtesy/RESPECT..? <<>like..a religious group><<..EXTREMIST? zealots/running the lawyer 20/21..PLEAD GUILTY..FRom fear/INTIMIDATION/..BY LEGAL-AID..LEECHES/LIFERS <<>.by claiming..*they*are..the highest moral...and...intellectual authority>>..JUDGMENTAL=U mate/..see..\..your not angrY..AT ME/...BUT YOUR..BETTERS.masters ..*how many kiddy fiddlers..HAVE YOU 'PUT AWAY'..COMPARED to the have criminalized?..5000 to one?..wasnt/thaT\..*FUN? huh? some rape kids/ rape their minds/one punch...can kill/but smoke a jOINT..YOU GO/TO JAIL[CRIMANalsed/] kiddy-fiddlers..EVER/more kids to..enthrall..screw/ all. ANGER*RISING..see..KNOW..what your defending and..i ran out..of posts/replying..your nonsense ..WHO WROTE..THE LAW..present proof ..ts valid law ITS CERTAINLY..HE MOST,,ab-USED LAW what you kids.. time..will be...doing..with you. <<>.and to disagree..means your soul and..very being..has mud,[HOles]..filth.and immoral slime..all over it.>> rubbish..=u2...we shall compare.souls/soon we shall..see/..time will reveal/..wether MORE POLLUTED THAN MINE...[you are..what you eat...but your soul..FORMS FROM THE SCUM..YOU Bought into/WITH PASSION. your mates..dEAL/with\ demons /BUTT\you hurt others./thats demonic/* <<>>Nazis at least..did not be non-violent,freedom loving,debate..and free debate,..Marxist-Socialist hippies..or Jesuses...Leftists do..YET fact dictators.>>.. the state is god/by exclusive//FRANCHISE\licence/but the permissions/are rooted..IN FRAUD/YOU MUST KNOW..MIGHT..DONT MAKE RIGHT its not..for us/to bear,*youR IGNORANCE/your/debt govt/is serve/PROtect.[all]...give just time you..[to your shame].might REALISE IT..shame/shame s\cam.. GOVT/CREATED..A LEGAL FICTION/SIMPLY\TO GET..EXTRA POLICE POWERS..$$$ [read..the drugs act/..drugs..WASNT WHY..IT WAS WRITTEN] AS..IF botanists can..clasify..PlANTS..INTO/drugs/why\r chemists/CLASSIFYING PLANtS? THEN..THE SCHEDULE..lo..that lists ..a plant to be a chemical?[drug]..its buldust//scott...its ccc rap...SCOTTY..OR MR LEES.. ..sO..i doudt..its alaNA HER/SOUL is haunted...soul/LESS/HEARING\..over/over..HER OWN WORDS..IN HER SLEEP.AGAIN AND AGAIN/THEY THUNDER..IN HER BRAIN..its SAD..BUT SHE CHOSE..TO SAY THE WORDS..[WE ALL HEARD/but your not here..FOR HER ANGER/ONLY YOURS/ YOU WON..YA MUG..[DRUG-THUG]..GET OVER IT/ adrenalin-DRUNKS..CAN BE SO....obsessive nothing..WORSE..THAn a OBSESSIVE..power-DRUNK..drug\thug/PUNK. and right..on cue/sunrise].does..ITS\beats UP/ ON..OCCUPY-PROTESTERS GETTING BEATEN UP/BY\COPPERS... its..that sure/SCOTTY...are you sure..its not..jusT YOU./ALONE\..hating/ too...FEARING all../of\ too funny/now]..seveN SUNRISE SCUMM..IS ENDLESSLY LOOPing..three thug footSY PLAYING/paid to play..ballers..bumping inTO EACH OTHER..[oh THRILL'.and sP-ILLS][the dills..on pills.][THERE OK..JUst keep waY]..BAH..ON THE LOT/OF YA. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 8 May 2014 7:05:11 AM
Well something peculiar is happening. In the last three days I have been sent links to you tube, facebook and twitter postings which purport to show that the situation in Ukraine is not quite the way it is being portrayed in the media. In every case when I clicked on those links I found that they were broken - coincidence or govt censorship?